***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Da GOP couldn't shake da extreme right wing from their party...
I mean c'mon...abortion platform in 2012? Lulz
Its pretty obvious obama sucks when it comes on economic policies, i mean
Da man RAN on a platform of RAISING taxes...& WON...that's how bad da GOP had it
Wrong with social issues.
sir, he ran a record of extending the tax relief reconciliation act of 2001 twice. and he's set to extend portions of that legislation again at the top of 2013.

you seem to think obama has a horrible record, but it's actually quite impressive if properly contexted. you strike me as someone who has followed national politics very briefly.
So I have a question for my fellow Obama supporters who happen to live in Red States here on NT.

Did anyone else wake up with the most spiteful, smuggest of erections today? Just an 'I told you so' type of spiteful Purple-Veined Majesty? I did and I'm certain it was to spite my state (and to later serve my girlfriend). I'm not talking about an erection standing at half-mast, NO NO. I'm talking about the most glorious FULL MAST Star-Spangled Boner that started out just waving o'er the hand of the free but would later be in the sweet yams of liberty. My home is not a home divided, we are both on the same political wavelength. So did anyone else crown thy wood with ladygoods from sheet to sticky sheet?
The based on the chart 2 pages ago the republicans pretty much lost every single demographic except middle aged and senior citizen white married males.
Hispanics, blacks, single women, asians, young voters = L's
The face of the nation is changing. Republicans need to recognize that or they'll be screwed. And all the demographic groups they lost in are only guaranteed to grow over the next four years.
And you're assuming those demographics vote exactly the same in four years? Please.

Obama was a great candidate for the Dems. A young minority who voters felt like they could relate to. There's not anyone else like him in the landscape right now.

The guy used Reddit to drum up support. Absolutely brilliant.
I don't know what TBone is more upset about right now..The downfall of the GOP or the downfall of 50 Cent..

Somebody contact him..
Criticizing a wack record ≠ being wrong.. try again
No president has been elected with such a terrible record before. Da voters once again gave obama da benefit da doubt & said its bush's fault.
Obama lost da independent vote by more then 16 points = aka ninjahood wasnt da only one
Who was disappointed in his 1st term. So miss me with " i was wrong". If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.

The most subjective comment ever made. He actually has a pretty damn good record.

That's why he ran on it. And won

LOL obama ran da most negative ads in incumbent history...

Da ONLY thing that he did & worked is tout da GM & Chrysler bailout.

No obamacare mentions, unemployment rate was mum...immigration reform? That executive order

Was a bandaid on a bullet wound.

Obama painted Romney as da evil rich guy & it worked.
LOL obama ran da most negative ads in incumbent history...
Da ONLY thing that he did & worked is tout da GM & Chrysler bailout.
No obamacare mentions, unemployment rate was mum...immigration reform? That executive order
Was a bandaid on a bullet wound.
Obama painted Romney as da evil rich guy & it worked.
Where are you getting this from? You do understand how subjective that is?

Where have you been the past for years during the Obama era? THATS ALL HE DID? Your more misinformed about this country than most republicans. Can't do much more than laugh at that entire post.
You dudes said that four years ago when Obama got elected the first time, and now today we find that statement to be false on ya'll end.  Why should we believe you this time??
Who the **** are you calling "you dudes"? I supported Obama in 2008. I supported Kerry in 2004. I supported Gore in 2000. I didn't support either candidate this time. I don't vote. I don't align myself with any party. Don't group me in with Republicans.
Jay Z and Beyonce run the world. Try Again. Pretty sure Jay Z AND BEYONCE has a BIGGER influence on the world than Yankee.
We're speaking about the united states election, not the "world election", stay focused. Daddy yankee has a much larger influence on the hispanic vote than jay-z and Beyonce. And as i stated earlier, his endorsement to romney and mccain in 2008 had little to no affect on hispanic voters.
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Da GOP couldn't shake da extreme right wing from their party...

I mean c'mon...abortion platform in 2012? Lulz

Its pretty obvious obama sucks when it comes on economic policies, i mean

Da man RAN on a platform of RAISING taxes...

sir, he ran a record of extending the tax relief reconciliation act of 2001 twice. and he's set to extend portions of that legislation again at the top of 2013.

you seem to think obama has a horrible record, but it's actually quite impressive if properly contexted.

LOL why dont you call it what it what its really called? U think obama had a "struggle"

Extending da BUSH tax cuts? >D he had to do that to extend unemployment insurance.
We're speaking about the united states election, not the "world election", stay focused. Daddy yankee has a much larger influence on the hispanic vote than jay-z and Beyonce. And as i stated earlier, his endorsement to romney and mccain in 2008 had little to no affect on hispanic voters.
False again. More REGISTERED voting legal hispanics listen to Jay Z and Beyonce than Daddy Yankee.
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LOL why dont you call it what it what its really called? U think obama had a "struggle"
Extending da BUSH tax cuts?
he had to do that to extend unemployment insurance.
the earned income tax credit? the making work pay tax credit? the payroll tax cut? the child tax credit?

and you are the only one to make mention of obama having a struggle, or not, extending the tax cuts. i'm not much for straw-man arguments or their bait.

p.s. i call legislation what its really called. i don't call the ppaca 'obamacare' and i won't call the tax relief act 'the bush tax cuts'. i'm not sure what colloquial synonyms have to do with the end point, but it's becoming obvious you'll resort to peripheral bickering over semantics rather than addressing actual, substantive points.
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You dudes said that four years ago when Obama got elected the first time, and now today we find that statement to be false on ya'll end.  Why should we believe you this time??
Who the **** are you calling "you dudes"? I supported Obama in 2008. I supported Kerry in 2004. I supported Gore in 2000. I didn't support either candidate this time. I don't vote. I don't align myself with any party. Don't group me in with Republicans.
I was saying that in the sense of anyone that's an Obama skeptic or a Democratic skeptic.  You said WE would have a Republican in the White House in 4 years, and I'm telling you that folks like you said the exact same thing 4 years ago and we see how that turned out as of last night.  As it currently stands the Republican party is dying brand nationally that is losing ground in keys areas and demographics that the Democratic party is running away with. 
Good for the President; it was an extremely well run campaign. Now he can get back to less trivial matters - like indiscriminately murdering Muslims with his drones, and quietly defeating the Hedges vs. Obama lawsuit.
Criticizing a wack record ≠ being wrong.. try again
No president has been elected with such a terrible record before. Da voters once again gave obama da benefit da doubt & said its bush's fault.
Obama lost da independent vote by more then 16 points = aka ninjahood wasnt da only one
Who was disappointed in his 1st term. So miss me with " i was wrong". If anything alot of ya lack reality of how da mainstream america feels.

I'm not getting at you for criticizing Obama. I'm not getting at you for you're political beliefs.

I'm getting at you because you live in a bubble and your perception of America isn't real. You were ranting about how Romney was going to win. How Obama wouldn't carry Wisconsin or Ohio together. Have you even been to the Mid-West? How Obama wouldn't do as well with Latinos. :lol:

You made such faulty predictions on based on your beliefs no one should hold you're theories about "The American People" credible. You shouldn't even be allowed to speak on it.
LOL obama ran da most negative ads in incumbent history...
Da ONLY thing that he did & worked is tout da GM & Chrysler bailout.
No obamacare mentions, unemployment rate was mum...immigration reform? That executive order
Was a bandaid on a bullet wound.
Obama painted Romney as da evil rich guy & it worked.

No obama hate here, but truuuuu

LOL obama ran da most negative ads in incumbent history...
Da ONLY thing that he did & worked is tout da GM & Chrysler bailout.
No obamacare mentions, unemployment rate was mum...immigration reform? That executive order
Was a bandaid on a bullet wound.
Obama painted Romney as da evil rich guy & it worked.

Incumbent History? Subjective.. And wrong

He ran on the auto bailouts... Yes... And they worked
He ran on Obamacare the entire cycle, where have you been.
Unemployment rate was not as mentioned, but 30+ straight months of private sector job creation was mentioned a lot... And each month for the past year they'd say that narrative with the numbers going up.

He ran on his record.. He did so a significant amount
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False again. More REGISTERED voting legal hispanics listen to Jay Z and Beyonce than Daddy Yankee.
Again, veering off. I'm not hear to argue over who's more popular. It's highly subjective and there's not enough studies to validate any of our cases so i personally can care less.

Provide me with a video link in which a person casting his ballot for Obama admits it was a result of some endorsement made by jay-z and beyonce'.
I'm not getting at you for criticizing Obama. I'm not getting at you for you're political beliefs.
I'm getting at you because you live in a bubble and your perception of America isn't real. You were ranting about how Romney was going to win. How Obama wouldn't carry Wisconsin or Ohio together. Have you even been to the Mid-West? How Obama wouldn't do as well with Latinos.

You made such faulty predictions on based on your beliefs no one should hold you're theories about "The American People" credible. You shouldn't even be allowed to speak on it.
Seriously. The bubble is so small that its garners some sympathy for the guy. The US is bigger than NY my friend. I wish somebody could sit him down and explain it to him. What makes it worst is dude actually BELIEVES what he is saying, he though there are facts that prove otherwise.Its funny, there are many people who think just like him, and their influence is next to none, hence why nobody cared about them. Grouped in the same group of people who believe in UFOS.
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Again, veering off. I'm not hear to argue over who's more popular. It's highly subjective and there's not enough studies to validate any of our cases so i personally can care less.
Provide me with a video link in which a person casting his ballot for Obama admits it was a result of some endorsement made by jay-z and beyonce'.
You say its sujective yet you want a video? You don't even know of the matter your speaking of. Its fact what I said my friend. Maybe as a whole more hispanics in this country listen to Yankee, but its the latinos whos vote actually count(you know the ones here legally) that matters most  and more of them are listening to JAy and B.
I was saying that in the sense of anyone that's an Obama skeptic or a Democratic skeptic.  You said WE would have a Republican in the White House in 4 years, and I'm telling you that folks like you said the exact same thing 4 years ago and we see how that turned out as of last night.  As it currently stands the Republican party is dying brand nationally that is losing ground in keys areas and demographics that the Democratic party is running away with. 
I would have never, ever said that four years ago. And anyone who did was an idiot. Obama was never going to lose this election to somebody like Romney. The RNC needs to just come together for once, trot out somebody who isn't completely incapable of relating to the American people, and they will win in 2016. Just my opinion.
And you're assuming those demographics vote exactly the same in four years? Please.
Obama was a great candidate for the Dems. A young minority who voters felt like they could relate to. There's not anyone else like him in the landscape right now.
The guy used Reddit to drum up support. Absolutely brilliant.

Lol at the delusional world y'all live in.

Obama spent TRILLIONS and furthered the debt. The most important issue with voters was the economy and Romney still couldn't take it.

You're right, those demographics won't vote the same in four years, it'll be a landslide against the republicans unless they kick the looney far right wingers like Todd Akin to the curb and loosen up on social issues.
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