Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Man i'd say that ONE of the most valuable things i've learned in my 26 years here is that you should never become SO attached to someone that if you and this
person/people have a falling out of some sort you can't operate/function properly.
That goes for friends,girlfriends and YES even family members/relatives.

Learning this the hard way right now
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

My dad is always telling me (i'm 20) to live it up because life does not get any easier.
Age 16-24 is like the glory years he says.  

Live it up young'ns
Your dad does not like his life.
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

My dad is always telling me (i'm 20) to live it up because life does not get any easier.
Age 16-24 is like the glory years he says.  

Live it up young'ns
Your dad does not like his life.
Think before you act...Impulses will hurt you afterward

Always continue to take out time for yourself...Between work, school, family, and etc., You will need an outlet to relax and take away the stress of the day

Always communicate with your colleagues at work, if you dont it could impair your chances of growth in the company

It doesnt even hurt to hang out with some of your colleagues after work hours, great way to network

PROTECT YOUR ASSETS!! If you dont need it, then dont buy it. Credit cards shouldnt be used for clothes, shoes, video games.

Speaking of Credit Cards... have at least ONE credit card with a low balance. You will never know when you may need it for life unexpectedness ( car repair, home repair, hospital/doctors visit, etc)

Facebook is the devil, one or two pictures of your drunken episodes can harm you for life (employment, background check, character)

Make friends with your neighbors, you never know when you will them for something

RENTERS: If you are late on your rent, LET THE LANDLORD/PROPERTY MGR KNOW!! You will be surprised that the landlord/property mgr will work with you and wont take you to court for unpaid rent
The one thing I will tell you is to realize that life does not play out like a fairy tale or a movie. You aren't going to find the perfect mate, but you can find someone perfect for you. You aren't going to get the perfect job but you can find one that works well for you. Etc. Approach life in a realistic sense and you'll be prepared for everything it can throw at you.
Think before you act...Impulses will hurt you afterward

Always continue to take out time for yourself...Between work, school, family, and etc., You will need an outlet to relax and take away the stress of the day

Always communicate with your colleagues at work, if you dont it could impair your chances of growth in the company

It doesnt even hurt to hang out with some of your colleagues after work hours, great way to network

PROTECT YOUR ASSETS!! If you dont need it, then dont buy it. Credit cards shouldnt be used for clothes, shoes, video games.

Speaking of Credit Cards... have at least ONE credit card with a low balance. You will never know when you may need it for life unexpectedness ( car repair, home repair, hospital/doctors visit, etc)

Facebook is the devil, one or two pictures of your drunken episodes can harm you for life (employment, background check, character)

Make friends with your neighbors, you never know when you will them for something

RENTERS: If you are late on your rent, LET THE LANDLORD/PROPERTY MGR KNOW!! You will be surprised that the landlord/property mgr will work with you and wont take you to court for unpaid rent
The one thing I will tell you is to realize that life does not play out like a fairy tale or a movie. You aren't going to find the perfect mate, but you can find someone perfect for you. You aren't going to get the perfect job but you can find one that works well for you. Etc. Approach life in a realistic sense and you'll be prepared for everything it can throw at you.
"Pay yourself first" = whatever you make. 50 or 50,000. take some off the top and put it away. That what whatever is left. you budget your spending off of that. Don't have to worry about saving, you paid yourself first.
"Save for a rainy day" = the rain means a hard time in your life. (seriously i didnt figure this out until like 28, i thought it meant for a day the weather sucked and you wanted to have some fun)

Also my dad used to tell me to save anything. Even 5 dollars. I used to laugh and look at him like "i will never get that new bmw and jordans saving 5, 10, 20 dollars a month. I want it now!" But as i got older, i could have used a few grand here or there for peace of mind in the bank, or an investment, or to purchase a home, move, etc. I would have had that if i had started putting 5,10, 20 bucks a month away out of my check. Time flies and that stuff adds up. Now i save like crazy, like i gotta make up for lost time. Nothing is more empowering than knowing you have a little cushion in the bank, while your peers are living check to check.
"Pay yourself first" = whatever you make. 50 or 50,000. take some off the top and put it away. That what whatever is left. you budget your spending off of that. Don't have to worry about saving, you paid yourself first.
"Save for a rainy day" = the rain means a hard time in your life. (seriously i didnt figure this out until like 28, i thought it meant for a day the weather sucked and you wanted to have some fun)

Also my dad used to tell me to save anything. Even 5 dollars. I used to laugh and look at him like "i will never get that new bmw and jordans saving 5, 10, 20 dollars a month. I want it now!" But as i got older, i could have used a few grand here or there for peace of mind in the bank, or an investment, or to purchase a home, move, etc. I would have had that if i had started putting 5,10, 20 bucks a month away out of my check. Time flies and that stuff adds up. Now i save like crazy, like i gotta make up for lost time. Nothing is more empowering than knowing you have a little cushion in the bank, while your peers are living check to check.
Also keep your credit perfect. If it is not, spend the money to make it perfect. Put in the hard work. People say "all i got in this world is my word and my balls". Well is "your word" to the bank. You don't have to be rich, but credit will keep a roof over your head, and allow you to buy anything if you absolutely need it. Treat it good and it will treat you good. I tried living a life of "i dont need credit if i can pay cash" well......... you will still be limited. Nothing feels worse than having 5 figures in your savings, making 70+ and being denied something that cost's you very little (like rent, or a home loan, or affordable car) because of your credit score. Or somebody being able to rape you financially and make you overpay because of your credit score.
Also keep your credit perfect. If it is not, spend the money to make it perfect. Put in the hard work. People say "all i got in this world is my word and my balls". Well is "your word" to the bank. You don't have to be rich, but credit will keep a roof over your head, and allow you to buy anything if you absolutely need it. Treat it good and it will treat you good. I tried living a life of "i dont need credit if i can pay cash" well......... you will still be limited. Nothing feels worse than having 5 figures in your savings, making 70+ and being denied something that cost's you very little (like rent, or a home loan, or affordable car) because of your credit score. Or somebody being able to rape you financially and make you overpay because of your credit score.
Better smash while she still got that phat asss and looks good. cause once she hits college/gets older, everything is downhill from there
Better smash while she still got that phat asss and looks good. cause once she hits college/gets older, everything is downhill from there
Dont trust women!!! They're sneaky as +@%@!!!
Always wear a condom! Except if you wanna get acne on your balls
If youre gonna go to college, dont major in a will probably be without a job for many years.
Dont trust women!!! They're sneaky as +@%@!!!
Always wear a condom! Except if you wanna get acne on your balls
If youre gonna go to college, dont major in a will probably be without a job for many years.
Originally Posted by Dunk These

def a great thread

im about to be 25 this June and i've seen a lot and been through a lot.. so here's a few things that i've learned:

- love your family. they're the only ones who will always have your back..
- there will be a time where your "ride or die" homies will forget about all the things you guys been through and things you have done for them.. dont be disappointed.
- surround yourself with people who are doing better than you.. you are a medium of the people you surround yourself with.
- things change. people change.
- don't let your outgo exceed your income.
- keep it real.. to yourself and others. people notice that.
then they arent ride or die
Originally Posted by Dunk These

def a great thread

im about to be 25 this June and i've seen a lot and been through a lot.. so here's a few things that i've learned:

- love your family. they're the only ones who will always have your back..
- there will be a time where your "ride or die" homies will forget about all the things you guys been through and things you have done for them.. dont be disappointed.
- surround yourself with people who are doing better than you.. you are a medium of the people you surround yourself with.
- things change. people change.
- don't let your outgo exceed your income.
- keep it real.. to yourself and others. people notice that.
then they arent ride or die
Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Do well in school.

Take any and every opportunity that you have.

Leave your comfort zone from time to time. Never settle for what you are used to when you can miss greater things out there.

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP AND PUT HER FIRST. Your career is first. If she can't understand that, she's not worth it for the long haul or the short term.

Your priorities should be 1. Career 2. Friends and Family. That might sound harsh, but your true friends and family will always understand.

Move around as much as possible (within the US and the world) if the opportunity comes up.

If none of that sounds relevant... Well, save up enough to buy a pound, break it down, and trap. Or work on a jumper. Rapping is too hard to get into now.
Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Do well in school.

Take any and every opportunity that you have.

Leave your comfort zone from time to time. Never settle for what you are used to when you can miss greater things out there.

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP AND PUT HER FIRST. Your career is first. If she can't understand that, she's not worth it for the long haul or the short term.

Your priorities should be 1. Career 2. Friends and Family. That might sound harsh, but your true friends and family will always understand.

Move around as much as possible (within the US and the world) if the opportunity comes up.

If none of that sounds relevant... Well, save up enough to buy a pound, break it down, and trap. Or work on a jumper. Rapping is too hard to get into now.
Between the age of 18-23 is when you make the most important decisions that will shape your entire life, becareful.
Between the age of 18-23 is when you make the most important decisions that will shape your entire life, becareful.
This thread is perfect. About to leave high school soon and I realize that I'll need to learn a lot.
This thread is perfect. About to leave high school soon and I realize that I'll need to learn a lot.
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