Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

At the end of the day it's still about the $ .. kanye will drop music that people will listen and buy and let's not forget about the shoes I guarantee ya'll people will still be splashing and camping out at yeezysupply ... at this point let's just wait and see how much his ex supporters really hate him.. Chris pratt came out about being a Republican and he didn't get this much hate kanye does it and the world stops
Chris Pratt makes movies where his core fan base is 10 year old children that are worried about super heroes. They have no knowledge of politics nor do they care. I don’t see the correlation
Chris Pratt makes movies where his core fan base is 10 year old children that are worried about super heroes. They have no knowledge of politics nor do they care. I don’t see the correlation

But those 10 year olds going in the theater on their own ? I dont think so.. if parents are really full on left side they wouldn't support no matter what..
people keep conflating being conservative/republican and tweeting out you like Candace Owens and wearing MAGA hats as if they are both equally bad. not too long ago trump/his movement would've been shunned by conservatives. in fact it was when he started with "mexicans are all rapists". the Gang Of 8 immigration reform/possible criminal justice reform GOP wasn't that long ago.

there are plenty of conservatives unlike Candace Owens who think BLM have a legitimate point. plenty of conservatives that hate Trump's social politics. guys like 50 cent have been rap superstars and self acknowledged republicans. kaepernick who is loved said he wouldn't be voting for either candidate in 2016. its not some "OMG Kanye has diff politcs and rap community is intolerant". the reason kanye's latest stunt is so disappointing isnt cause he said we need lower taxes, or I love the way Marco Rubio thinks. it's cause he tweeted i love the way candace owens thinks after a video of her telling BLM protesters that they are cry babies and her usual general shtick that racism doesnt exist/get over it etc. tweeted out a bunch of stuff she said in the video, then doubled down by wearing the MAGA hat which even John Legend said if Kanye actually knew policy he would disavow. he's just being a contrarian to be one.

still the best thing i read on his politics: https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.co..._source=theroot_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
What if Kanye is tired of his own worshipers? I can only imagine some of the **** people say to him in the street.
people keep conflating being conservative/republican and tweeting out you like Candace Owens and wearing MAGA hats as if they are both equally bad. not too long ago trump/his movement would've been shunned by conservatives. in fact it was when he started with "mexicans are all rapists". the Gang Of 8 immigration reform/possible criminal justice reform GOP wasn't that long ago.

there are plenty of conservatives unlike Candace Owens who think BLM have a legitimate point. plenty of conservatives that hate Trump's social politics. guys like 50 cent have been rap superstars and self acknowledged republicans. kaepernick who is loved said he wouldn't be voting for either candidate in 2016. its not some "OMG Kanye has diff politcs and rap community is intolerant". the reason kanye's latest stunt is so disappointing isnt cause he said we need lower taxes, or I love the way Marco Rubio thinks. it's cause he tweeted i love the way candace owens thinks after a video of her telling BLM protesters that they are cry babies and her usual general shtick that racism doesnt exist/get over it etc. tweeted out a bunch of stuff she said in the video, then doubled down by wearing the MAGA hat which even John Legend said if Kanye actually knew policy he would disavow. he's just being a contrarian to be one.

still the best thing i read on his politics: https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.co..._source=theroot_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

Kanye been a ****boi:




"The reality is that “multiracial” isn’t a useful physical descriptor because it can look like any and everything. In fact, the vast majority of Americans are mixed race—black Americans in particular. According to historian Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, the average black American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and two percent Native American. Still, what’s clear from the long line at the casting call and some of the decisions made by gatekeepers there is that what most people hear and mean when they say “multiracial women” is women of color who look nearly white."

The very first article also reminded me of Pharrell's New Black nonsense.

Too many influential people lost in the sauce and dragging dummies along with them.
Chris pratt came out about being a Republican and he didn't get this much hate kanye does it and the world stops

This isn't accurate

What he actually said is closer to what Kanye is saying...minus the vocal love for Trump

He said that he didn't feel represented by either party and that he would like to find common ground between the opposing sides

It's just that conservatives saw a non-liberal Hollywood star who was openly Christian and decided to claim him as one of their own
The left is under scrutiny right now.
Seems like it’s time for a lot of self reflection as there are some hard questions about the hypocrisy we align ourselves with.

Everybody want to be woke but don’t nobody want to wake up.

The only "scrutiny" the left is currently under is from right wingers who want their opponents to appear as F'd as they are before November rolls around, and by political media outlets (Axios, The Hill, WaPo & NY Times) whose economic models are rooted in 24/7 political horseraces. They know infighting stories create views and ad revenue, so instead of a 6-10 month election cycle every other year, we have 12-month election cycles every year. Trump hadn't even taken office in Jan. '17 and the 2018 midterm elections were already being handicapped.

They're also married to the make believe notion that "balanced" coverage means that "if I report a negative story about 'party A' I need to find something negative about 'party B.' This is why the Democratic primary in '16 was made into such a huge deal for so long, even though there was literally zero chance Sanders could beat Clinton like a month and a half into the process. The GOP had a disastrous primary where a multiple-bankrupted reality TV star eliminated dozens of established politicians who all (regardless of how bad their policy positions were) would have at least known how to manage a government and not embarrass our nation. So because they were covering the GOP primary battles until June, they needed to do the same for the Dems, which gave the Bernie dead-enders the misguided belief their boy still had a chance right up til the convention.

Frankly, I think Clinton should have tapped Sanders as her VP candidate, even if Sanders would've declined. Would have gone a long way to quiet the vocal minority, but anyone who thinks that the Democratic party needs to enter a period of self-reflection just because we have a spectrum of ideas ranging from liberal-centrist to left-lberal, is either concern trolling or paying zero attention to the current political state of affairs around the country that's been evidenced by Dems winning (or almost winning) all of these special elections in deeply red areas.

And honestly, it's exactly your kind of view that leads to people like Kanye thinking "both sides are bad." They read a couple of things on the internet about how bad the Democratic party is because far left candidates sometimes lose to more centrist candidate and they suddenly equate the party that cares about civil rights, the environment, global stability, economic equality, social safety nets, fair immigration policies, etc., with the party that literally believes in the opposite of all of those ideals.

Honestly any collection of people can and will showcase hypocrisy.

Right wingers are just far more dangerous in their ideology in relation to my own, which I'm sure most here can agree with. It really comes down to perception in the end.

I find myself agreeing with both sides depending on the subject. One easy example is the death penalty. I would be considered left in my ideology but I still support the death penalty for specific crimes. I also support the rights of Americans to own firearms and encourage black Americans to acquire and educate themselves on them every chance I get, but I support VERY strong reform of gun laws and what weapons civilians should be able to have in their homes. I support education on personal responsibility, yet my job is leading and coordinating a program providing food and furthering education for low/no income families and helping them receive assistance through government programs.

And honestly, it's exactly your kind of view that leads to people like Kanye thinking "both sides are bad." They read a couple of things on the internet about how bad the Democratic party is because far left candidates sometimes lose to more centrist candidate and they suddenly equate the party that cares about civil rights, the environment, global stability, economic equality, social safety nets, fair immigration policies, etc., with the party that literally believes in the opposite of all of those ideals.

This is what really sucks about American politics and media coverage. We're typically presented with the two polar opposites as the options for the side you choose when in reality, your average Americans ideology is a combination of points from each side that they agree with.

Unstable heffer. I feel bad for whoever lays with her

Alright, well this here might be the connection between her and Kanye:

She's paid by this Turning Point USA group, basically a bunch of right wing vandals looking to stir up all sorts of trouble on college campuses in an effort to further generate donations for their efforts. Basically a dupe-the-rubes scam using college republicans as their ammunition and public-facing whipping boys.

Anyway, as you can see from the IB Timers article, TPUSA is based in Chicago, and many of its big donors are out of Chicago. One of them is a dude named Vince Foglia, founder of a company called Sage Products that makes "products used to prevent hospital-acquired conditions such as ventilator-associated conditions, skin injury due to incontinence, pressure injuries, surgical site infections and healthcare worker injury across the continuum of care." Anyone think that sounds like that type of thing might strike a chord with Kanye?

My conspiracy theory is this: Someone who's connected to Kanye back in Chicago (management or marketing team would be my guess) runs in the same conservative circles as this TPUSA outfit, or TPUSA (which seems to have a young-ish staff, like under-30) is hip to the fact that Kanye is nuts and his mama died the way she did. They know Sage Products', well, products, may have helped prevent the issues that led to Mama West's passing. So someone got the idea to reach out to West's camp and see if he could give a statement of endorsement to their products or perform at parent company Stryker's annual shareholder meeting (these gigs pay HUGE $$$, and always get mega stars like Elton John, Cher, Jay-Z etc.), and got him wrapped into this political nonsense.

This nonsense from him didn't just come about overnight, and I REALLY don't think he'd have just come around out of nowhere to *specifically* comment on Owens without some sort of push. It's too incongruent with what he's about and how someone would want to act before releasing new product (you generally don't want to piss of the majority of your fanbase, lol), and the Chicago connection just stands out too strongly, especially when you think about how useful someone like Kanye could be to an organization like TPUSA on college campuses.
bro Occam's razor and he probably just saw that video of her on Youtube and is far enough removed from where he once was that he agreed with the message. i mean he's said in the past Black people focus on racism too much.
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