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I guess you cant call someone a name that's in their SN?
lol I got the same one a week ago
These Schiek 1124's are much better than those Harbinger strap/wrist wrap combos I bought months ago. They definitely provide more than enough wrist support. I felt like my hands were going to explode or something before I loosened them up a bit.
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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I wish I was there to slap the **** outta these dudes

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WTH ^^^

Pinched a nerve in my neck that's been messing with my training since November. C7 radiculopathy. Thing just not want to heal. Left side is a lot weaker than the right. Sucks.

Moral of the story: be careful with overhead movements bros.
14 min Alternating EMOM

25m Sled Drag 100lbs
10 HR Push Ups
(Rx+ HSPU)

1 min ON, 1 min OFF
1 set of each

Split Jumps
Pull Ups
Lunges (no weight, NOT walking, NOT reverse)
Push Ups
KB Swings 50lbs

I did 120 reps total
Oxygen restricting masks are definitely the dumbest thing that I'm starting to see more and more of. Even at my college gym- seen dudes using it on the treadmill, at the dumbbell rack, etc.
I'm starting to see it a lot too. I guess it kinda makes sense on a treadmill, but I see dudes chillin on the bench with it on. Don't really see the benefit there.
Deadlifted for the first time in 2 weeks. Idk why but decided to get up to 405. My back is sore today. I lightly squated after, 225 x5x5. I haden't squated in 2 weeks since i have a stress fracture in my foot. Man 225 never felt so heavy.... :smh:
WTH ^^^

Pinched a nerve in my neck that's been messing with my training since November. C7 radiculopathy. Thing just not want to heal. Left side is a lot weaker than the right. Sucks.

Moral of the story: be careful with overhead movements bros.

Have you tried the rock tape?
I dislike the trainer I had. She was just talking to her friend in the training class. Waste of time. Almost had a neck injury doing that max snatch. Smh

MAX Snatch


*general rule: 3-5 misses at the same weight means you should drop weight, or move on

I got to 135lbs

12 min AMRAP (as many rep as possible)

5 Deadlifts 185lbs
3 Wall Walks
1 Rope Climb

I did 5 reps
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Question have you done crossfit before?

Maybe unrelated.
But ive been noticing more and more trai ers putting their clients through cross fit stuff. Which i feel is absolutely ridiculous. When i see those same clients coming in to the gym on their own. Theyre doing in correct CF stuff. Instead of what they should be taught with weight lifting movemebts for individual body parts.
Question have you done crossfit before?

Maybe unrelated.
But ive been noticing more and more trai ers putting their clients through cross fit stuff. Which i feel is absolutely ridiculous. When i see those same clients coming in to the gym on their own. Theyre doing in correct CF stuff. Instead of what they should be taught with weight lifting movemebts for individual body parts.

Thus the inherent problem of cross fit. I agree with the idea, it's nothing more than what we did for football and wrestling, but they end up leaving out proper practice (form, duration, ect). What it's become is a "look what I can do" showcase. Got people doing ridiculous things for the sake of wow factor.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I wish I was there to slap the **** outta these dudes
......All these fitness "gurus" are always finding the dumbest ways to one up each other. LOL.  Like, Why though?!?!?!?!
Thus the inherent problem of cross fit. I agree with the idea, it's nothing more than what we did for football and wrestling, but they end up leaving out proper practice (form, duration, ect). What it's become is a "look what I can do" showcase. Got people doing ridiculous things for the sake of wow factor.

Practice CrossFit at an affiliate... a good one. Everything is open source in terms of research, methodology, workouts.

If you do CF on your own (home gym) or at the mercy of a commercial gym trainer, then god bless your soul.

It isn't an inherent problem that CF has, much to the cringing of affiliate owners everywhere. CrossFit is quick to disassociate itself from events (OC Throwdown) and things that are outside of CrossFit.

The problem lies is that people don't have a clue what CrossFit is... especially meatheads.

Who is leaving out proper practice?

Who is making people do ridiculous things?

Have you ever been inside an affiliate or just making assumptions based on meathead made youtube videos?


Biggest critics are dudes that... don't even lift.
I would never do crossfit at a commerical gym or by myself at home

Actually, I do do crossfit at home now, but I wouldn't if I was still learning lol

Best way to learn is at a good crossfit gym
Who's leaving out proper practice? Ahhh look online and see the "cross fit" groups jumping "over" hurdles. That's just one example but there's plenty of that out there.

Who makes them do ridiculous things? The people who open gyms to the would be new "fitness enthusiast". They essentially take advantage of the fact that they'd do anything they tell them.

Yes I've done cross fit for about a month and decided I didn't really like it. I don't like team workouts and I don't like having to schedule when I will work out. It's also very expensive.

After all this you've completely MISSED MY POINT. The idea behind cross fit is good, BUT what happens is people call what they do cross fit and don't actually promote proper lifting techniques. The other problem is that I see MORE of that than actual accredited establishments or correct videos online.

In short,

Cross fit = not bad

Bad cross fit = bad

See more bad cross fit than good = bad
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Its said pretty frequently in here. The stupid people doing stupid stuff will always do stupid things, wether it be crossfit,bodybuilding, sports performance.

This isnt a crossfit thing. Its a people thing.
Yea bad lifting = bad lifting. No matter what it is.

I can show you examples of "bad" lifting from every type of training from Crossfit to bodybuilding to athletic performance and so on.
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I just hate when trainers take advantage of people and encourage them to do these ridiculous things. It's one thing to do it on your own. It's another to pay someone that seems like an expert and have them tell you to do this stuff. :smh: Not just CF, in general
You're point wasn't missed. I justvpounting out that your statement/argument lacks logic.

Your response only confirms it.

it takes months, sometimes years to get out of the intermediate/beginner stage.
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