So I'm getting sued for $65k

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

^ got shoes he said he found out after she was sick
Plus he also stated she was making 65k so I am sure at the time that the accident happened he had assumed that she was fully capable.
damn tell the ppl that are sueing you your situation and hopefully they drop the charges?

and yeh you cant feel joy without being sad, so stay up op good luck with everything
Nothing you can do, but fight it and be honest and forthcoming. But your wifes situation is within your may want to re-evaluate staying together "until death do us part." If you lose, you'll probably be in that same apt. with even less than you have now in addition to a crazy wife.
Why did your wife have a $65k job while you're on $10 an hour? I thought you had kids at a young age and you had to work to support your fam, but i took that out of the equation when you mentioned she had a $65k job. You did something wrong fam.
Good luck man, I hope you figure it all out.
I was in an accident and was "at fault" and that was stressful enough, can't imagine what you're going through. Makes me appreciate what I have.
if you sift thru the nonsense and attention seekers here who live with their parents and never seen a bill aside from their tmobile theres actually some good advice-

look up pro bono or legal aid type centers in your city...there are centers for people who need representation for whatever reason but cant afford it...

talk to the insurance company and explain your situation but dont agree to anything - just see what the possible resolutions are

the bill might get lowered and they might put you on some type of extended payment plan...if you dont pay on that it will hit your credit and maybe they will start garnishing your wages (dont know if they can go that far)

you don't have 65k to give them so that's not an option...they will either take $50 or something like that a check for the next however many years or they will ruin your credit but again it depends on what type of case they have...are they sending you a bill with threats or is it like some court ordered official judgment against you
I find it really eerie your wife lost her $65k job and you are being sued for $65k.

I wouldn't call it karma because like you said you didn't know. But there had to be signs man.

Sorry you even have to go through this, but I'm glad you aren't giving up. You are a good man, OP.

Keep your head up.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

are they sending you a bill with threats or is it like some court ordered official judgment against you

The courts can't rule against somebody unless the defendant in question was given adequate time to put together a defense/answer. OP hasn't said whether or not he was served with a Summons & Complaint. (Either in person or by certified mail and a copy tacked to his door)
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

why are you believing your wife regarding bills if she's mentally ill?

..sorry just thought that was hilarious 
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

damn thats sucks homie. you may have to roll with a public defender. make sure you do all the research on the case, go talk to lawyers too, im sure they would be willing to at least give you advice. Try talking to law students too. Also, try and keep pushing the case back as much as you can, keep stalling for time.

good luck yo, the law aint an issue dudes need on their plate, trust i know.....
You don't get to have a public defender in civil cases.

most like what will happen is that the judgment will go against you.
since you have no means to pay outright..they'll garnish your wages
or you can attempt to negotiate with them and try to settle for a lesser amount
sir i am seriously going to pray for you. hopefully the lady isnt a jerk and just uses her own insurance (uninsured motorist).
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

damn thats sucks homie. you may have to roll with a public defender. make sure you do all the research on the case, go talk to lawyers too, im sure they would be willing to at least give you advice. Try talking to law students too. Also, try and keep pushing the case back as much as you can, keep stalling for time.

good luck yo, the law aint an issue dudes need on their plate, trust i know.....
You don't get to have a public defender in civil cases.

most like what will happen is that the judgment will go against you.
since you have no means to pay outright..they'll garnish your wages
or you can attempt to negotiate with them and try to settle for a lesser amount

I doubt they will be able to garnish wages for a car accident.  Most wage garnishments are limited to things like child support.  He should check his state law to see, that's probably the only thing they can do, given the limited information he has told us about the situation. 
^when the judgement goes against him.. it will be considered a debt.

I'm sure they won't be able to garnish wages right there and then..but if he doesn't pay up.. the insurance company of the other person will most likely file to garnish.
Originally Posted by Il

Why did your wife have a $65k job while you're on $10 an hour? I thought you had kids at a young age and you had to work to support your fam, but i took that out of the equation when you mentioned she had a $65k job. You did something wrong fam.

maybe he got laid off and now he's underemployed or maybe she just had a better job than him

What happened in the accident though
65k is steep
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^when the judgement goes against him.. it will be considered a debt.

I'm sure they won't be able to garnish wages right there and then..but if he doesn't pay up.. the insurance company of the other person will most likely file to garnish.
What I'm saying is that they may not ever be able to garnish wages, depending on the state law.

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