***Official Political Discussion Thread***

No one cares. In my mind, there's not a single thing for which you stand that will ever absolve you of your support for a criminal regime.

Your posts are only interesting in that it allows some of us to better size up the anti-democratic enemies around us.

Appreciate your response.
Fam, yall asked for data that I didn't have. That doesn't mean that I don't think my idea would work.

You referenced data from different, but similar, ideas that did not work. My response was that this is not the same thing.

It doesn't have to be able to work, for me to think it will. Tons of plans fail. Others succeed.

Your dismissal was simply that you didn't think it would work based on an analogous (at least in your opinion) thing that did not work. I said that is a fair assessment.

I can STILL believe it will work despite that. You don't know 100% that my plan would fail. Just like I don't know 100% that it will succeed. We both are in opinion-land.

I don't have any issue admitting as much. I do take issue with the assertion that I hate black people when I am a black person. Or that I am hostile to the black community, etc.

I have worked diligently, and will continue to work to strengthen my community. I advanced my position to help strengthen black communities. You think it is BS, fine.

To question my plan is one thing, but questioning my motives is a bit too far imo. And that is where the problem lies.
This is such a meandering argument that leads to nowhere.

So since I am not 100% certain, your plan that does against most economic, public policy, sociological research and common sense might work.

If someone told you that there is a 95% chance eating this piece of corn might kill you. Your *** gonna be like....

Welp not 100%, still got dat 5% doe.
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Biden and the Democrats need to stop trying to get republicans to vote for him. Its not happening. Focus on getting out the youth; put Bernie and AOC on TV, get Booker to talk to Rosario, have Brie and TSwift get on Insta. We need the Dems to focus on getting the actual undecided voters - the youth who keep hand waving voting as a pointless exercise in an outdated political machine.

"Oh maybe if AOC tells young people on TikTok that Wisconsin is the most important state this time around, they might vote and swing their counties blue." But no, it's "hey 50 year old machinist in deep red West Virginia, I'm John Kasich here to tell you that Trump bad, Biden good."

Stop it. Use your strengths. Be smart. Someone @ Joe or Tom Perez for me.
I agree that the behavior of the DOJ to undermine legislation enacted by Trump is ridiculous. The DOJ has been problematic long before Trump and will likely be long after. A lot of career folks that have served under many administrations there.
It's funny because Trump could fire Barr like he fired Sessions, right? But here's the thing: Sessions only got in hot water because he recused himself from the Russia probe, against the wishes of Trump. Meanwhile, the current DOJ that you call problematic has never been in trouble with Trump, even as they used procedure to nullify the effects of the first step act. Make of that what you will...
Biden and the Democrats need to stop trying to get republicans to vote for him. Its not happening. Focus on getting out the youth; put Bernie and AOC on TV, get Booker to talk to Rosario, have Brie and TSwift get on Insta. We need the Dems to focus on getting the actual undecided voters - the youth who keep hand waving voting as a pointless exercise in an outdated political machine.

"Oh maybe if AOC tells young people on TikTok that Wisconsin is the most important state this time around, they might vote and swing their counties blue." But no, it's "hey 50 year old machinist in deep red West Virginia, I'm John Kasich here to tell you that Trump bad, Biden good."

Stop it. Use your strengths. Be smart. Someone @ Joe or Tom Perez for me.
Sorry I disagree with this. It makes no sense for them to throw their eggs all in this basket. Especially after what we saw in the primary. AOC, Bernie, Booker, and not increasing turnout above the norm.

Right now the DNC and Biden are trying to appeal to every kind of potential Democratic voters equally. That is the smart things to do. They are not ignoring young voters or progressives. They are just not focusing squarely on appealing to them.

Young voters are a notoriously apathetic group that probably won't show up in larger numbers unless they have a presidential candidate they like. Even then there increases in turnout have been correlated with general increases in turnout.

Trump snuck through because the marginal Republican voters came home at the last minute, partly because of the dislike for Hillary. Whether or not these voters decide to vote for Biden is up in the air, but it is a good strategy to try to go after them. Because even if Biden can get a few extra of these voters, it hurts Trump a lot.

Kaisch is not there to appeal to the rural red state voters. He is there to appeal to the affluent moderately conservative suburban dweller, that thinks Trump indecency is corrupted their party. Trump's base is massive, but it is not enough to hand him the presidency. Voter suppression, and more moderate conservatives putting party first are still needed.

Hell in 2008, Obama made a huge deal of Republicans endorsing him. His campaign signal boosted the Colin Powell announcing he would vote for him.
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White supremacy is definitely a mental illness or in the very least an illicit substance that clouds your judgment. These folks need to be committed to rehab/jail or a mental institution like anything else that we do to people that act this way.
Or they could just be taught the history of their country without the jingoistic, religious flavor. I promise they won't love America less.
Sorry I disagree with this. It makes no sense for them to throw their eggs all in this basket. Especially after what we saw in the primary. AOC, Bernie, Booker, and not increasing turnout above the norm.

Right now the DNC and Biden are trying to appeal to every kind of potential Democratic voters equally. That is the smart things to do. They are not ignoring young voters or progressives. They are just not focusing squarely on appealing to them.

Young voters are a notoriously apathetic group that probably won't show up in larger numbers unless they have a presidential candidate they like. Even then there increases in turnout have been correlated with general increases in turnout.

Trump snuck through because the marginal Republican voters came home at the last minute, partly because of the dislike for Hillary. Whether or not these voters decide to vote for Biden is up in the air, but it is a good strategy to try to go after them. Because even if Biden can get a few extra of these voters, it hurts Trump a lot.

Kaisch is not there to appeal to the rural red state voters. He is there to appeal to the affluent moderately conservative suburban dweller, that thinks Trump indecency is corrupted their party.

Hell in 2008, Obama made a huge deal of Republicans endorsing him. His campaign signal boosted the Colin Powell announcing.
Hmm. I can see that point of view. I dont think we're in the same political landscape as 2008 though, so it's hard to say the outcome can be similar to Obama and the moderates. I do agree getting white midwesterners to not vote Trump is as valuable as a vote for Biden, but the youth hates Trump on a large scale, more than they or anyone is excited for Joe. Also yes, voter turnout in general is key, and obviously Trump and team know that since they're literally dismantling the voting infrastructure. So yes, turnout the vote for all will = higher youth voting. But getting ALL voices of the democratic party to participate will help that. IDC how they do it, and they dont strictly need to appeal to the youthes, but dont make your focus to be "centrists" and "independents" (not the same as Indapendents a la Ninjahood).

In any case, I'm preaching to the choir in here. We're all voting Blue no matter who, right wr wr ?
Falwell, Manafort, Stone.

I dunno what it is about conservative dudes liking watching their wife getting piped down while they stand in a corner like...

It’s like all the red neck dudes that like watching videos of a tiny white girl getting bangs by a bunch of mandingos. I don’t know why but this ain’t no different. Wouldn’t be shocked if there’s other involved in this.
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