***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The level of calm and normalcy of the inauguration, trending tweets, the segments on news networks and the press conference is weird AF, man :lol:

well everything is within a blue church circle and a blue god kicked out the red god in power so of course. all is well when the blue church takes control.
You guys remember that dude they showed at Trump's inauguration crying and screaming ... what could be of him today lol
I still have plenty of worries when it comes to politics

Especially with SCOTUS potentially striking down the ACA and VRA. The GOP is gonna be on their voter suppression bull**** heavy this year too.

Plus the stimulus package is still months away and vaccine distribution is in shambles

But the constant dread of something disgusting coming out of left field from the White House is gone. Which is a nice improvement
I still have plenty of worries when it comes to politics

Especially with SCOTUS potentially striking down the ACA and VRA. The GOP is gonna be on their voter suppression bull**** heavy this year too.

Plus the stimulus package is still months away and vaccine distribution is in shambles

But the constant dread of something disgusting coming out of left field from the White House is gone. Which is a nice improvement

It's going to be business as usual before Trump, same level of corruption, same level of poor management and lobby lobby lobby.

It's not like Bernie is up there.

But the trend will be more diversity in the congress, much more in depth debates, a lot more accountability, social media put into some good work.
It's going to be business as usual before Trump, same level of corruption, same level of poor management and lobby lobby lobby.

It's not like Bernie is up there.

But the trend will be more diversity in the congress, much more in depth debates, a lot more accountability, social media put into some good work.
eh, a Bernie Presidency and a Biden presidency would be pretty much the same

Other than Bernie getting slapped down in court some more
525,600 always hits the heartstrings.


It's going to be business as usual before Trump, same level of corruption, same level of poor management and lobby lobby lobby.

It's not like Bernie is up there.

But the trend will be more diversity in the congress, much more in depth debates, a lot more accountability, social media put into some good work.

Bernie would definitely used his executive power more aggressively and it would have been huge for people with a lot of student debt.

Beyond that though, president Bernie would have had to deal with all of the counter majoritarian institutions that Biden will have to deal with.

The only fix to our problems will be building broad working class coalitions to make demands directly on capital and the state. The situation in Washington is largely a reflection of the balance of power outside of Washington. Capital, particularly finance capital is United and powerful but the working class, the real working class, the 90% of Americans of all colors and nations of origin and religions and gender expressions, need to unite and operate under the truism that the billionaires need the working class but the working class ones not need the billionaires.

Bernie got a number of us into the sort of politics that sees democracy as being about much more than elections. Let’s realize his brand of politics in a hundred thousand workplaces, in city halls, in front of eviction courts, in front of police stations and in the streets.
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