***Official Political Discussion Thread***

he was celebrating deplorables day.

like when he had taco bell for Cinco de Mayo

Dude even got a small wall around his taco bowl
So in 2 days we will find out how the wealthy governs.

Net worth of Trump's cabinet;

Betsy DeVos, nominated for secretary of education, $5 billion
Linda McMahon, small business administrator, $1.35 billion
Vincent Viola, Army secretary, $1.77 billion
Steve Mnuchin, Treasury, $46 million
Wilbur Ross, commerce secretary, worth $2.5 billion
Exxon Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson, secretary of state, $365 million
Ben Carson, housing and urban development secretary, $26 million
Elaine Chao, transportation secretary, $16.9 million
Jeff Sessions, attorney general $7.5 million
Tom Price, health and human services secretary $13.6 million

I can only imagine their net worth in 4 years. I am sure these wealthy Americans know exactly how working-class Americans are suffering. Basically big Corps are now in charge of America including it's military so without a doubt our military will fight for oil and territory to further the US elite. Might as well change the US Govt form of accounting to a for profit basis of accounting. :lol:
:lol: Are we really surprise at this? I am sure all this is because of Obama/Liberals and their push for common core educational standards!?

No surprise at all. Educational standards are low in most of the places Trump supporters live in, yet they'd rather focus on banishing Mexicans and Obamacare instead of demanding better schools for their children. If they REALLY wanted to "Make America Great Again", proper education should be the #1 thing they should be focusing on (having to type this out is painful, because it SHOULD be such an obvious statement).

"Educate ourselves and become competitive in the modern global economy? No, let's stay illiterate and bash illegal immigrants that are doing jobs that we are too lazy to do"
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to point and laugh or not, vol 2:


I voted for Donald Trump, and I already regret it

by Rico in the future, ghostwritten by some girl named Sherri

I remember the precise moment that I realized I regretted voting for Donald Trump.


I feel humiliated already, and I know that going public with my story will open me to ridicule.


I hope that by coming forward, I can encourage other Trump voters who feel the same regret to speak out as well.


My peers who voted for Trump still don’t get it. They tell me to give the man a chance, that it’s still too early to tell and that I shouldn’t listen to the media. They aren’t willing to let go the hope they have that he will keep their best interest in mind. They tell me, what were they going to do, vote for Hillary, of all people?

I wish I had. I wish I had done anything else but vote for him. I know my one small vote doesn’t make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, but this one feels so personal. The decision haunts me every day. And I’ll do whatever I can to help reverse it.

to point and laugh or not, vol 2:


I voted for Donald Trump, and I already regret it

by Rico in the future, ghostwritten by some girl named Sherri

Definitely point and laugh. People who were dumb and ignorant enough to vote for Trump because he would do things like "get rid of Obamacare but keep the ACA or replace it with something better" deserve the worst in life over the next 4 years, because not only are they screwing themselves over, but they are also ruining the lives of the millions of underprivileged people that depend on the ACA to survive in a country with enormous medical costs
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to point and laugh or not, vol 2:


I voted for Donald Trump, and I already regret it

by Rico in the future, ghostwritten by some girl named Sherri
you point and laugh... and then cry. cuz no matter how bad he does, hes the captain of the ship and we're ALL in it.

"trumps retaliatory and impulsive behavior, which i think i assumed was a campaign tactic, have carried over into his actions as a president-elect."

theyre THIS stupid. you think making yourself look childish was a campaign tactic? that says something about you.... you saw that childish behavior as a positive. u saw his impulsive and retaliatory behavior, and thought he was doing it on purpose....and u supported it. you deserve every drop of regret you feel. the rest of us who were smarter than that are being dragged down with your ignorant ***es though
yup, that's what gets me the most here. others have regretted voting for Trump because they didn't know what the ACA was. here, though, she's complaining that she didn't expect Trump's personality to be like this, not after 15 months of racism, sexism, emotional outbursts, bullying, disrespect to veterans and minorities, narcissism, inability to process information, etc. Never in the history of mankind has someone been so thoroughly covered and exposed for all to see, and yet people want to have take backs? I mean we even got to see his actual thoughts via twitter! what the **** what more information do people need?

at least with the ACA confusion, as stupid as that was, at least they could chalk it up to ignorance. here, though, this lady has everything laid out for her and she still choose wrongly. so **** her and **** all her friends who seem to be following her logic.

and she's 50-something too. not like she's some naïve kid fresh out of school.
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I explain what aca and obamacare is everyday

NOW im telling members they wont die .... Im cant say the truth

My wife has been telling her clients they might lose their housing and pysche meds

The funny thing is if Trump wanted to he could totally come up in this situation.

the fixes to health care are so obvious, if he just strong arm republicans into implimenting a public option, or more subsidies and then cut taxes.

deficit will expand but republicans only care about that when a democrat is president.
a coworker just showed me a clip from facebook of a senator grilling trump's new pick for education and loans or something. Apparently the person he picked has 0 experience in that sector, and has never taken a loan, and limited knowledge of what a pelle grant even is. The senator is FRYING this chick asking why shes qualified and she has no real answers lmaoooo. This is about to be a 4 year trainwreck starting in 2 days. God help us.
a coworker just showed me a clip from facebook of a senator grilling trump's new pick for education and loans or something. Apparently the person he picked has 0 experience in that sector, and has never taken a loan, and limited knowledge of what a pelle grant even is. The senator is FRYING this chick asking why shes qualified and she has no real answers lmaoooo. This is about to be a 4 year trainwreck starting in 2 days. God help us.

Betsy DeVos. Family owns AmWay, the Orlando Magic, and BlackWater among other things.

She poured 100s of millions in Michigan over a couple of decades towards defunding the public school system in favor of vouchers and charter schools. Today in Detroit, close to half (47%) of the population is considered functionally illiterate.

These are the people at the helm of our nation. God help us indeed...
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to point and laugh or not, vol 2:


I voted for Donald Trump, and I already regret it

by Rico in the future, ghostwritten by some girl named Sherri

I remember the precise moment that I realized I regretted voting for Donald Trump.


I feel humiliated already, and I know that going public with my story will open me to ridicule.


I hope that by coming forward, I can encourage other Trump voters who feel the same regret to speak out as well.


My peers who voted for Trump still don’t get it. They tell me to give the man a chance, that it’s still too early to tell and that I shouldn’t listen to the media. They aren’t willing to let go the hope they have that he will keep their best interest in mind. They tell me, what were they going to do, vote for Hillary, of all people?

I wish I had. I wish I had done anything else but vote for him. I know my one small vote doesn’t make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, but this one feels so personal. The decision haunts me every day. And I’ll do whatever I can to help reverse it.


So she signed up for a $900 a month policy as opposed to shopping independently and skipping the 5-700 fee completely or just paying for it out of pocket (all of which would be cheaper )thinking they'd be too great? There are parts of the ACA that needs improvement through collaboration rather than repeal, but I feel some folks thinks it's the government's job to think for them.
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Learning Curve’ as Rick Perry Pursues a Job He Initially Misunderstood

WASHINGTON — When President-elect Donald J. Trump offered Rick Perry the job of energy secretary five weeks ago, Mr. Perry gladly accepted, believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state.

In the days after, Mr. Perry, the former Texas governor, discovered that he would be no such thing — that in fact, if confirmed by the Senate, he would become the steward of a vast national security complex he knew almost nothing about, caring for the most fearsome weapons on the planet, the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

Two-thirds of the agency’s annual $30 billion budget is devoted to maintaining, refurbishing and keeping safe the nation’s nuclear stockpile; thwarting nuclear proliferation; cleaning up and rebuilding an aging constellation of nuclear production facilities; and overseeing national laboratories that are considered the crown jewels of government science.
“Rick Perry was pitch-perfect for Texas politics,” said Calvin Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University in Texas. “He has very close ties to the oil industry. He is about ‘the Texas way’ — low taxes, low regulation. But none of that gives him the depth of knowledge needed for running the Energy Department.”

Mr. Perry is attuned to that vulnerability. The Energy Department was on the list of agencies he said he wanted to eliminate when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 — though he famously forgot its name during a debate. Despite what he called his “oops” moment, he stood by his call to dismantle the department, saying, “They’ve never created one bit of energy, the best I can tell.”

**** everything.
i get the sense Trump is just punking all his appointees, putting them in charge of jobs they either detest or know nothing about.

just waiting for Ashton to pop up now.

Learning Curve’ as Rick Perry Pursues a Job He Initially Misunderstood

WASHINGTON — When President-elect Donald J. Trump offered Rick Perry the job of energy secretary five weeks ago, Mr. Perry gladly accepted, believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state.

In the days after, Mr. Perry, the former Texas governor, discovered that he would be no such thing — that in fact, if confirmed by the Senate, he would become the steward of a vast national security complex he knew almost nothing about, caring for the most fearsome weapons on the planet, the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

Two-thirds of the agency’s annual $30 billion budget is devoted to maintaining, refurbishing and keeping safe the nation’s nuclear stockpile; thwarting nuclear proliferation; cleaning up and rebuilding an aging constellation of nuclear production facilities; and overseeing national laboratories that are considered the crown jewels of government science.
“Rick Perry was pitch-perfect for Texas politics,” said Calvin Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University in Texas. “He has very close ties to the oil industry. He is about ‘the Texas way’ — low taxes, low regulation. But none of that gives him the depth of knowledge needed for running the Energy Department.”

Mr. Perry is attuned to that vulnerability. The Energy Department was on the list of agencies he said he wanted to eliminate when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 — though he famously forgot its name during a debate. Despite what he called his “oops” moment, he stood by his call to dismantle the department, saying, “They’ve never created one bit of energy, the best I can tell.”

**** everything.


Rick ******* Perry :rofl:

That's a bigger troll move than Carson as head of the HUD :lol:
Learning Curve’ as Rick Perry Pursues a Job He Initially Misunderstood

WASHINGTON — When President-elect Donald J. Trump offered Rick Perry the job of energy secretary five weeks ago, Mr. Perry gladly accepted, believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state.

In the days after, Mr. Perry, the former Texas governor, discovered that he would be no such thing — that in fact, if confirmed by the Senate, he would become the steward of a vast national security complex he knew almost nothing about, caring for the most fearsome weapons on the planet, the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

Two-thirds of the agency’s annual $30 billion budget is devoted to maintaining, refurbishing and keeping safe the nation’s nuclear stockpile; thwarting nuclear proliferation; cleaning up and rebuilding an aging constellation of nuclear production facilities; and overseeing national laboratories that are considered the crown jewels of government science.
“Rick Perry was pitch-perfect for Texas politics,” said Calvin Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University in Texas. “He has very close ties to the oil industry. He is about ‘the Texas way’ — low taxes, low regulation. But none of that gives him the depth of knowledge needed for running the Energy Department.”

Mr. Perry is attuned to that vulnerability. The Energy Department was on the list of agencies he said he wanted to eliminate when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 — though he famously forgot its name during a debate. Despite what he called his “oops” moment, he stood by his call to dismantle the department, saying, “They’ve never created one bit of energy, the best I can tell.”

**** everything.

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