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How big are u. I dont even have 380 carbs on my bulk. Although next season in going to try that high and lower the protein to about 200
I'm 6'1 was at 170 with absolutely no muscle (barely squat the bar) and just extremely flabby.

Never counted calories, or anything, wanted to change my life style, I was the definition of skinny fat.

Did Keto and although the initial shock of it is tough, it really helps for several reasons.

If you are cutting calories like I was, you realize how much calories are in carbs.

I went down to 1700 calories and by doing keto I was full and then some snacking on protein bars and meats (pause).

I started out doing Strong Lifts then moved over the Wendler's 5/3/1

Lifts are good, weight is down to 160, and the cutting is still going, If you can do no carbs, I highly recommend it.
that's alotta protein :wow:

watched some of your vids. good depth on the squats and i was surprised to see that many people in your gym at 2am and at first i thought that was michelle rodrigues with the tricep pulldown rope :lol:
No man 380 carbs haha 205 Protien. Aw thanks for checking it out man! That's means a lot! Yea she justs that sometimes lol. I was surprise as well it was probably something in the air that day haha. But yea bro how's your fitness journey going?!
How big are u. I dont even have 380 carbs on my bulk. Although next season in going to try that high and lower the protein to about 200
I'm 5'10 currently 190 cutting still but still pretty lean. I need carbs or I look flat and I have a super fast metabolism. When I bulk I need crazy carbs like 700-800 fm just to put on weight. It's a gift and a curse cause sometimes I can't eat all that carbs and food haha. How big are you bro? Depends if you grow your metabolic rate you can increase it just takes time. How's your workout and eating now bro?
205 protein! sorry man my reading comprehension is poor [emoji]128534[/emoji] sometimes. i'm just trying to cut some fat but i love to eat crappy food.

@bigboss i got my sbd knee sleeves in the mail. perfect sizing for what i wanted them for man. thanks! after ripping two pairs of tk knee bands, i'm glad to finally have these to try out. one day imma have to grab an inzer belt too.
I'm 5'10 currently 190 cutting still but still pretty lean. I need carbs or I look flat and I have a super fast metabolism. When I bulk I need crazy carbs like 700-800 fm just to put on weight. It's a gift and a curse cause sometimes I can't eat all that carbs and food haha. How big are you bro? Depends if you grow your metabolic rate you can increase it just takes time. How's your workout and eating now bro?

In 5'9. Started cutting from 219 in may. Went on my serious cut 3 weeks ago so im at about 204 now.
When i cut i usually get to about 185 before i plateu and have to use fat burners (without cutting carbs out.)
In 5'9. Started cutting from 219 in may. Went on my serious cut 3 weeks ago so im at about 204 now.
When i cut i usually get to about 185 before i plateu and have to use fat burners (without cutting carbs out.)
That's a fast cut. That's a 5 pound a week lost? You got a lot of muscle on you bro? You do cardio or no?
What's the point of BCAA (powder)?
Is that needed?
How does it make a difference?
It's a branch chain amino acid(leucine) helps with muscle retention and maximize fat loss. Basically to help your body "not go catabolic and eat away at your muscle when you are dieting/losing weight. It's a supplement bro. If your diet is on point there's no need. I mean it can help but only slightly.
It's a branch chain amino acid(leucine) helps with muscle retention and maximize fat loss. Basically to help your body "not go catabolic and eat away at your muscle when you are dieting/losing weight. It's a supplement bro. If your diet is on point there's no need. I mean it can help but only slightly.

Ah I see

I'm already taking creatine everyday before I workout. And whey protein after. I eat a lot so I feel like I don't necessarily need all that, but it's whatever :lol:
That's a fast cut. That's a 5 pound a week lost? You got a lot of muscle on you bro? You do cardio or no?
naw not 5 a week i started prepping for my cut in May (cleaning up my foods) got to about 210 by the end of june. So 9 lbs in 8 weeks. Started the real cut 3 weeks ago lost 6 lbs.

I got a bit of muscle on me. And yea i do slow cardio to start. So i walk in the morning for 20 mins.
It's a branch chain amino acid(leucine) helps with muscle retention and maximize fat loss. Basically to help your body "not go catabolic and eat away at your muscle when you are dieting/losing weight. It's a supplement bro. If your diet is on point there's no need. I mean it can help but only slightly.

Ah I see

I'm already taking creatine everyday before I workout. And whey protein after. I eat a lot so I feel like I don't necessarily need all that, but it's whatever :lol:

Bought two alpha amino bottles earlier this year and I totally forgot about it.. :rofl:
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Ah I see

I'm already taking creatine everyday before I workout. And whey protein after. I eat a lot so I feel like I don't necessarily need all that, but it's whatever
Thanks man! Glad to help! 
naw not 5 a week i started prepping for my cut in May (cleaning up my foods) got to about 210 by the end of june. So 9 lbs in 8 weeks. Started the real cut 3 weeks ago lost 6 lbs.

I got a bit of muscle on me. And yea i do slow cardio to start. So i walk in the morning for 20 mins.
Oh nice! You right on track man! Keep it up! 
yea I wanna switch to blink more opening up around nyc I feel its an upgraded planet fitness
had both memberships at one time. I spent more money at  Planet Fitness than if i joined Retro Fitness. Parking meters and having to use an unlimited metro adds up. PLanet Fitness is good if you like to work out very late. Blink is cleaner (for now since is new and has more staffing); equipment is pretty much the same with except that blink has battle ropes and couple power cages, and the dumbbells goes up to 95lbs. All the blinks i went to only have one set of cable crossovers while most planet fitness has about 2.
So the Nike vapor shorts are really cool. I would cop the colors on sale if anyone's into it. Also got more soccer style shorts. Those look cooler.

I personally enjoy being the coolest looking jackass in the gym. Makes the eye candy happy too like ayy
Does anyone follow Micheal Kory on youtube or IG?

been following him for quite a few years.

always liked his Recipes.

this stuff is where you need to know how to calculate your own macros (not MFP)

here's an example of stuff he makes.
InB4 - just eat the real thing blah blah
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What's the point of BCAA (powder)?
Is that needed?
How does it make a difference?
that's the same question I have most protein like the optimum nutrition whey already has about 10 grams of BCAA and so does eating chicken breast
Whey has BCAA's in it but they aren't denatured into free form... so that means you need to digest the whey to get them. But whey has its uses, specifcally after you workout with some carbs.

BCAA's however prevent catabolism and keep your body in a positive protein state during your workout. They can be sipped on before during and after workout to keep your body as anabolic as possible while working out.

An advantage of BCAA's to whey is that since they don't need digestion when combined with your high GI carb after workout they will cause a MUCH BIGGER insulin spike. (carbs and protein combined = big spike, but when the protein is broken down already then it's even bigger)

An advantage of whey to bcaa's is that it needs to be digested so it will be better as a fuel and that it has other amino acids in it that have their own purpose.

As far as workout nutrition I personally take leucine before my workout and 20 mins before my workout ends I take 20 grams of leucine with 90 grams of waxy maize starch, creatine, and beta alanine. Reason being is that the waxy maize, having such a high molecular weight, will pull all of those things through the stomach right into the small intestine so they absorb even faster. Then 30

What's the point of BCAA (powder)?
Is that needed?
How does it make a difference?

that's the same question I have most protein like the optimum nutrition whey already has about 10 grams of BCAA and so does eating chicken breast

#1 No calories. For somebody bulking this probably would not be as much of an issue but for somebody on a cut if they wanted to supplement with say 15g of leucine that would require 6 scoops of protein which would equate to way to much protein at one time and also lots of calories.

#2 Faster absorbtion. Even with a fast digesting protein such as whey, it can take hours for the leucine in whey to be liberated from the protein & enter circulation; therefore leucine concentrations in the plasma never spike to high levels.

An isolated leucine supplement however, would be quickly absorbed into circulation, thus spiking plasma leucine levels & drastically increasing intracellular leucine concentrations and activating the aforementioned anabolic pathways.
Whey has BCAA's in it but they aren't denatured into free form... so that means you need to digest the whey to get them. But whey has its uses, specifcally after you workout with some carbs.

BCAA's however prevent catabolism and keep your body in a positive protein state during your workout. They can be sipped on before during and after workout to keep your body as anabolic as possible while working out.

An advantage of BCAA's to whey is that since they don't need digestion when combined with your high GI carb after workout they will cause a MUCH BIGGER insulin spike. (carbs and protein combined = big spike, but when the protein is broken down already then it's even bigger)

An advantage of whey to bcaa's is that it needs to be digested so it will be better as a fuel and that it has other amino acids in it that have their own purpose.

As far as workout nutrition I personally take leucine before my workout and 20 mins before my workout ends I take 20 grams of leucine with 90 grams of waxy maize starch, creatine, and beta alanine. Reason being is that the waxy maize, having such a high molecular weight, will pull all of those things through the stomach right into the small intestine so they absorb even faster. Then 30

#1 No calories. For somebody bulking this probably would not be as much of an issue but for somebody on a cut if they wanted to supplement with say 15g of leucine that would require 6 scoops of protein which would equate to way to much protein at one time and also lots of calories.

#2 Faster absorbtion. Even with a fast digesting protein such as whey, it can take hours for the leucine in whey to be liberated from the protein & enter circulation; therefore leucine concentrations in the plasma never spike to high levels.

An isolated leucine supplement however, would be quickly absorbed into circulation, thus spiking plasma leucine levels & drastically increasing intracellular leucine concentrations and activating the aforementioned anabolic pathways.
damn didn't know ther would be that much of a difference between the powder itself and the bcaa in the whey thanks for the info
damn didn't know ther would be that much of a difference between the powder itself and the bcaa in the whey thanks for the info

no problem man.
I take stand alone mainly because I do fasted cardio, so it helps not to burn muscle. also I work out about 90 mins after I eat a meal. so it helps with that also.
also at night if i wake up in the middle of the night
So the main benefit of BCAA supplements is to help retain muscle and not necessarily directly aid in making more gains?
Gave CT 's (Not fletcher) Growth Factor Chest workout a go on my 2nd Push day of the week
Heavy Work: Bench Press

A1 Bench Press, added band resistance3 5-10 sec.

A2 Bench Press 3 5-10 sec.

A3 Bench Press, slingshot AMRAP 2-3 min. rest

Complex 1: Press Medley

B1 Incline Dumbbell Press, reverse-grip 3  6-8 

B2 Incline Dumbbell Press, normal-grip  3 Max 

B3 Push-Up, elevated feet 3  Max 

B4 Dumbbell Press, reverse-grip  3   Max 

B5 Dumbbell Press, normal-grip  3 Max 

B6 Push-Up  3 Max 3 min. rest

Complex 2: Kettlebell Flyes and Presses

C1Kettlebell Flye, low 3 5-7 

C2Kettlebell Flyes, regular 3 5-7 

C3Kettlebell Press 3 5-7     90-120 sec.  rest

Complex 3: Squeeze Press & Flye Combo

D1 Squeeze Press  3 5-7 

D2 Dumbbell Flye, regular 3 5-7 

D3 Dumbbell Flye, high 3 5-7    90-120 sec.  rest

Bodyweight Finisher

Dip and/or Push-Up 50

+lateral raises, face pulls, skull 21s <- exrra
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Cts workouts are insane
The armed warfare had dead. Could barely lift my bottle to drink

Edit: just saw u say not fletcher.. s
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