***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lol marco rubio is a figure head latino...cubans in florida bout to be out numbered by
Ricans who are waaaay more liberal in da very near future.
Christie is WAYYYY more bi partisan & capable for 2016 for da GOP.
If you think that da hurricane JUST helped Obama & not christie then you not paying attention.
And unless da fiscal cliff is addressed its status quo with government gridlock wit a GOP house & Democratic Senate.

Lets hear you apologize and admit you're predictions were completely wrong. Instead of pointing the finger at me and assuming what I think about Christie.

Honest truth, no one is going to care about Hurricane Sandy 3 years from now, nationally. Christie also doesn't have a shot as long as he's fat. America would never elect a fat president to be the leader of the free-world. They don't even elect bald candidates. This country is harsh son. :lol:

Criticizing a wack record ≠ being wrong.. try again

No president has been elected with such a terrible record before. Da voters once again gave obama da benefit da doubt & said its bush's fault.

Obama lost da independent vote by more then 16 points = aka ninjahood wasnt da only one

Who was disappointed in his 1st term. So miss me with " i was wrong". If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.
Completely agree with everything stated here. GOP is going to have to revitalize their base or it's pretty much over for them in the future. The nation has spoken and no one is trying to hold on to antiquated beliefs. Overall I'm content with this election, America is anxious about it's future and we're seeing some nice progress. The best is yet to come!
:rofl: The leaning of the country is cyclical. Quote this in four years. We'll have a Republican in the WH. Dems will be hard pressed to find somebody as energizing as Obama.
Republicans, you have two choices. You can continue to pout, whine, play the blame game, and continue to LOSE. Or you can reexamine your policies and tactics and start working with your fellow Americans to make this country stronger, not divided. And in the process remain relevant and a viable political party. The choice is yours.
Lol marco rubio is a figure head latino...cubans in florida bout to be out numbered by
Ricans who are waaaay more liberal in da very near future.
Christie is WAYYYY more bi partisan & capable for 2016 for da GOP.
If you think that da hurricane JUST helped Obama & not christie then you not paying attention.
And unless da fiscal cliff is addressed its status quo with government gridlock wit a GOP house & Democratic Senate.

Lets hear you apologize and admit you're predictions were completely wrong. Instead of pointing the finger at me and assuming what I think about Christie.

Honest truth, no one is going to care about Hurricane Sandy 3 years from now, nationally. Christie also doesn't have a shot as long as he's fat. America would never elect a fat president to be the leader of the free-world. They don't even elect bald candidates. This country is harsh son. :lol:

Criticizing a wack record ≠ being wrong.. try again

No president has been elected with such a terrible record before. Da voters once again gave obama da benefit da doubt & said its bush's fault.

Obama lost da independent vote by more then 16 points = aka ninjahood wasnt da only one

Who was disappointed in his 1st term. So miss me with " i was wrong". If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.

You missed the point I reiterated (from Begala) regarding PID a few pages back.

It was a red herring.

The '08 election shifted Independents to the Democratic party; the Tea Party movement shifted Republicans to identify as Independents. As a result, the Independent vote was unusually conservative this year.
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Umm i wasnt wrong on anything i said slowpoke.
Go find a quote where i said "mitt romney was ousting obama"
If anything, stocks have FALLEN this morning on da news obama won because fears of more quantitative easing,
Piss POOR GDP #s, stubbornly high unemployment numbers, & a looming fiscal cliff.
I wasnt wrong on ANY of that.
Da economic status remains "super ugly"
And obama BETTER get serious about reducing da deficit or da mid term elections gonna look like 2010 part 2

Which is why I am still somewhat at a loss as to how he garnered re-election.

“The percentage of single women, minorities and voters under 30 is so large at this point that unless the Republican Party fundamentally changes its appeal to those voters, it can never win an election,” Morris said.

Basically that ^^
Umm i wasnt wrong on anything i said slowpoke.
Go find a quote where i said "mitt romney was ousting obama"
If anything, stocks have FALLEN this morning on da news obama won because fears of more quantitative easing,
Piss POOR GDP #s, stubbornly high unemployment numbers, & a looming fiscal cliff.
I wasnt wrong on ANY of that.
Da economic status remains "super ugly"
And obama BETTER get serious about reducing da deficit or da mid term elections gonna look like 2010 part 2

Which is why I am still somewhat at a loss as to how he garnered re-election.

Da GOP couldn't shake da extreme right wing from their party...

I mean c'mon...abortion platform in 2012? Lulz

Its pretty obvious obama sucks when it comes on economic policies, i mean

Da man RAN on a platform of RAISING taxes...& WON...that's how bad da GOP had it

Wrong with social issues.
Umm i wasnt wrong on anything i said slowpoke.
Go find a quote where i said "mitt romney was ousting obama"
If anything, stocks have FALLEN this morning on da news obama won because fears of more quantitative easing,
Piss POOR GDP #s, stubbornly high unemployment numbers, & a looming fiscal cliff.
I wasnt wrong on ANY of that.
Da economic status remains "super ugly"
And obama BETTER get serious about reducing da deficit or da mid term elections gonna look like 2010 part 2
Which is why I am still somewhat at a loss as to how he garnered re-election.
Jay-Z and Beyonce endorsed him.
This is from October 9th, four weeks before the election. Really funny in hindsight.


Business Insider
[h1]POLLSTER: I'm Not Polling Three Big Swing States Anymore, Because Mitt Romney Has Them In The Bag[/h1]
David Paleologos, the director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, dropped a bombshell on The O'Reilly Factor last night. He told Bill O'Reilly that the center would not be polling in the three key swing states of North Carolina, Florida and Virginia, because it would not be a prudent use of resources.

Why? Because Paleologos said Republican nominee Mitt Romney has all three states in the bag.

“In places like North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, we’ve already painted those red. We’re not polling any of those states again," he said. "We’re focusing on the remaining states.”

"Let me stop you there. You're convinced that Florida, North Carolina and Virginia are going to go for Romney?" O'Reilly said, rather shell-shocked. That's probably because Obama still has a very slight edge in the Real Clear Politics average of Virginia polling, and because he trails by just 0.7 points and 3 points, respectively, in Florida and North Carolina.

Paleologos explained that Obama was not in a good spot before his consensus loss in the debate, which has spiked Romney in polling ever since. Suffolk's poll found Obama up 46-44 in the state, and Paleologos said it would be difficult for Obama to climb to 50 percent now.

Suffolk's recent poll of Florida before the debate found almost the same type of situation — Obama led only 46-43. Suffolk, however, has not yet polled North Carolina during the 2012 cycle.

Paleologos said he doesn't see the effect in "lean Obama" states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin yet, though other polling agencies have found races tightening there.
If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.
That statement applies to YOU more than anyone else in here champ.  President Obama won the electoral college and and more importantly the popular count.  So obviously mainstream America still likes and feels confident about Obama.  What do you have to say about that??  Actually, save that thought for after you give us your concession speech.
The leaning of the country is cyclical. Quote this in four years. We'll have a Republican in the WH
You dudes said that four years ago when Obama got elected the first time, and now today we find that statement to be false on ya'll end.  Why should we believe you this time??
The based on the chart 2 pages ago the republicans pretty much lost every single demographic except middle aged and senior citizen white married males.


Hispanics, blacks, single women, asians, young voters = L's

The face of the nation is changing. Republicans need to recognize that or they'll be screwed. And all the demographic groups they lost in are only guaranteed to grow over the next four years.
Criticizing a wack record ≠ being wrong.. try again
No president has been elected with such a terrible record before. Da voters once again gave obama da benefit da doubt & said its bush's fault.
Obama lost da independent vote by more then 16 points = aka ninjahood wasnt da only one
Who was disappointed in his 1st term. So miss me with " i was wrong". If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.

The most subjective comment ever made. He actually has a pretty damn good record.

That's why he ran on it. And won
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Jay-Z and Beyonce endorsed him.
But daddy yankee endorsed romney. Didn't really have much of an affect on hispanic voters. Endorsements play little to no roll in getting voters to vote for a particular party.
Who is Daddy Yankee compared to those two. If you don't think that endorsements have no role in getting voters to vote for a party, you need to take off the blinders. Agreed with what dajoka said. They'll be hard pressed to get the college vote (studies prove that young people don't vote in droves) and Black vote next time around.

:lol: single women are the easiest people to manipulate especially when you run a "War on Women" campaign.
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Who is Daddy Yankee compared to those two. If you don't think that endorsements have no role in getting voters to vote for a party, you need to take off the blinders. Agreed with what dajoka said. They'll be hard pressed to get the college vote (studies prove that young people don't vote in droves) and Black vote next time around.

:lol: single women are the easiest people to manipulate especially when you run a "War on Women" campaign.
But provide me with a link in which an undecided voter casted his ballot in this election, based on endorsements from jay-z and Beyonce.
Republicans, you have two choices. You can continue to pout, whine, play the blame game, and continue to LOSE. Or you can reexamine your policies and tactics and start working with your fellow Americans to make this country stronger, not divided. And in the process remain relevant and a viable political party. The choice is yours.
Dude, elected Dems don't compromise either and only further the divide. It's laughable that we try to place blame on one side or the other when they are both guility.
Jay-Z and Beyonce endorsed him.
But daddy yankee endorsed romney. Didn't really have much of an affect on hispanic voters. Endorsements play little to no roll in getting voters to vote for a particular party.

Who is Daddy Yankee compared to those two. If you don't think that endorsements have no role in getting voters to vote for a party, you need to take off the blinders. Agreed with what dajoka said. They'll be hard pressed to get the college vote (studies prove that young people don't vote in droves) and Black vote next time around.

:lol: single women are the easiest people to manipulate especially when you run a "War on Women" campaign.

It's pretty easy to run a "war on women" campaign when the other party is quite literally waging a war on women's rights.
The based on the chart 2 pages ago the republicans pretty much lost every single demographic except middle aged and senior citizen white married males.


Hispanics, blacks, single women, asians, young voters = L's
At least the Republican party can say they gained the support of a certain Washington Heights resident.  I'm not sure what demographic that would fall under or even if Republicans want that support as it appears to be more harm than good but at least they know they have his support for years to come, be it toxic or not.
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