STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

This might sound crazy but take a lesser paying job if it means you get breaks. I don't mean it just so that you reach your macros. Not taking breaks on a 12 hour shift will take its mental and physical toll. It ain't worth it.... But this is coming from a software tester that can eat whenever
This might sound crazy but take a lesser paying job if it means you get breaks. I don't mean it just so that you reach your macros. Not taking breaks on a 12 hour shift will take its mental and physical toll. It ain't worth it.... But this is coming from a software tester that can eat whenever

I can take as many breaks as I want too as long as I get my job done.

That's just grimey treatment. I've had probably 40 jobs and not one has told me no breaks whatsoever. Like no one has ever expected me to starve and not drink. Tell that dude to eat a **** and go take a break.
Pray for me bruhs. So I took a new high paying job while I finish up certs for PT, thinking I could get this money up and maybe do training in the side and REALLY get this money up.

**** I've been working 12 hour days without breaks or lunches. The guy I'm working under doesn't eat. Like not once all 12-14 hours. Just puts in a dip, and I've seen him drink an energy drink once.

How the **** am I supposed to A: come anywhere near what my macros should be, ever? And B: ever have enough time to work out, let alone train people on the side. This is NOT what I signed up for and I'm whithering away. All the employees here either look like fat Rob Kardashian, or prisoner of war, skinny/pale/death stare.
lol where you working at fam equinox?
Sounds like my jobs. Sometimes I get to eat. We can take breaks though but usually everyone doesn't lol.

Some of my coworkers don't even eat breakfast. It is 4pm and I'm wondering how they didn't pass tf out yet. I drink 2 shakes before work and by 12pm I be ready to faint.
Good work ahat. Think in 2 weeks I'm gonna try for 500. PR currently 495 and we all know that extra few pounds makes the world a difference.

Love how I'm cuttin and my DL PR is back to what it was at the end of my bulk. Can't wait to bulk
Good work ahat. Think in 2 weeks I'm gonna try for 500. PR currently 495 and we all know that extra few pounds makes the world a difference.

Love how I'm cuttin and my DL PR is back to what it was at the end of my bulk. Can't wait to bulk

Thanks bro. Hell ya that extra 5 made that **** tough af. I pulled 5plates couple weeks back and it went up smooth. Today was a real grinder. I dont think i wanna go any heavier on DL, gonna work on hitting 5plates for reps.

How much you weighing now? Youre under 200 right?
Thanks bro. Hell ya that extra 5 made that **** tough af. I pulled 5plates couple weeks back and it went up smooth. Today was a real grinder. I dont think i wanna go any heavier on DL, gonna work on hitting 5plates for reps.

How much you weighing now? Youre under 200 right?
Yessir. 183 currently
I think I might drop down to like 170.

Partially to prove to my boss it isn't as hard to lose weight as he makes it seem. Second to see if I lose any strength. I'm 185 now.

I'm still gonna try and eat a lot of calories. Just cleaner ones.
Good ****!
Looking brolic guy. If i seen you walking towards me at night id turn and go back the way i came from
been taking ZMA for a week now. last couple of days, my sleep has gotten so much better. and I wake up ready for the day. what a great change. def loving it right now
Part of me wants to keep squatting/DLing for the gains but another part wants to work on my conditioning.

I get so winded playing half court ball about 2/3 the way through. It's ridiculous.
no reason you can't do both


However, I'm just recovering from a really bad stint of back pain that I can only assume was the result of combining StrongLifts + Basketball. Squats + DL 3 days a week and basketball another 2 at the least. It was cool when the weights were light but when the weight started feeling heavy it caught up to me.

But I think if I cut out the pick up games and strictly do conditioning drills I might okay.
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