***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If CO, WA or OR legalize weed, what happens to people who are locked up for weed charges?

Is there any precedent for a law that has incarcerated such a large amount of people becoming legal?
If CO, WA or OR legalize weed, what happens to people who are locked up for weed charges?
Is there any precedent for a law that has incarcerated such a large amount of people becoming legal?

It would still be illegal on the federal level so no way Jose.
Taking the L early tonight, I was wrong. Hope Obama brings out a better four years than the last four. Thought it would be closer than it is now, but FL is going blue... GOP won't win now unless we get rid of those idiots that are supppppper far right.

Amen Brah. The Republican Party needs to hit the ctrl+alt+delete now.

Honestly tea party has brought the GOP down so far....Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt would be giving them the side eye right now....just look at their past Primary such a joke, Cain/Bachmann/Perry/Santorum/Gingrich awful. They need to re-evaluate everything and the sad part is the older generations wont be that open to change like that....American demographics are changing, they need to be more inclusive and less exclusive. But moderate Republicans I have no real issue with...these dudes they put up for the Presidency and VP were brutal
Unless its a republican movie star :lol:

touche. :lol:

Im in florida and im surprised my county went for B.O., with all of these yahoos around here i thought Mittens had it....
If CO, WA or OR legalize weed, what happens to people who are locked up for weed charges?
Is there any precedent for a law that has incarcerated such a large amount of people becoming legal?
They would probably stay locked up. Freeing them would be like overturning a ton of court cases, not gonna happen

Semi-on/off topic. The most important thing regarding the legalization of weed is trying to get federal support. Granted, of course it will start at the state level and get broader to the federal level. But there is still that struggle between federal vs state jurisdiction, especially in California. With DEA agents raiding dispensaries and whatnot. 

IMO, having a state legalize isn't achieving the full goal. Because in the end, it will still be illegal under federal law
''With Romney losing NH, that means he's set to lose every state he owns a house in, once CA comes in for Obama.''

......"and the streets say Romney can't go back home.......you know when he heard that, when he was back home"
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