How was this someone who was random?
He's random because because the author was not a member of the NOI, was never directly associated with Malcolm or the movement at the time, never was in jail with Malcolm when he served his time, never even ate at the same diner as Malcolm back in the day, never went to school with Malcolm, never had a love session with Malcolm, etc., etc. This guy just pops up with information about Malcolm but he never was apart of his circle or never even came in contact with Malcolm, but you dudes buy stock into what he's selling......
. In general, for all the people that knew Malcolm, those in his direct circle, or even government officials that kept files of his whereabouts and even past history on him don't you honestly think a story or two of him being gay would have been surfaced earlier than this.
Let me ask you DeuceKing, if Malcolm had sex with men in his earlier life, don't you think we can assume he would go to great lengths to preserve that secret? IT certainly is something he wouldn't be vocal about given his position and views.
Given your example, yes I think Malcolm would have gone to great lengths to preserve that secret. However, I also believe that given that example that somebody would have leaked that story way back when, perhaps one of his "so called" lovers or a friend that knew of his situation that wanted to bring him down during his height.
Black people have been served the rawest deal out of anyone, you have every reason to distrust/hate white people all that I understand
Well that's a start champ. I'm glad you at least can acknowledge that point.
But the homohpobia thing I don't get, it doesn't help y'all to persecute another group
I think you and other are using the word "homophobia" a bit too loosely here. I think you have to understand, just because someone doesn't care or agree with homosexuality doesn't necessary mean that they are homophobic or have homophobia. It's no different when somebody doens't agree with somebody or something and the first thing the other person in the conversation says is "your hating", it's not hate. People like or care for certain things and some people don't, simple as that.
If a well-respected and renowned historian and author is somebody so "random", then what does that make you Deuce King?
He's random in regard to his dealings and association with Malcolm X, do you not get that?? That's like me coming out with a tell all book about you Big J 33, the first thing most logical people are going to ask or question is my association with you or vice versa.