***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump has reincarnated the Know Nothing party, but now with a more literal interpretation of their name.
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Trump has reincarnated the Know Nothing party, but now with a more literal interpretation of their name.
Well the man said he is smarter than everyone, even the generals
He just wants a bunch of yes men to okie dokie his every move that he and his team of advisors make.
I don't care that they realized they ****** up, we all gotta pay the price for this

The damage might be mitigated if people like that woman realize the error of their ways contact their member of congress, and you tell your friends, family memebrs, co-works about the way Trump policies will effect normal people.
I find it oddly funny republikans still take kredit for lincoln. Like how many konfederate flag waving southerners of today wouldve aktually voted for him?

EDIT: osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh these people are still too busy celebrating, they aint tryna hear no liberal fake news peddling kry baby sore loser
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I find it oddly funny republikans still take kredit for lincoln. Like how many konfederate flag waving southerners of today wouldve aktually voted for him?

EDIT: @Osh Kosh Bosh these people are still too busy celebrating, they aint tryna hear no liberal fake news peddling kry baby sore loser
my head broke trying to read through this
The funny thing is if Trump wanted to he could totally come up in this situation.

the fixes to health care are so obvious, if he just strong arm republicans into implimenting a public option, or more subsidies and then cut taxes.

deficit will expand but republicans only care about that when a democrat is president.
Do tell. AMA is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, and this isn't even counting Pharma. 

Money has to come from somewhere and payroll is ALWAYS the biggest expense. 

Part of the reason medical care is so expensive is that the barrier to enter into the field is so high. 8 + years in school AND residency? Doctors are untouchable though.
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Ellison is not the answer, he's not even the most important politician in Minnesota.
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I find it oddly funny republikans still take kredit for lincoln. Like how many konfederate flag waving southerners of today wouldve aktually voted for him?

EDIT: osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh these people are still too busy celebrating, they aint tryna hear no liberal fake news peddling kry baby sore loser

is your C key broken?!
Haven't been here in a minute, just want to know is ya mans NINJAHOOD still standing behind Trump or has he back peddled yet?

This can't be real life, this who Trump wants running our education dept? Jesus Christ....this whole thing really does feel like the wildest episode of Punk'd

What kind of a clown show we are witnessing here :rofl:

How did people elect this buffoon into office!!!!! HOWWWWW!?

he is definitely a clown and deserves to be humiliated often.

this article was interesting


We’re living with exactly the kinds of injustices that lead to carnival culture, and we’ve crowned a fool king. Donald Trump exists on two levels: the presidential level and the fool level. On one level he makes personnel and other decisions. On the other he tweets. (I honestly don’t know which level is more important to him.)

His tweets are classic fool behavior. They are raw, ridiculous and frequently self-destructive. He takes on an icon of the official culture and he throws mud at it. The point is not the message of the tweet. It’s to symbolically upend hierarchy, to be oppositional.
It's funny at first. A bunch of MIT grads or professor @ Berkley with a noble peace prize all specializing in physics and engineering and then a guy who thought the dept. of energy was suppose to produce some new form of energy :lol:

Then I think if he gets the job in 2 years there can be a serious breach or straight up nuclear meltdown and we'll have our own Chernobyl
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It's funny at first. A bunch of MIT grads or professor @ Berkley with a noble peace prize all specializing in physics and engineering and then I guy who thought the dept. of energy was suppose to produce some new form of energy :lol:

Then I think if he gets the job in 2 years there can be a serious breach or straight up nuclear meltdown and we'll have our own Chernobyl

This is what happens when the electoral process is nothing more than a beauty pageant where the judges are the sponsors. At some point, it's bound to give you a pretty ugly winner.
Can't have those establishment elites with their fancy degrees and big words running these agencies.

I would call it a clown show, but clowns are funny. This is a ******* nightmare.
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I watched and hour and a half of the DeVos segment from C-SPAN. I got so frustrated of listening to her backpeddle and deflect that I had to shut it off.

We are truly f*cked :stoneface:

Jay Yarow

CNBCJanuary 18, 2017

Alibaba :smile: ) founder Jack Ma fired a shot at the United States in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Ma was asked by CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin about the U.S. economy in relation to China, since President-elect Donald Trump has been talking about imposing new tariffs on Chinese imports.

Ma says blaming China for any economic issues in the U.S. is misguided. If America is looking to blame anyone, Ma said, it should blame itself.

"It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys," Ma said. "It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way."

He said the U.S. has wasted over $14 trillion in fighting wars over the past 30 years rather than investing in infrastructure at home.

To be sure, Ma is not the only critic of the costly U.S. policies of waging war against terrorism and other enemies outside the homeland. Still, Ma said this was the reason America's economic growth had weakened, not China's supposed theft of jobs.

In fact, Ma called outsourcing a "wonderful" and "perfect" strategy.

"The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization," Ma said. "The past 30 years, IBM (NYSE: IBM), Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), they've made tens of millions — the profits they've made are much more than the four Chinese banks put together. ... But where did the money go?"

He said the U.S. is not distributing, or investing, its money properly, and that's why many people in the country feel wracked with economic anxiety. He said too much money flows to Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Instead, the country should be helping the Midwest, and Americans "not good in schooling," too.

"You're supposed to spend money on your own people," Ma said. "Not everybody can pass Harvard, like me." In a previous interview, Ma said he had been rejected by Harvard 10 times. 

Along those lines, Ma stressed that globalization is a good thing, but it, too, "should be inclusive," with the spoils not just going to the wealthy few.

"The world needs new leadership, but the new leadership is about working together," Ma said. "As a business person, I want the world to share the prosperity together."

— CNBC's Anita Balakrishnan contributed to this report.
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