nt'ers who don't drink/smoke/do any drugs

When you get older all this stuff catches up to you real talk right now you do it and don't see no ill sign effects but trust if you reach 60+ you willhave a lottttt of problems
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Every poster in here who hasn't completed at least one year in college away from home, won't be taking seriously by me. Not saying NO ONE goes through college sober, but a lot of young' uns are always on this DARE steez until college, and a lot of most completely change.

Rush week is always my favorite. I like seeing the innocent freshmen, and remembering back on how they were in the after their first yr. (I'm not personally in a frat)

That really doesnt make sense.

Are you saying that one hasnt faced being pressured by peers into to drinking or smoking
if they havent gone to college?
I'm saying exactly what I said. People are always straight-edge until their first yr or two of college. Could added peer pressure be one ofthe variables? Sure. I'm not getting into the reasons why.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Im 22 and just graduated college. And im in a sorority. And I have yet to mess with anything.
A greek social sorority? And haven't done any drugs? Including alcohol, because as much as people refuse to believe it alcohol is a drug, anda fairly dangerous one even with moderate use.

If so, would it be safe to say you're the minority?
not tryna call anyone out/disrespect your lifestyle choices

but i love how dudes bring in health or whatever when i guarantee im healthier than anyone in this thread minus lurkin

dudes saying they dont smoke weed yet go to mickey d's and drink coke all day, i can't respect that, sorry

dudes who actually live by it, much respect

me i drink smoke (green) and more but all in moderation

Yes a social sorority. Chi upsilon sigma national latin sorority inc.

And I haven't touched anything. I know im in the minority, but just saying..its possible.
On a side note, me and my friends always wonder what straight-edge people do on the weekends in college. Watch movies, boardgames, see local attractions?

Just curious.
i'm 16 and i'm one of the only kids that hasn't got drunk or high.

even though my friends do it, I decide not to
Why deprive yourself of all that fun?

I am never one to close avenues/options/experiences for myself.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Yes a social sorority. Chi upsilon sigma national latin sorority inc.

And I haven't touched anything. I know im in the minority, but just saying..its possible.

Fair enough. Never disregarded the possibility of it being possible... If I can quote myself in this post, "...not saying NO ONE goes through collegesober"

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Never have...never had the desire to. And I def don't feel like im missing out on anything.
This, plus I'm an athlete.
I'm not going to pursue any attempts to prove this or post pics, but I almost guarantee I'm a better athlete than 99% of NT. In strength,vertical leap, speed, and most importantly skill.

How is the general population still oblivious of the fact that most of our professional athletes use drugs recreationally?
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Never have...never had the desire to. And I def don't feel like im missing out on anything.
This, plus I'm an athlete.
I'm not going to pursue any attempts to prove this or post pics, but I almost guarantee I'm a better athlete than 99% of NT. In strength, vertical leap, speed, and most importantly skill.

How is the general population still oblivious of the fact that most of our professional athletes use drugs recreationally?
Just to play devil's advocate: It certainly wouldn't help dude's goal of being the bestathlete if he did those things.

As for me, I'm an athlete, and (I'd say) a highly-moral person that was raised by very strict parents. I like the feelings that come about through theingestion of alcohol and drugs, but the taste of most alcohol prevents me from drinking and the cost of most drugs prevents me from using heavily/frequently.

If it's just not you, that's fine. But, I don't see the argument against the feelings that alcohol/drugs bring about.
Joseph Camel Jr wrote:

but i love how dudes bring in health or whatever when i guarantee im healthier than anyone in this thread minus lurkin


I havent had the slightest cold/flu or any of that !#$@ in the past 9 months... i think im very healthy.

I stear away from !#$@ bc i value my health.

dont make a judgement saying, your the healthiest person in here, str8 arrogance.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Joseph Camel Jr wrote:

but i love how dudes bring in health or whatever when i guarantee im healthier than anyone in this thread minus lurkin

I havent had the slightest cold/flu or any of that !#$@ in the past 9 months... i think im very healthy.

I stear away from !#$@ bc i value my health.

dont make a judgement saying, your the healthiest person in here, str8 arrogance.

sorry if i offended?

im not like....boasting about it. just stating the facts

guaranteed i eat way healthier than you, exercise more, etc.

no arrogance, it's just something i take more seriously than most people.

contracting illness isn't a good indicator of your health, btw.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

not tryna call anyone out/disrespect your lifestyle choices

but i love how dudes bring in health or whatever when i guarantee im healthier than anyone in this thread minus lurkin

dudes saying they dont smoke weed yet go to mickey d's and drink coke all day, i can't respect that, sorry

dudes who actually live by it, much respect

me i drink smoke (green) and more but all in moderation


you couldve left half of the ###$ you wrote off, we get it you are one healthy person
my bad for hammering that point home

but im trying to use myself as an example

too many people think drugs are way more harmful/unhealthy than they are

im not saying "do them," i'm saying do your research before you come to a conclusion about them

it's way more serious than a thread on nt.

our drug laws create so many problems it's crazy. and it all stems from blatant misinformation/scare tactics.
i doubt you excersize more then me, eat better, maybe.

not out to prove anything, its the net... but i run 4 miles 7x a week and lift 5 x a week...

i journal my excersize and what i eat. its something i take serious also
I consider myself to be healthy. But I know a lot of drugs are bad for you..i've tried things knowingly that I know do some damage. But also, they'vedone a lot of good for me. I like being open minded and more aware. I bet every sober person is legally insane. But i've tried things knowingly. A lot ofmy best times were on drugs, go figure.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Never have...never had the desire to. And I def don't feel like im missing out on anything.
This, plus I'm an athlete.
I'm not going to pursue any attempts to prove this or post pics, but I almost guarantee I'm a better athlete than 99% of NT. In strength, vertical leap, speed, and most importantly skill.

How is the general population still oblivious of the fact that most of our professional athletes use drugs recreationally?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Just to play devil's advocate: It certainly wouldn't[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]help[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]dude's goal of being the best athlete if he did those things.[/color]

As for me, I'm an athlete, and (I'd say) a highly-moral person that was raised by very strict parents. I like the feelings that come about through the ingestion of alcohol and drugs, but the taste of most alcohol prevents me from drinking and the cost of most drugs prevents me from using heavily/frequently.

If it's just not you, that's fine. But, I don't see the argument against the feelings that alcohol/drugs bring about.
Neither would at least half of all other activities he does not pertaining his sport (IE, watch tv, eating pizza, drinking soda, playingboardgames, spending money on movies, studying for school.

The assumption I made from your argument is, if something doesn't necessarily help you become better at your sport, that something should be abstainedfrom? Am I correct?

I sincerely am not trying to tell anyone how they should live their lives. Just challenging the arguments put forward.
At the end of the day there are alot worse LEGAL things than the drugs discussed in this thread.
Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

^ and too many people also think it is safer than they really are
ok. that's like combatting me saying "obesity is a huge problem in the US" with "so is anorexia."

that's not really relevant to my argument.

the drug laws across this country are clearly positioned against any and all recreational drug use (minus alcohl and tobacco, of course
), which has created a whole slew of problems and fixed none.

i don't want to get into this conversation now.....
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Joseph Camel Jr wrote:

but i love how dudes bring in health or whatever when i guarantee im healthier than anyone in this thread minus lurkin

I havent had the slightest cold/flu or any of that !#$@ in the past 9 months... i think im very healthy.

I stear away from !#$@ bc i value my health.

dont make a judgement saying, your the healthiest person in here, str8 arrogance.
sorry if i offended?

im not like....boasting about it. just stating the facts

guaranteed i eat way healthier than you, exercise more, etc.

no arrogance, it's just something i take more seriously than most people.

contracting illness isn't a good indicator of your health, btw.

Sorry Joseph but it does seem as though you are boasting about the status of your health online on a forum....
Who does that?

But anyways I have to admit you hit it on the nail.

You give a kid some weed and let em smoke 4 days out the week for 5 years.
He prob would still be in as good as shape as an average person, or heck maybe even better depending on their type of lifestyle.
Now give that same kid a box of kellogs and in 5 years he would probably be an obese diabetic with terrible acne.


I used to be like this.

Anyways, to those who said they don't feel like they're missing out... you're not missing out on anything. BUT its not plausible to hate onespecially if you've never done it.
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