Lebron took out an ad in the newspaper to thank....

cleveland owes it to lebron and lebron owes it to cleveland...its that simple

if you work somewhere for 7 years and you get another job offer, do you just not show up the next day or do you thank them for the opportunity.

Datznasty for somereason is just salty..yeah there are these people who want to burn his jersey and want to kill him but those people are crazy. everyfan base has them...they are uneducated about the sport and the game.

and yes any other team would have drafted him and he would have prob got the same love but that doesnt mean anything. he was in cleveland and he truly was the king. he could do what ever he wanted here and people respected, loved, and admired him.

its not that he left its how he left
cleveland owes it to lebron and lebron owes it to cleveland...its that simple

if you work somewhere for 7 years and you get another job offer, do you just not show up the next day or do you thank them for the opportunity.

Datznasty for somereason is just salty..yeah there are these people who want to burn his jersey and want to kill him but those people are crazy. everyfan base has them...they are uneducated about the sport and the game.

and yes any other team would have drafted him and he would have prob got the same love but that doesnt mean anything. he was in cleveland and he truly was the king. he could do what ever he wanted here and people respected, loved, and admired him.

its not that he left its how he left
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Frankly, yall deserve each other....but that's not the reality. 
Said those same words a few weeks ago and this bum +%! AT stated otherwise.

There really was no point in taking out the ad though, especially this late after "the decision". It looks contrived as hell coming 2 days after Z's ad to Cleveland.

BTW...when (or if) OC comes back...I'm NEVER gonna let that +!%%@ hear the end of it. +!%%@ ran his mouth for two years and cluttered the forum with his homer %$%% topics...then pulled a Daviditz type ghosting these past few months. Dude went out like a coward, y'all should be ashamed of that guy.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Frankly, yall deserve each other....but that's not the reality. 
Said those same words a few weeks ago and this bum +%! AT stated otherwise.

There really was no point in taking out the ad though, especially this late after "the decision". It looks contrived as hell coming 2 days after Z's ad to Cleveland.

BTW...when (or if) OC comes back...I'm NEVER gonna let that +!%%@ hear the end of it. +!%%@ ran his mouth for two years and cluttered the forum with his homer %$%% topics...then pulled a Daviditz type ghosting these past few months. Dude went out like a coward, y'all should be ashamed of that guy.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I'd be pissed too if I was a fan of his that believed what came out his mouth when He spoke about winning for Cleveland, Akron and Ohio. Dude raised my eyebrows some time ago.

And not to call you out, but your last sentence contradicts what u said right before it.  I think that was the mentality of many folks in Cleveland.  You chose to turn a blind eye to all the $#+# Lebron was doing while ignoring the non-committal attitude he had towards re-signing w. the Cavs.  It is what it is tho....He's moved on, and now the city should also.  The city of Cleveland pimped Lebron, and now that they don't have their cash cow, he's pubic enemy #1 for the rest of his life....can't wait for the Heat to go to the Q.  There's gonna be security in the building like Obama was attending.  They gonna be patting u fools down like u stole something
  Hopefully dude still does his chalk routine too....

"You" as in me or the Cavs fans of the time? I never really messed with dude. He's a good ball player but I've always been more of a Kobe fan.

Me personally, I've been unsure about the guy for a few years now.

I agree the city should focus on building up their city now. Forget Lebron until game time. Stop paying your hard earned money to dis him.

You Lebron backers should stop though. Stop defending this child. He already has people on staff to do this and ESPN.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I'd be pissed too if I was a fan of his that believed what came out his mouth when He spoke about winning for Cleveland, Akron and Ohio. Dude raised my eyebrows some time ago.

And not to call you out, but your last sentence contradicts what u said right before it.  I think that was the mentality of many folks in Cleveland.  You chose to turn a blind eye to all the $#+# Lebron was doing while ignoring the non-committal attitude he had towards re-signing w. the Cavs.  It is what it is tho....He's moved on, and now the city should also.  The city of Cleveland pimped Lebron, and now that they don't have their cash cow, he's pubic enemy #1 for the rest of his life....can't wait for the Heat to go to the Q.  There's gonna be security in the building like Obama was attending.  They gonna be patting u fools down like u stole something
  Hopefully dude still does his chalk routine too....

"You" as in me or the Cavs fans of the time? I never really messed with dude. He's a good ball player but I've always been more of a Kobe fan.

Me personally, I've been unsure about the guy for a few years now.

I agree the city should focus on building up their city now. Forget Lebron until game time. Stop paying your hard earned money to dis him.

You Lebron backers should stop though. Stop defending this child. He already has people on staff to do this and ESPN.
somebody should make a thread about what game will get more ratings and what game are you anticipating more....

heat @ cavs
or heat vs lakers on x mas..

I would but yuku don't let me make threads on my phone for some reason.
somebody should make a thread about what game will get more ratings and what game are you anticipating more....

heat @ cavs
or heat vs lakers on x mas..

I would but yuku don't let me make threads on my phone for some reason.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm from Cincy.
Whose salty? The teams I mainly back are here. Cleveland gets some best wishes because we're all Ohioans.

#%+! that. I hate Cleveland I don't root for them in any sport.

LeBron doesn't OWE anything to Cleveland.. It would be a very classy move in the light of how he handled the situation to get an ad in the Plain Dealer. However, he isn't obligated to do anything. Maybe he's waiting to do it on the Sunday paper because more people will see it that day? One thing that is for sure is that LRMR is doing a terrible job of handling his image right now.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm from Cincy.
Whose salty? The teams I mainly back are here. Cleveland gets some best wishes because we're all Ohioans.

#%+! that. I hate Cleveland I don't root for them in any sport.

LeBron doesn't OWE anything to Cleveland.. It would be a very classy move in the light of how he handled the situation to get an ad in the Plain Dealer. However, he isn't obligated to do anything. Maybe he's waiting to do it on the Sunday paper because more people will see it that day? One thing that is for sure is that LRMR is doing a terrible job of handling his image right now.
Dude (OC) went out like a coward, y'all should be ashamed of that guy.

Why should I be ashamed of some random lame from my city?

If he would've thanked Cleveland, they would still say something negative about it like "He only did it because Big Z did it" .

He's damned if he did & damned if he didn't

How does this make sense looking at the timeline though?  Bron had PLENTY of time to thank the fans before Z did...
Dude (OC) went out like a coward, y'all should be ashamed of that guy.

Why should I be ashamed of some random lame from my city?

If he would've thanked Cleveland, they would still say something negative about it like "He only did it because Big Z did it" .

He's damned if he did & damned if he didn't

How does this make sense looking at the timeline though?  Bron had PLENTY of time to thank the fans before Z did...
CLE needed him more than he needed them.

They should be making a newspaper article on HIM, thanking HIM for boosting their economy for 7 years. Making them half-way relevant in the world.
CLE needed him more than he needed them.

They should be making a newspaper article on HIM, thanking HIM for boosting their economy for 7 years. Making them half-way relevant in the world.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

CLE needed him more than he needed them.

They should be making a newspaper article on HIM, thanking HIM for boosting their economy for 7 years. Making them half-way relevant in the world.

Dude you really think Cleveland wasn't known before?

Do you people really think Cleveland wasn't a notable city before Lebron or something?

He put Akron on the map. He just brought more good attention to Cleveland.

Cleveland will strive with or without dude. I hope at least.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

CLE needed him more than he needed them.

They should be making a newspaper article on HIM, thanking HIM for boosting their economy for 7 years. Making them half-way relevant in the world.

Dude you really think Cleveland wasn't known before?

Do you people really think Cleveland wasn't a notable city before Lebron or something?

He put Akron on the map. He just brought more good attention to Cleveland.

Cleveland will strive with or without dude. I hope at least.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Master Zik

If he just wrote that up/okay'd that ad like recently. He shouldn't thank the cle fans or organization for *#$$.

Yes, he should've let them know and I guess if he cared about their feelings not make them look stupid on tv but after the way they reacted I'd be like $!** them.

Shame on Ohio at this point though. If LeBron was born and raised in NYC, drafted by the Knicks, and left after 7 years of losing we wouldn't be this salty.
He was born and raised in Ohio.. He knows how the fans take their sports and what happens when they feel they have been done wrong...Whether the fans are in the right or not he knows they take that stuff to heart.

NYC also doesn't get salty (except for Carl Pavano... *#%% Carl Pavano)... Because they win or can at least guarantee at least 1 championship of their sports teams every decade..Also NYC has a lot more going for it than sports... The last time Cleveland won was in the 1964.. The lifeblood of Cleveland is their sports...

LeBron knew what would happen.. Most people who grew up in Cleveland knew what the reaction would be... Hell anyone who knows anything about Cleveland Sports knew what the reaction would be..

He deserves all the hate he gets because instead of coming to a decision like an adult and being professional about it.. It is "THE DECISION" like he is a Greek God coming to save humanity... Dude looked like an arrogant pompous $!% on National TV... Used Boys & Girls Club to shadow his arrogance, and self centered persona.. And then not even notify his previous team that he was leaving before he told everyone... 

Everyone knows he tried to play GM... Asked for them to trade for someone or sign someone specifically... Instead of letting the GM's do their job he interfered.. And asked for these "great teammates" that everyone turns around and says he has "no help"... He had "no help" (which I think is bs)  because he has to make the decisions..

Then you got him being butthurt because Chicago wouldn't give his lackeys a free job they didn't earn or have the qualifications for.. And privately !%#+$ that D. Rose wasn't trying to recruit him..

Then for some reason playing the strings of Chris Paul..

There is a difference with being arrogant as a means of challenging yourself, and being arrogant because you are insecure... LeBron being the later.. 

Yeah cause i'm SURE Lebron was BEGGING and FORCING his GM's to get Mo Williams and Antawn Jamison out of ALL the players in the league...riiiight.  Y'all haters make it seem like he HAND PICKED these guys instead it being the ONLY options he was given.  SO after having Boobie Gibson as his second best player,  of COURSE he'll say to get these guys if that's the BEST they can offer.  
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Master Zik

If he just wrote that up/okay'd that ad like recently. He shouldn't thank the cle fans or organization for *#$$.

Yes, he should've let them know and I guess if he cared about their feelings not make them look stupid on tv but after the way they reacted I'd be like $!** them.

Shame on Ohio at this point though. If LeBron was born and raised in NYC, drafted by the Knicks, and left after 7 years of losing we wouldn't be this salty.
He was born and raised in Ohio.. He knows how the fans take their sports and what happens when they feel they have been done wrong...Whether the fans are in the right or not he knows they take that stuff to heart.

NYC also doesn't get salty (except for Carl Pavano... *#%% Carl Pavano)... Because they win or can at least guarantee at least 1 championship of their sports teams every decade..Also NYC has a lot more going for it than sports... The last time Cleveland won was in the 1964.. The lifeblood of Cleveland is their sports...

LeBron knew what would happen.. Most people who grew up in Cleveland knew what the reaction would be... Hell anyone who knows anything about Cleveland Sports knew what the reaction would be..

He deserves all the hate he gets because instead of coming to a decision like an adult and being professional about it.. It is "THE DECISION" like he is a Greek God coming to save humanity... Dude looked like an arrogant pompous $!% on National TV... Used Boys & Girls Club to shadow his arrogance, and self centered persona.. And then not even notify his previous team that he was leaving before he told everyone... 

Everyone knows he tried to play GM... Asked for them to trade for someone or sign someone specifically... Instead of letting the GM's do their job he interfered.. And asked for these "great teammates" that everyone turns around and says he has "no help"... He had "no help" (which I think is bs)  because he has to make the decisions..

Then you got him being butthurt because Chicago wouldn't give his lackeys a free job they didn't earn or have the qualifications for.. And privately !%#+$ that D. Rose wasn't trying to recruit him..

Then for some reason playing the strings of Chris Paul..

There is a difference with being arrogant as a means of challenging yourself, and being arrogant because you are insecure... LeBron being the later.. 

Yeah cause i'm SURE Lebron was BEGGING and FORCING his GM's to get Mo Williams and Antawn Jamison out of ALL the players in the league...riiiight.  Y'all haters make it seem like he HAND PICKED these guys instead it being the ONLY options he was given.  SO after having Boobie Gibson as his second best player,  of COURSE he'll say to get these guys if that's the BEST they can offer.  
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

If he would've thanked Cleveland, they would still say something negative about it like "He only did it because Big Z did it" .

He's damned if he did & damned if he didn't
How does this make sense looking at the timeline though?  Bron had PLENTY of time to thank the fans before Z did...

I'm not saying he didn't have time to do it b4 Z. The fact of the matter is the letter was done AFTER Z's letter. So since it was AFTER Z's letter, that's where he would have been damned either way.

Even if he would have made a letter to CLE b4 Z, it wouldn't have made a difference.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

If he would've thanked Cleveland, they would still say something negative about it like "He only did it because Big Z did it" .

He's damned if he did & damned if he didn't
How does this make sense looking at the timeline though?  Bron had PLENTY of time to thank the fans before Z did...

I'm not saying he didn't have time to do it b4 Z. The fact of the matter is the letter was done AFTER Z's letter. So since it was AFTER Z's letter, that's where he would have been damned either way.

Even if he would have made a letter to CLE b4 Z, it wouldn't have made a difference.
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