***Official Political Discussion Thread***

its kinda funny how some of the Fox news people are throwing shade at Chris Christie. Like, they will devour their own like that

It is because homeboy talked so highly of Obama's handling of the Hurricane Sandy relief effort in NJ, and his refusal to politicize it in Mitt's favor.

Fox News don't give a damb about what Christie is dealing with, all they want is Obama out. For them it is either get down or lay down
Obama in Iowa 281.000 in early votes, Romney 215.000.

I know the Democrats are always better in early votes.Nevertheless is it enough to hope for Iowa voting Obama ?
It is because homeboy talked so highly of Obama's handling of the Hurricane Sandy relief effort in NJ, and his refusal to politicize it in Mitt's favor.
Fox News don't give a damb about what Christie is dealing with, all they want is Obama out. For them it is either get down or lay down

well Christie sorta endorsed the "good" job Obama was doing. So they kinda turned on Christie. Like if you dont hate Obama, there isnt any room for you in the party
I'd vote for Gary Johnson, even if I didn't support him. Your vote doesn't mean anything in terms of electing the president; however, with 5% of the popular vote, third parties will gain federal funding and equal ballot access. If you'd like to see the two party system end, it's a no-brainer.
First results should start coming in @ 6PM EST.
7 p.m.: Polls close in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia.
7:30 p.m.: Polls close in North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia.
8 p.m.: Polls close in Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Washington, D.C.
8:30 p.m: Polls close in Arkansas.
9 p.m.: Polls close in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
10 p.m.: Polls close in Iowa, Montana, Nevada and Utah.
11 p.m.: Polls close in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon and Washington state.
1 a.m.: Polls close in Alaska.

So since the swing states will have their votes in by 8pm EST we should have a pretty good picture of how its shaping out around before 9pm EST. This should be good.
I believe after we see the results in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida (if possible) we'll be able to call this, Romney has to win 2 outta 3 of those to even have a chance mathematically if most of the polls have been close to accurate.
I honestly don't think it will be that close with Barry taking it...The polls show it's close, but how accurately do they really capture the black vote? I think that's going to be the big difference for Barry. I know in my family everyone & I mean everyone is making sure we get out to vote for Barry. We don't even want it close. Everyone in my mother in-laws church is mobilizing too. My mother & father in-law have been helping the elderly in their church all day by driving them to vote...Didn't the polls have McCain & Barry close too? I could be wrong...
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Who do you guys have winning Pennsylvania?

what's up with the PA voting machines switching Pres Obama votes to Romney votes? :smh:

Tons of voter fraud going on from both sides lmao.. Kinda hope to see Gary Johnson gain 5% of the votes.. If we lose this election, I feel like Marco Rubio is our guy for 2016 for sure

out of curiousity, what voter fraud is happening on the DEM side?

It'll be because of Latinos/Hispanics and women if Barack pulls out a win.

On another note, my professor brought up the fact that the news outlets weren't really counting for the youth vote.

Julius F. Wrek
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I believe after we see the results in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida (if possible) we'll be able to call this, Romney has to win 2 outta 3 of those to even have a chance mathematically if most of the polls have been close to accurate.

Obama is taking PA, but Mitt will get the other 2. but Obama will get Ohio so its done
^I thought that was confirmed false.

But in a close race, I'm not surprised at rampant cheating. :smh:
i still am dumbfounded that anyone would even consider voting for romney.....like wtf mate?
i honestly feel like the last election was bigger...for some reason the aspect of automatically having a new president because the prior president was coming off a 2 year term really was stronger.
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