***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I do not deflect every time someone points out something that I'm doing. For example, I am directly responding to you right now.

But you are conflating issues. Personal responsibility deals with taking responsibility for one's own actions. For instance, taking out a loan and paying it back instead of placing all of the blame on the actions of the lender.

Deflection, in the psychological realm at least, deals with very different issues.

If you want my direct response on anything just ask it. I will let you know. I have no reason to hide the ball or avoid answering. Most of the time when it devolves to name-calling and profanity or allegations of being a pedo-apologist, etc., I simply do not respond.

The idea that I don't directly address issues is factually inaccurate (in my opinion, but I realize many things are a matter of perspective). If you think I have, give me an issue/topic and I will directly address it.

But to take personal responsibility, apologies for any issue/topic that you feel that I have deflected a direct response.
This is truly a work of art. Not one sentence is connected to the previous one, nor to the sentence that follows. And yet, it doesn't sound like gibberish. It's well articulated, well laid out, and it doesn't make an ounce of sense in the context of the question that was asked.

You my friend are a visionary. Thank you for this masterful piece of nothingness.
with all this considered, in regards to Trumps response to COVID-19, do you think he downplayed its severity (which i guess shows intent to mislead), or do you think he didn't believe what the science/medical community was saying, so he took it on himself to present a less dire description of events to America?

Do you believe his public attitude and demeanor towards the virus at its onset in America was the right stance to take? Do you believe it had an impact on how the public contributed to its spread?

On the first question, of those two options, I think it was closer to the latter.

I think that he, like many Americans, took the advice of the doctors with a grain of salt. And the increased cases and deaths made him (and those Americans) change their tune.

People that base their health decisions on Trump's demeanor and attitude were certainly impacted as, I'd imagine, they would not think that the virus was that important based on his reaction. Surely that would contribute to the precautions taken and spread.

It seems that even after he changed his tune many Americans still don't take it that seriously. On the coronavirus thread pictures have been posted of large crowds at beaches and cycling.

The reality is that in America there are literally groups of people who are anti-vaccine, flat-earthers, etc. Many are skeptical of healthcare/science generally. I do not know how much of an impact warnings from the president would have on those people.
I'm not an expert on politics, but it looks clear to me most Republicans or conservatives have a self serving and individualistic persona.

Some Democrats or liberals have a collective care and integrated persona.

The self responsiblity for the conservatives mean to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. They expect sick people and hospital workers and to miraculously do that, and according to Trump it will go away. Not before people die.

Isn't it interesting that hardworking non political doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff have to take personal responsibility to care for and possibly save the lives of people who play politics, who provide misleading misinformation, who care for their own advantageous interests and motives and not the interests of others? You actually have to get severely sick to not be ignorant. If it doesn't teach you something you should understand and improve while you are alive, then death wouldn't make a difference would it?
I think that he mostly ad libs.

I do not think there is some well-thought-out strategy to deceive.

Of course false statements, when relied upon, can cause harm. That's why I said there is no need to overstate the false statements by calling them lies.
It doesn't need to be well thought out. He deceives to make himself look better, or rather what he believes makes him look better.
Remember that immediately after being sworn in, he lied about having a bigger inauguration crowd size than Obama's inauguration.
He then lied by accusing the National Park Services of doctoring the photos to make Trump's crowd smaller.

Trump's lies and accusation resulted in an Inspector General probe and guess what it found.
Not only was there not a shred of truth to Trump's accusation, the report found that the WH called top NPS leadership to ask them to crop photos to make Trump's crowd look bigger.

Unless your head is so far up Trump's *** that you won't concede he is extremely narcissistic, it's clear that any 'strategy' behind Trump's lying is mostly to make himself look good or because he refuses to concede being wrong.

Lying is almost instinctual for him. You see it almost every day, you see it in the Mueller report, ...
Let it sink in that a crime was committed to attempt to cover up that Trump made a silly mistake about a hurricane's path. Totally innocuous but instead of admitting to the silly mistake, he started lying that he was never wrong. The WH then engaged in a criminal scheme to cover up the fact that he was wrong.
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It doesn't need to be well thought out. He deceives to make himself look better, or rather what he believes makes him look better.
Remember that immediately after being sworn in, he lied about having a bigger inauguration crowd size than Obama's inauguration.
He then lied by accusing the National Park Services of doctoring the photos to make Trump's crowd smaller.

Trump's lies and accusation resulted in an Inspector General probe and guess what it found.
Not only was there not a shred of truth to Trump's accusation, the report found that the WH called top NPS leadership to ask them to crop photos to make Trump's crowd look bigger.

Unless your head is so far up Trump's *** that you won't concede he is extremely narcissistic, it's clear that any 'strategy' behind Trump's lying is mostly to make himself look good or because he refuses to concede being wrong.

Lying is almost instinctual for him. You see it almost every day, you see it in the Mueller report, ...
Let it sink in that a crime was committed to attempt to cover up that Trump made a silly mistake about a hurricane's path. Totally innocuous but instead of admitting to the silly mistake, he started lying that he was never wrong. The WH then engaged in a criminal scheme to cover up the fact that he was wrong.

Is it a lie if you believe it is true when you make the statement?

I don't think so.

But if you do, then that explains the difference between our perspectives.

Like I said earlier, I respect your opinion on it.
yes, this is perfect the time for the president to ad lib and say whatever the **** he wants. that’s the most irresponsible bull**** in a time like this. to give that a pass is sheer nonsense.

btw he’s not ad libbing, he’s straight up lying.
I do not deflect every time someone points out something that I'm doing. For example, I am directly responding to you right now.
You regularly deflect when someone criticizes your behavior. You're free to just pretend that isn't the case.

But you are conflating issues. Personal responsibility deals with taking responsibility for one's own actions. For instance, taking out a loan and paying it back instead of placing all of the blame on the actions of the lender.
Or, for example, someone says "you do this ****ty behavior" and you say, "wow, you're right, I'm sorry I did that ****ty behavior". That would be taking responsibility for your actions.

If Trump and McConnell acknowledged that they dropped the ball with coronavirus instead of finding reasons to blame everyone else, that would be taking person responsibility.

Deflection, in the psychological realm at least, deals with very different issues.
A deflection would be when you distract from the original criticism to avoid actually addressing the criticism.

If you want my direct response on anything just ask it. I will let you know. I have no reason to hide the ball or avoid answering. Most of the time when it devolves to name-calling and profanity or allegations of being a pedo-apologist, etc., I simply do not respond.
Weird, I've been pointing out that you deflect for a while. You dismiss that accusation.

The idea that I don't directly address issues is factually inaccurate (in my opinion, but I realize many things are a matter of perspective). If you think I have, give me an issue/topic and I will directly address it.
I don't think anyone here agrees with that, though! Isn't that crazy? You insist you behave one way while literally everyone else thinks you behave the complete opposite.

But to take personal responsibility, apologies for any issue/topic that you feel that I have deflected a direct response.
You say this, but then you don't actually take personal responsibility when it's pointed out to you. This just kinda demonstrates how dishonest you are.

Mitch McConnell when it comes any change that might even slightly inconvenience his group, no matter the potential benefits for his group, so long as those benefits are for anyone else but his group:

Spitting image of main man.

Accent and all.

Kentucky needs to play the Momma Vulture and act accordingly.
You regularly deflect when someone criticizes your behavior. You're free to just pretend that isn't the case.

Or, for example, someone says "you do this ****ty behavior" and you say, "wow, you're right, I'm sorry I did that ****ty behavior". That would be taking responsibility for your actions.

If Trump and McConnell acknowledged that they dropped the ball with coronavirus instead of finding reasons to blame everyone else, that would be taking person responsibility.

A deflection would be when you distract from the original criticism to avoid actually addressing the criticism.

Weird, I've been pointing out that you deflect for a while. You dismiss that accusation.

I don't think anyone here agrees with that, though! Isn't that crazy? You insist you behave one way while literally everyone else thinks you behave the complete opposite.

You say this, but then you don't actually take personal responsibility when it's pointed out to you. This just kinda demonstrates how dishonest you are.

Wow, you're right, I'm sorry.

Hopefully that helps.
yes, this is perfect the time for the president to ad lib and say whatever the **** he wants. that’s the most irresponsible bull**** in a time like this. to give that a pass is sheer nonsense.

btw he’s not ad libbing, he’s straight up lying.

Not a pass but moreso an acknowledgement of his behavior. He ran on shooting from the hip.
"Intent to deceive" is literally in the definition that you posted.

As I told Belgium Belgium , if you want to conclude that Trump had that intent with the various statements, then cool. I respect that opinion.

You skipped the second part of that definition and presented zero relevant arguments to refute what i said. Nice try cherry picking the part that “helps” your argument. How did you find a site like NikeTalk anyway? I can’t imagine some one so square owning a single pair of retros, dunks, foams or anything in between.

Imagine dwalk31 dwalk31 wearing a pair of concords marching with 150 of his closest marginalized buddies from his facebook group while chanting and holding a tiki torch. I just don’t see it.

dwalk31 dwalk31 Just out of curiosity what do you do for a living?
On the first question, of those two options, I think it was closer to the latter.

I think that he, like many Americans, took the advice of the doctors with a grain of salt. And the increased cases and deaths made him (and those Americans) change their tune.

People that base their health decisions on Trump's demeanor and attitude were certainly impacted as, I'd imagine, they would not think that the virus was that important based on his reaction. Surely that would contribute to the precautions taken and spread.

It seems that even after he changed his tune many Americans still don't take it that seriously. On the coronavirus thread pictures have been posted of large crowds at beaches and cycling.

The reality is that in America there are literally groups of people who are anti-vaccine, flat-earthers, etc. Many are skeptical of healthcare/science generally. I do not know how much of an impact warnings from the president would have on those people.

do you think that trump, as president of the United States, behaved irresponsibly in regards to the onset of Covid-19 here in the states in regards to mitigating it’s initial spread?
How did you find a site like NikeTalk anyway? I can’t imagine some one so square owning a single pair of retros, dunks, foams or anything in between.


dwalk31 dwalk31 Just out of curiosity what do you do for a living?

I'm a lawyer
do you think that trump, as president of the United States, behaved irresponsibly in regards to the onset of Covid-19 here in the states in regards to mitigating it’s initial spread?

Without doubt. He certainly could have done better.

Do you think that his change of course has been helpful/beneficial?

I'm a lawyer

Quick thinking on that picture buddy wouldn’t want anyone to think you’re a fraud or completely full of ****. Just out of curiosity which pair did you wear to the last MAGA rally?

A LAWYER ha that makes perfect sense you talk in circles and say a lot without saying anything for a living. Those poor souls you represent.
Is it a lie if you believe it is true when you make the statement?

I don't think so.

But if you do, then that explains the difference between our perspectives.

Like I said earlier, I respect your opinion on it.
Technically no but it's almost like an insanity plea in a sense. Oh he's not lying he's just unable to separate reality from his own fabrications.
If he believes so many of those statements to be true when he made them, you're talking about a very mentally ill person unable to separate reality from narcissistic delusion.
This thread is clearly infected by a virus. Since many of you refuse to use the vaccine (the "ignore" button) and the mods don't have a cure yet, I suggest we lock down this thread for 30 days and then reassess once we have the virus under control.
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