Official: 2009 Fantasy Football Thread (Week 17)

I SHOULD win my game... and one of the guys I need to lose SHOULD lose his game.. the other one could go either way

Heres hoping Chris Johnson goes OFF today....

Going into work now.. I'll knwo when I get home if I made the playoffs or not
This is such #$!$%@@*. I went 10-3 this season. First seed. Had a real nice team...and everyone gets hurt these last few weeks. And this week...first round ofthe playoffs...I go against Brandon Marshall and Dallas Clark.


[table][tr][td]QB[/td] [td]Philip Rivers, SD QB[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» Sun 4:15[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RB[/td] [td]DeAngelo Williams, Car RB P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 10-20 3:18 4th[/td] [td]8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RB[/td] [td]Tim Hightower, Ari RB P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» Mon 8:30[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RB/WR[/td] [td]Donald Driver, GB WR[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 21-14 1:08 4th[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]WR[/td] [td]Chad Ochocinco, Cin WR P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 10-30 3:14 4th[/td] [td]8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]WR[/td] [td]Robert Meachem, NO WR[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» W 26-23[/td] [td]5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]TE[/td] [td]Visanthe Shiancoe, Min TE P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 30-10 3:14 4th[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]/ST[/td] [td]Eagles D/ST, Phi D/ST[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» Sun 8:20[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][tr][td]K[/td] [td]Lawrence Tynes, NYG K[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» Sun 8:20[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][th=""]BENCH[/th] [th=""]
[/th] [/tr][tr][td]SLOT[/td] [td]PLAYER, TEAM POS[/td] [td]OPP[/td] [td]STATUS ET[/td] [td]PTS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Reggie Wayne, Ind WR P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 28-16 2:25 4th[/td] [td]4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Kellen Winslow, TB TE P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 3-26 2:00 4th[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Michael Turner*, Atl RB O [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» L 23-26[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Brett Favre, Min QB P [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 30-10 3:14 4th[/td] [td]9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Miles Austin, Dal WR[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» Sun 4:15[/td] [td]--[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Fred Jackson, Buf RB[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 16-10 1:59 4th[/td] [td]11[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bench[/td] [td]Pierre Garcon, Ind WR[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]» 28-16 2:25 4th[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr][/table]


I'm getting killed. 24-81.
@ Tom Brady, Randy Moss, Bess

@ Jamaal Charles, Forsett, Ganther, Dallas Clark

Whoever convinced me to play Clark, I thank you.
i scored 140 pts today and Moss and C Johnson combined for 4 points!!!!LMAO

my team is stacked!!! 5 game win streak

started out 2-6!!!
Wow eagles offense thank you.

You might single handily get me in the playoffs, the guy I'm playing has the giants defense.

I'm not gonna speak too soon... but I think I might make the playoffs in my big league. I'm up 18, he's got Steve Smith and then Breaston tomorrow,I've got Nicks.

Then the guy I need to lose is down 3, with San Fran's Defense going against Frank Gore, I think its safe to say he will lose.

Come on if I can just pull this out!

Oh btw THANK YOU NT, Ganther was the fantasy pick up of the year for me

Had it not been for him, I'd be up only 1, and thanks to NT I picked him up.

Oh and I forgot to mention... I went against Brandon freaking Marshall.... I thought I Was done for sure
Here we go, I'm up 16.. he's got Breaston playing.. If I win I'm in the playoffs, If I lose I'm out

If Breaston beats me...
How do you think i feel, early in the season I did a bonehead trade, I gave Kurt Warner/Brandon Marshall for Matt Ryan

I had some hunch that Ryan was gonna have a huge year and Marshall wouldn't do a thing. The worst part of it is, I have only started Ryan once,

It gets better, I played against Marshall this week, the week I have to win to make the playoffs... but it still looks like I Should win.

Oh and then I traded Miles Austin for Greg Jennings
If I wouldn't have done those trades my team would have done
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Here we go, I'm up 16.. he's got Breaston playing.. If I win I'm in the playoffs, If I lose I'm out

If Breaston beats me...

U got it
I'm tryin to decide if I should pick up Arian Foster for Houston...head coach said "Coach Gary Kubiak has said "we're fixing to pick it upbig-time for (Foster)." He's already gonna be the goal line back too..
I need VD to score less than 8 points and Warner and Fitz combined to score less than 13 to make the playoffs....

So it has been fun guys, good luck to those moving on!
So I was just thinking.... other than my defense and my kicker... I only have one player (D Williams) on my team that I originally drafted

Everything else was either traded, or free agency

I may have drafted Hakim Nicks.. I don't remember, but I dropped him and ended up picking him back up.
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