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the bi-weekly Crossfit argument 
If it takes you a year to get out of the beginner stage of lifting it's probably because you spent the first year doing crossfit.
You're point wasn't missed. I justvpounting out that your statement/argument lacks logic.

Your response only confirms it.

it takes months, sometimes years to get out of the intermediate/beginner stage.

Where's the lack of logic? Here's a fact, one of the top cross fit guys is now paralyzed. How'd he get hurt? It's also a fact that cross fit is becoming synonyms with severe lower back, wrist, and knee injuries. Years to get out of the beginners stage? :lol: we giving out cross fit black belts now? :lol:

But again, do you. I dont love or hate it. But if you're going to come up with a proper rebuttal I suggest something better than "that lacks logic" even though my reason as to why is right there. I mean cmon man :lol: that's the argumentive equivalent of "well wwwwhatever" :lol:
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Manny machado destroyed his knee running to first base. That must mean baseball causes knee injuries. Baseball is dangerous!

Its a fact that something is now objectively associated with something else? Huh?
When I asked that question to him this morning. I wasn't trying to start the biweekly crossfit debate.

Was just kind of saying I don't get the point of teaching someone Either Overweight or New to working out in general crossfit (or circuit exercising) first especially the ones who don't stick with the PT....because then all you see them do is Crossfit stuff they learned in 4 weeks and usually not properly.

I dont know about anyone else but I see it all the time. Heavier set people, older people, people not in shape working out but doing movements completely wrong and they had PTs. But the PT (out of the 45-60 mins) keeps them on cardio for 15-20, does like 2 movements then goes and does box jumps and other stuff with them instead of truly teaching them proper form on many machines/weights.

I think it's a shame
You're point wasn't missed. I justvpounting out that your statement/argument lacks logic.

Your response only confirms it.

it takes months, sometimes years to get out of the intermediate/beginner stage.

Where's the lack of logic? Here's a fact, one of the top cross fit guys is now paralyzed. How'd he get hurt? It's also a fact that cross fit is becoming synonyms with severe lower back, wrist, and knee injuries. Years to get out of the beginners stage? :lol: we giving out cross fit black belts now? :lol:

But again, do you. I dont love or hate it. But if you're going to come up with a proper rebuttal I suggest something better than "that lacks logic" even though my reason as to why is right there. I mean cmon man :lol: that's the argumentive equivalent of "well wwwwhatever" :lol:

The man who paralyzed himself didn't do it at a crossfit competition. It's almost like having Kobe hurt himself playing pickup basketball and blaming the nba.

You might've been better off blaming olympic lifting because that was the specific move he hurt himself on. But it would be unfair to blame olympic lifting too.
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If it takes you a year to get out of the beginner stage of lifting it's probably because you spent the first year doing crossfit.

When it consist of more than Deadlift, Bench and Squat... yeah it takes time to put real weight on the bar.


Disregard, forgot NT'ers just watch a few Youtube videos, are self taught, pull up to the competition in their M3 with their dime piece in hand ready to smash bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions.

Sorry, if you're not competing, you're not an advanced lifter... "beginner/intermediate" is where you stay.

Where's the lack of logic? Here's a fact, one of the top cross fit guys is now paralyzed. How'd he get hurt? It's also a fact that cross fit is becoming synonyms with severe lower back, wrist, and knee injuries. Years to get out of the beginners stage? laugh.gif we giving out cross fit black belts now? laugh.gif

Blanket statements, blanket statements all around, :lol:

:lol: Anything that has competitons has levels/divisions/classes/etc.

Should've just said Oly Lifts, haha. It ain't easy, except to the keyboard workout ninjas.

But again, do you. I dont love or hate it. But if you're going to come up with a proper rebuttal I suggest something better than "that lacks logic" even though my reason as to why is right there. I mean cmon man laugh.gif that's the argumentive equivalent of "well wwwwhatever" laugh.gif

You're facts are wonky, so your argument was weak to begin with. Even if you meant synonymous, where is your proof. It's all hearsay. Plus if you have a rigourous workout regimen you are bound to get hurt. Not a matter of if, more of a matter of when.
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the only thing about that injury that bothered me was his lack of medical insurance. how are you one of the top athletes and don't have medical insurance. that's just foolish for an adult to be that irresponsible. or maybe he had insurance and i'm the one spouting nonsense. wouldn't be the first time :lol:
No offense to Kevin Ogar, and it takes a lot of work to get to the level he was at but he wasn't a top athlete. He was a regionals level athlete.

He also got hurt in a non-sanctioned event, the infamous OC Throwdown.

No medical insurance, pretty common amongst most Americans. #obamacare
I think you have to be good enough to get a contract with reebok to get medical insurance..

Kevin Ogar is just a regionals level, like what Ironman said

There's a guy I know of who runs the crossfit gym around my way (I don't work out at that gym) who makes regionals every year. But the only money he makes is from just running his gym. No insurance or nothing like that
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When it consist of more than Deadlift, Bench and Squat... yeah it takes time to put real weight on the bar.


Disregard, forgot NT'ers just watch a few Youtube videos, are self taught, pull up to the competition in their M3 with their dime piece in hand ready to smash bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions.

Sorry, if you're not competing, you're not an advanced lifter... "beginner/intermediate" is where you stay.
Blanket statements, blanket statements all around, :lol:

:lol: Anything that has competitons has levels/divisions/classes/etc.

Should've just said Oly Lifts, haha. It ain't easy, except to the keyboard workout ninjas.
You're facts are wonky, so your argument was weak to begin with. Even if you meant synonymous, where is your proof. It's all hearsay. Plus if you have a rigourous workout regimen you are bound to get hurt. Not a matter of if, more of a matter of when.

All hearsay?

Cmon man

But whatever
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Have you tried the rock tape?
What is it exactly?

I'm open to anything short of surgery at this point. I'm not suffering from pain, it's a motor issue mixed with stiffness/tightness. I'm on my 2nd stint at PT. I've tried gentle traction, strengthening the retractors more than I'm used to, TENS, massage, heat/ice, foam rolling, static stretching, and on and on. X-rays, MRI, EMG. Have yet to go to a chiro, because I've heard mixed reviews.
blastercombo blastercombo

do you read your own articles though?

This is what it says in the first article. I mean, not to come at you or anything lol

In a recent study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, researchers surveyed 132 CrossFit athletes. They found that “97 (73.5%) participants had sustained an injury that had prevented them from working, training or competing.” Of these injuries, nine required surgery.

This amounts to an injury rate of 3.1 per 1,000 hours, which is similar to sports such as Olympic weightlifting, power lifting and gymnastics, but less than contact sports like rugby. What may come as a surprise: it matches the injury rate for general fitness workouts.
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When I asked that question to him this morning. I wasn't trying to start the biweekly crossfit debate.

Was just kind of saying I don't get the point of teaching someone Either Overweight or New to working out in general crossfit (or circuit exercising) first especially the ones who don't stick with the PT....because then all you see them do is Crossfit stuff they learned in 4 weeks and usually not properly.

I dont know about anyone else but I see it all the time. Heavier set people, older people, people not in shape working out but doing movements completely wrong and they had PTs. But the PT (out of the 45-60 mins) keeps them on cardio for 15-20, does like 2 movements then goes and does box jumps and other stuff with them instead of truly teaching them proper form on many machines/weights.

I think it's a shame

I've done crossfit for 6 months, 3 years ago. I stop once I reached goals. Then I went to lifting and running and it just got boring. I missed the box (crossfit gym). So I went back about a month ago.

The gym I take part has certified trainers (yoga, crossfit, Olympic lifting and gymnastic) For them, formation and correct technique is the key and they do not play around with it.

But I do agree, some gyms are ppl that just jumping on the bandwagon.
What is it exactly?

My cousin suggested it but however you need to someone who knows what they're doing to put it on properly in order to work effectively.

RockTape is a special kind tape of known as kinesiology tape. The tape is used by practitioners throughout the world to treat injuries and improve sports performance.

Harden of the Houston Rockets wear it on his shoulder during while playing.
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Does anyone else's inzer belt not close all the way? I literally just got it and have been "breaking" it in by rolling it but I decided just to put it on to see how it would fit. Anyone else have a similar problem?


In b4 fat [emoji]128546[/emoji]
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No medical insurance, pretty common amongst most Americans. #obamacare
that's no excuse.
everyone at my job has insurance :lol:

That all depends on where you at.

In general, if you work for some kind of institution, you're going to have insurance. If you're your own boss, work independently, own a business, you don't have insurance. That's just what I notice.

Crossfit gym owners are considered independent contractors. Crossfit works under an affiliate model, not a franchise model.
Gym owners pay Glassman a monthly fee for the right to use the crossfit name and everything else they do is on their own. That's why Kevin Ogar doesn't have insurance. I think where the confusion is that you think that he's paid to compete. Na, unfortunately, he competes for free. He only gets money if he places.

Now if he was a paid athlete by reebok to endorse products, I'm sure that's a different story. He won't be considered independent anymore. I'm sure all those crossfit games competitors have insurance lol.
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Does anyone else's inzer belt not close all the way? I literally just got it and have been "breaking" it in by rolling it but I decided just to put it on to see how it would fit. Anyone else have a similar problem?

In b4 fat [emoji]128546[/emoji]
Sorry fam you either got it on too tight or not all the way in the hole (lol).
Speaking of crossfit....

Pulled 520 tonight for a gym PR, only about 10lbs off my all time best and it felt pretty good, especially since I did it on a whim 

Looking to hit something close to 550 at my meet in a month. 
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