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For those that are cutting, what's your daily intake looking like? Need new ideas due meals and snacks.
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1600 is like 1.2 meals

I'm not eem a big guy

1200 calories is a Chipotle dish

Or a burger and fries

1600 seems like the caloric intake of someone your size should be taking if I recall your stats
Pause squats could be the truth, yo. I did them for the first time on Sunday (sets of doubles, count to five before going up) and I think they're already helping my high rep squats. I could do 315 for 10 reps last week and I got 12 reps today.
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Either is fine. I know some people just ballpark their meals so I didn't want to be picky.

I'm going to revamp my diet as it's been crap lately.

I weighed in at 160 today, but I'm normally about 155ish. and my body fat is probably about 12%.

On training days I aim for ~3,100cals (high protein/carb, low fat) and on rest days I aim for ~2,100cals (high protein/fat, low carb).
For those that are cutting, what's your daily intake looking like? Need new ideas due meals and snacks.
7am protein shake 138 cals
9am - orange
1030am - oh yeah one bar - 220 cals
workout from 1-2
2pm - protein shake 138 cals
6pm - 1/2# burger medium rare with runny egg from the counter. no fries.
830pm - cottage cheese

no lecture on micronutrients, whole food sources etc. please. i ate a salad last month so i should be good for another year and half [emoji]128513[/emoji]
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That oh yea bar is pure crap. Much rather get more whole food in unless u just dont have the time
That oh yea bar is pure crap. Much rather get more whole food in unless u just dont have the time
oh yeah bar tastes great and has good sources of protein (22g) and it's convenient. i eat cheesy scrambled eggs with kale, slabs of steak or whatever else too. are you the quest rep dude?
Lol no. I thinks that suave???

Bars are like a sweet teaser to me. I only like to do them in a pinch or post work out. But if i can avoid them i will. Or just make my own
7am protein shake 138 cals
9am - orange
1030am - oh yeah one bar - 220 cals
workout from 1-2
2pm - protein shake 138 cals
6pm - 1/2# burger medium rare with runny egg from the counter. no fries.
830pm - cottage cheese

no lecture on micronutrients, whole food sources etc. please. i ate a salad last month so i should be good for another year and half [emoji]128513[/emoji]
This man knows what's up.

Haven't been there in a while though.
For those that are cutting, what's your daily intake looking like? Need new ideas due meals and snacks.
Remember man everyone has a different metabolic rate and metabolism. Also with muscle mass and the macros vary. Like for me I'm cutting right now but my carbs is still high and I'm doing a slow cut so I can maintain such much muscle mass from this bulk I did along with my strength. I'm losing only 0.5 pounds a week. My Marcos are fats 75 carbs 380 protien 205. But again everyone is different. All depends on your numbers that's how you can determine what kind of foods to eat.
@BIGBOSS somehow my phone ended up pages back in the car thread right at your trunk post... I would have never pegged you for a modded M3 kinda guy lol.
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