***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Not to defend Harris' actions was a prosecutor, but it wild to me people cite that as the disqualifying factor for not supporting her.

She locked up black people is somehow chanting as the thing they have against her, yet seemingly dudes like Bernie and Biden are seeing little to know political blowback for supporting a bill that help get a ton more black people locked up.

Harris lack of political skill is gonna let everyone off the hook at confronting the sexism and racism that worked against her.

The race is now just between four recently woke white people, three of them over 70, and the young one is sorta a scammer. Jah help us. :lol: :lol:
I'm sure if she were married to a dark-skinned brother things would have been different.
That was not the essence of her answer or position as a whole. Anyway she has a policy platform where she spelled out tons of programs that would help the black community. You are trying to hide behind one interpretation of an answer to a question to act like your beef with her is tied to helping that black community. If that WERE the reason, all you are making yourself look now is low information for pointing to a answer to a question and not looking at her entire platform.

Your previous post and the first sentence of your last post gives away your real issue. Some ridiculous beef your have with her because she didn't marry a black man. That is seemingly the real right your feel she is denies the black community. Denying black men their right to her body and companionship.

Yet you have much less shade for Biden , a dude that has done more foul **** and whose policy proposals as much less robust when it comes to helping black communities.

Famb, no one is buying it. You could have just celebrated her falling out and made the simple joke, instead you wanted to be extra with some disgusting ****.

You were not content with the low hanging fruit so you pick up some from the ground.
I didn't see your post before I commented but spot on.
BTW, I would dislike Andrew Yang a lot less if he would drop the whole "we are too mean to racist" schtick. It makes my blood ****ing boil. His defense that this coddling of white people is that it polls well is even more insulting.

He is playing up the model minority myth to appeal to white voters. Even asian progressive activist have taken issue with it.

I understand that for some of my liberal Asian friends his candidacy means a lot. Coates has rightly pointed out how powerful symbols are, and after listening to Raj Chetty my views on representation being important have increased a lot (even though I always thought it to be very important). So on some level I get it.

But his schtick offends me greatly.
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All of my friends and former classmates, who are Asian American, plan to vote for Bernie or Liz and yet all of them like that Yang is out there and running. Based on what they’ve told me, they like it because a guy named Yang is out there and he’s like most candidates. he has good rhetorical moments and other times he’s awkward out there. He’s got some really standard policy positions and other times he’s kind of a crank.

every time you hear his name, Yang becomes less and less “foreign” and more “American.”

It’s ironic because his base of support is mostly white and almost entirely lumpen. These zoomers can evaluate their material conditions and they know they’re poor and that their future isn’t very bright on our current trajectory. While they aren’t temporarily embarrassed millionaires, in every other way they’re like a garden variety college libertarian.

They don’t want conflict with capital because that would require interracial solidarity as well as the infralabor solidarity required to win such a confrontation with capital. They love that Yang tells a story where the enemy are robotsand a very easy to understand technocratic fix.

The good news is that Yang has otherwise conservative people thinking about economic problems as something other than a lack of virtue. That’s a good first step and progressives and socialists can, hopefully, guide them and make them realize that automation is only part of the story and in order to have a decent future there will have to be moments of both conflict and solidarity and both those actions can be uncomfortable but must be done.
To be serious, I think Kamala would be better suited being a long serving senator as compared to running for president. It didn't help that her campaign had internal breakdowns prior to her drop out also.
I agree with this. At least from what I've seen I think she's been a decent Senator, and I love seeing her grill these GOP pieces of **** during hearings.
I hope Nunes never try’s that excuse with his lady.
“I mean babe it’s possible I talked to crystal but I ain’t really gone through my phone records....it’s unlikely id be taking calls from some random girl though.”
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