Official Palm Pre Thread

They need to go ahead and at least give us a release date

My OG HTC Touch has got to go and I'm getting impatient.
im never buyin a new cell phone again unless i break mine. Everytime i go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a top of the line cell phone a few months laterthey drop somethin 20x nicer for the same price. Its always the same cycle I hate technology. Cell phone companies need to get their Dr. Dre on and onlyrelease new +%$+ every 12 years or so.
I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one thatcan show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my fullupgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one that can show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my full upgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.

[h1]Sprint employees to commence Pre training soon[/h1]

Sprint and Palm have been mum about the release date of the Pre, but it looks like that won't stop Sprint from ensuring its employees are completelyprepared to hawk the savior phone as soon as it drops. Sprint has apparently sent out an email stating, "Employees can expect training to start in Aprilas well as multiple communications to get them excited and ready to help our customers." With the ball starting to roll on device training this month,things are surely on track for a 1H launch - which is as much as we've gotten out of Sprint and Palm at this point. We were thoroughly impressed with the Pre at CTIA and it if it wasn't ready for its public debutat that point, it was certainly close. Palm is seemingly putting all of its eggs into one basket for the time being however, so it's no wonder the companyis taking every precaution and ironing out as many wrinkles as possible before units start moving.

And some videos of apps running on the Pre.

Can't wait.





Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one that can show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my full upgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.
Where did you hear the Pre will work with Sero? From what I've been reading so far, I'm guessing it won't be.
Originally Posted by odog4eva

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one that can show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my full upgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.
Where did you hear the Pre will work with Sero? From what I've been reading so far, I'm guessing it won't be.
I think I saw a CNet article saying that it will be eligible for Sero.

Apparently Sprint is pulling out all the stops to get as many customers as possible. This is like their great hope. Specualtion that it may even be $149 withcontract.
Originally Posted by odog4eva

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one that can show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my full upgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.
Where did you hear the Pre will work with Sero? From what I've been reading so far, I'm guessing it won't be.

I heard this from the Commercial trainer. She looked it up for me through all of their PRE info because I have SERO and she confirmed that I WILL be able touse it.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by odog4eva

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I just left my local Sprint store. The Commercial trainer was there and she was saying that she expects a June release for the Pre. As she is the only one that can show and demo the Pre and she is not allowed to take vacation in the month of May or June. So hopefully she is correct because I am eligible for my full upgrade May 1st
... Also, with the Pre, you WILL be able to keep your SERO plans. The everything plan is only highly suggested and not required.
Where did you hear the Pre will work with Sero? From what I've been reading so far, I'm guessing it won't be.
I think I saw a CNet article saying that it will be eligible for Sero.

Apparently Sprint is pulling out all the stops to get as many customers as possible. This is like their great hope. Specualtion that it may even be $149 with contract.

This would be love! Im hoping for this. Or even $99.99
i'm leaning on buying it but i'm still not sold on it. i'm not diggin the shiny black plastic, i prefer the soft blue plastic on my 755p. In otherpalm news, street fighter 2 on my phone ftw!! megaman is ok but sf2 owns.
anyone on here gonna sell their touch pros and buy one of these? i got a touch pro at the end of jan, but i want this now
Originally Posted by MikeyFresh21

excuse my ignorance but, whats sero???

SERO is an employee referral plan that gives employee like discounts to regular consumers. But you have to use an employee pin and email to be eligible for it.My personal SERO plan looks like : 1250 anytime mins., unlimited internet, unlimited texts, unlimited picture mail, gps, etc.. all for $49.99

BTW, Synergy and Gestures is the piff, Palm Pre FTW !!!
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by MikeyFresh21

excuse my ignorance but, whats sero???

SERO is an employee referral plan that gives employee like discounts to regular consumers. But you have to use an employee pin and email to be eligible for it. My personal SERO plan looks like : 1250 anytime mins., unlimited internet, unlimited texts, unlimited picture mail, gps, etc.. all for $49.99

BTW, Synergy and Gestures is the piff, Palm Pre FTW !!!

oh ok yeah i have one too, i didnt know it was called sero tho. i got mine off a long time ago! i only have half your minutes tho and pay$44.99. i have everything else you have tho
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I think I saw a CNet article saying that it will be eligible for Sero.

Apparently Sprint is pulling out all the stops to get as many customers as possible. This is like their great hope. Specualtion that it may even be $149 with contract.

so if my sprint account says

Up to $150 with a two-year subscriber agreement (or up to $75 with a one-year agreement) 06/01/2009

do i get the phone for free
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I think I saw a CNet article saying that it will be eligible for Sero.

Apparently Sprint is pulling out all the stops to get as many customers as possible. This is like their great hope. Specualtion that it may even be $149 with contract.
so if my sprint account says

Up to $150 with a two-year subscriber agreement (or up to $75 with a one-year agreement) 06/01/2009

do i get the phone for free

No, you will get $150 off the original price of the phone plus all of the other rebates. So it basically works out that you will be able to get the SAME dealas a new customer would get. In short, you would be paying the $149.99 with the 2 year extension on your contract.
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