***Official Political Discussion Thread***

senate republicans grilling private company for "censoring conservatives". I thought free-market rules apply, and if conservatives felt they were being censored, they could go elsewhere?

It's just conservatives gearing up for the next battle of their culture war:
As racial protests engulfed the nation after George Floyd’s death, users shared the most-viral right-wing social media content more than 10 times as often as the most popular liberal posts, frequently associating the Black Lives Matter movement with violence and accusing Democrats like Joe Biden of supporting riots.

People also shared conservatives’ most-read claims of rampant voter fraud roughly twice as often as they did liberals’ or traditional media outlets’ discussions of the issue, the analysis found. The conservatives’ tactics included spinning mainstream media coverage on voting irregularities into elaborate conspiracy theories, sometimes echoed by Trump, that Democratic lawmakers are trying to steal November’s election

No agenda, no policy, nothing. Just endless outrage.

It's like back home, where authorities are more preoccupied with people wearing camo and short skirts than real issues like the state of the roads.
Minus the OG recording them I can't even tell who tf is a Biden or Trump supporter without the signs
Cue spiderman pointing at spiderman meme. Hilarious.
Stupid idiots who want to justify their support for cheeto keep on saying back in the day Democrats were KKK, let's not even get into that but now the only people flying confederate flags and swastikas are Trump supporters.
Also this thread is over 9000.
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