STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

:rofl: :rofl: ninja...........................

had to debo this dude the other day. had a flat bench, this dude laying on it texting like he at home in bed with pajamas on. stood right next to him with the weights and stared at him. he put his phone away and finally grabbed weights.
gained 3lbs but lost body fat.
started doing Hitt.
that week of restarting the metabolism helped a lot. just more food. now back to low carb for a few more weeks
Is it recommended doing cardio in conjunction with SL 5x5?

I've read a lot of people recommend 5x5 for beginners so I'm going to give it a shot. Unlike most though, I like doing cardio
. I'd like to run my normal 3 miles on off days but not sure if that will be ideal.
I was doing 1 mile on the treadmill after my workouts but started losing muscle mass according to the in body machine my local supplement shop has.
Hate cardio

I usually do stationary bike, row machine, or stair master

I wish my gym had an air assault bike
Is it recommended doing cardio in conjunction with SL 5x5?

I've read a lot of people recommend 5x5 for beginners so I'm going to give it a shot. Unlike most though, I like doing cardio
. I'd like to run my normal 3 miles on off days but not sure if that will be ideal.
Its hard to keep progressing if your trying to up your lift numbers.  Might have to dial it down a notch or keep a good balance.  You def DONT have to run EVERYDAY

I'm an avid runner myself.
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Actually planning on starting to run twice a week outside at the track starting monday. Quitting cigs after this week too.
Running in circles is boring. Luckily, there are a few hiking trails in my area.
Running in circles is boring. Luckily, there are a few hiking trails in my area.

Lol it sure is, like nascar. It just works for me cuz the gym is 25min walk from the crib, the tracks about 20min walk from the gym then walk back home.
Man, to the guys that are able to consistently hit their macros, kudos to you.

Ive been on a 12 week program 3x/ week. Ive been pretty consistent hitting the gym, but macros started to go awol after the 5th week. Ive only lost a 2-3 pounds after 8 weeks, but my lifts have gone up. 
Man, to the guys that are able to consistently hit their macros, kudos to you.

Ive been on a 12 week program 3x/ week. Ive been pretty consistent hitting the gym, but macros started to go awol after the 5th week. Ive only lost a 2-3 pounds after 8 weeks, but my lifts have gone up. 
Thought I was in the boost thread when I saw your post

What ratios are you using?
Down to 200lbs on my cut. Back up to 405 lbs on my DL. It feels good to finally feel like I'm getting back to what I had. I was really hesitant to attempt anything that heavy again but one of my dudes told me to stop bs'n and I'm glad he did. I know I had more in me too but I didn't want to push too much too soon.

Also, I do some form of cardio every day after my lifts. I think I'll still do it even when I bulk.
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My knees are still pretty messed up to be doing cardio more than once or twice a week. I can play ball just fine but if I take off on a road or trail for a run, within 60 seconds my knees start throbbing. Then I start to limp, then I'm doneski. Doesn't happen with bball since it's so stop and go. But yeah, short bursts are fine. It's just hard to find open gyms consistently in my area
Anytime I do running as my cardio I have to wear compression tights under my shorts or knee sleeves. If not I'll feel it for 3-4 days after
why do you guys hate cardio? serious question

Waste of time for me. I have no functional use for greater cardiovascular endurance and I find training for it boring and tedious.

Even if I were looking to lose weight or achieve a caloric deficit, there are other types of training that are far more time efficient than conventional or soley aerobic exercise.
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