STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Was gona squat this morning but the bottom of my righ foot hurts when i step, like a sore feeling. Sorry legday:frown:

Im positive its sore from the cardio i did using the prowler.
I really need winter to come... it makes lifting more enjoyable for me personally..

Something about driving to the gym in the cold winter nights, sippin on my pre workout, getting out the car in the blistering cold walking to the gym...

lifting some heavy as weight, sweating, and coming back out in that cold winter breeze..... :pimp:
I really need winter to come... it makes lifting more enjoyable for me personally..

Something about driving to the gym in the cold winter nights, sippin on my pre workout, getting out the car in the blistering cold walking to the gym...

lifting some heavy as weight, sweating, and coming back out in that cold winter breeze..... :pimp:

And most importantly bulking lol. Not tracking close during the winter in amazing because who needs abs when it's 30 degrees. :rofl:
I really need winter to come... it makes lifting more enjoyable for me personally..

Something about driving to the gym in the cold winter nights, sippin on my pre workout, getting out the car in the blistering cold walking to the gym...

lifting some heavy as weight, sweating, and coming back out in that cold winter breeze..... :pimp:

the accuracy
Pray for me bruhs. So I took a new high paying job while I finish up certs for PT, thinking I could get this money up and maybe do training in the side and REALLY get this money up.

**** I've been working 12 hour days without breaks or lunches. The guy I'm working under doesn't eat. Like not once all 12-14 hours. Just puts in a dip, and I've seen him drink an energy drink once.

How the **** am I supposed to A: come anywhere near what my macros should be, ever? And B: ever have enough time to work out, let alone train people on the side. This is NOT what I signed up for and I'm whithering away. All the employees here either look like fat Rob Kardashian, or prisoner of war, skinny/pale/death stare.
I swear its illegal not to let employees take a break or lunch, esp if you working 12. You better bat him up and take your breaks bro
You'd actually be surprised. Laws vary by state. Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks per US dept of labor.

I looked into this bc my girl works at a hospital and at one point wasn't getting breaks at all and I told her it was illegal.. looked into it and I was wrong :lol:
damn no lunch breaks? wtf....

I get a 1 hour lunch break... or I can get a 30 min lunch break and then have 2 15 min breaks any time I want. but i just always take the full hour at once lol.

anyways, had an awesome push day fam.

hit 205 for 5x5 (first set I actually hit 6 reps lol).
Hit 90 incline db press for 2 sets of 7. then finished with 1 set of 8 with 80lb.

OHP hit 5x5 with 120 as well.

I been doing a crap ton of compound lifts on my push day and my strength is def going up pretty quickly.

I do:

bench (flat or incline)
DB incline
weighted dips
arnold press

and then from there i'll do a couple machines and finish off with tricep extensions.
Im guessing cali is in oregon cuz i remember him posting his degree from OSU

"The typical adult employee whose work period is eight hours long is entitled to receive at least a 30-minute unpaid meal period and two paid ten-minute rest breaks. Different provisions apply to minor employees under the age of 18. "

Bro, this is what I've always been taught, everywhere. Then during onboarding for this job, they didn't give me the usual spiel about rest breaks blah blah. I just figured they'd go over it during training. Nope. Then 1st week actually working, the dude I'm shadowing is like, " nah. No breaks. We got work to do. Bring a water bottle with you next time."

Mo fer, I'm damn near going into shock at the end of each shift while my muscles are straight turning into mush :lol:

I'm not ******* around tomorrow though. I'm NOT the one. No sir.
:lol: :lol:

For real tho take your lunch bro. **** that guy. He wanna toss in some grizzly wintergreen and drink a monster thats on him.
Man, y'all were making me feel like a d bag for eating a few pages ago talking about not having food.

Why don't you guys get ebt? I had it before I got 300 a month for food. You pay taxes so use that ****.
And yeah, the hell is this dude talking about talking about you can't get some food and drinks? :lol:

I'd just go to the damn store and get some food, it's just work. It will be there when you get back.
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