***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nt politic meetup in dc this summer?? All the hamberders and hertdogs you can eat. :rofl:


So it’s like a mini-klan rally
Man racists really hate being called racists but don't want to stop being racist. So weird.

They want their racism to go unchecked. Part of the supremacist mindset especially prevalent in white males.

They also submit to higher white authority without fail, and fall in line behind the rich. When you recognize how racism and capitalism are directly tied to each other it makes sense.
One thing for sure is that there is a very deliberate effort out there to make sure that idea and definition of racism doesn’t evolve to include their unjustified negative feelings about minorities. Which is why you see the try so hard to stick to the first 3 lines of Webster’s dictionary.
They want their racism to go unchecked. Part of the supremacist mindset especially prevalent in white males.

They also submit to higher white authority without fail, and fall in line behind the rich. When you recognize how racism and capitalism are directly tied to each other it makes sense.

The boot lockers are always racist. You see a dumb *** thin blue line sticker you already know what the driver looks like.
We couldn't wear any hats at all because they were worried about "gang affilation" :smh: :rofl:
My highschool's dress code was pretty weird. It was a catholic school and a pretty progressive one at that, they were well aware the students were 99.9% atheist, but there were still some remnants of biblethumping in the dress code.

On the one hand you could wear hats outside of class, the metalhead students weren't questioned about some very graphic t-shirts that disparage jesus, christianity, and religion in general, ...
But on the other hand male students weren't allowed to wear tank tops/sleeveless shirts, even in scorching hot weather, because displaying our shoulders was deemed "arousing" in the dress code, and thus not allowed.
Shoulders... Come on now. Ain't nobody getting aroused over seeing a bit of shoulder.

The school didn't really object to short skirts, unless they were really short, but one time I was about to get a warm meal at the cafeteria with a female classmate and they refused to serve her food because she was wearing a spaghetti strap dress. That was a step too far for the biblethumpers apparently, even though it was in very warm weather. I objected and ordered a second meal but they refused to serve me as well because obviously I was buying it in her place. Eventually she had to cover up her shoulders to at last get some food.
One thing for sure is that there is a very deliberate effort out there to make sure that idea and definition of racism doesn’t evolve to include their unjustified negative feelings about minorities. Which is why you see the try so hard to stick to the first 3 lines of Webster’s dictionary.
The old “well I just _______ so it’s different” argument
The old “well I just _______ so it’s different” argument

Pretty much. It’s funny because I’ve had a few conversations with people on reddit across multiple subs and it’s painfully obvious that these people only post in places that only confirm their own biases. But the second you press them on their feelings with the full context of America’s history and how you can easily show it’s impact on people of modern day America, it goes from “Black People have a victim mentality and choose not to do better” to “well I wasn’t around during that time so why am being blamed for black peoples problems” which is an accusation literally no one is making. At which point you press them on why, if they’re not racist, and then achonowlegde history’s impact on black people, why do you support policies that actively do the opposite of reverse the damage caused by their ancestors. At which point they either go ghost or try to make it a Dem vs Repub conversation :lol:
Pretty much. It’s funny because I’ve had a few conversations with people on reddit across multiple subs and it’s painfully obvious that these people only post in places that only confirm their own biases. But the second you press them on their feelings with the full context of America’s history and how you can easily show it’s impact on people of modern day America, it goes from “Black People have a victim mentality and choose not to do better” to “well I wasn’t around during that time so why am being blamed for black peoples problems” which is an accusation literally no one is making. At which point you press them on why, if they’re not racist, and then achonowlegde history’s impact on black people, why do you support policies that actively do the opposite of reverse the damage caused by their ancestors. At which point they either go ghost or try to make it a Dem vs Repub conversation :lol:
Well just wait a little longer and you’ll get the ole “I can’t be racist becuase I have ______ people around me at _______ and I get along with them just fine”, OR......... “I have ________ friends”, or here’s a new one “im ___% ______ so I’m not even white white” *still chooses Caucasian at ALL times*

Looks like some desert tan crocs straight outta the sandbox. Crocs are premier choice of hi speed lo drag operators. They are designed to get in and out in a jiffy and imagine how silent the soft foam is on an afghan rug. Osama Bin Laden never heard them coming!

Obviously in these snowy conditions, I would have personally opted for alpine white crocs, but when duty calls!!! Rah-rah!!! Never forget!!!
Looks like some desert tan crocs straight outta the sandbox. Crocs are premier choice of hi speed lo drag operators. They are designed to get in and out in a jiffy and imagine how silent the soft foam is on an afghan rug. Osama Bin Laden never heard them coming!

Obviously in these snowy conditions, I would have personally opted for alpine white crocs, but when duty calls!!! Rah-rah!!! Never forget!!!
these are what we in the profession call "tactical crocs." standard issue for conflict zones like Baghdad and Manhattan.
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