STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I’m in and out in an hour.

One main lift and a couple accessories.

Seems like a waste of time and probably not going hard enough. Why do 10 accessories? Just go hard on 3.
push day later today... going back to my incline bench. gonna try for 215 5x5.
I’m in and out in an hour.

One main lift and a couple accessories.

Seems like a waste of time and probably not going hard enough. Why do 10 accessories? Just go hard on 3.

When doing 5/3/1 w/ Jokers or Singles and FSL + SSL x1, it usually takes me 40 minutes (including warm-up sets) just for that lift.

Most ppl I seen the gym in and out in an hour lift with very little intensity (weight) and/or rarely train compound lifts (besides bench).

's why I asked.
Just out of curiosity, how long do y'all boys sessions be taking? :nerd:

Main reason I think PPL blows is cause you really can't superset.

Warm-up + main lift plus 10-12+ exercises for 3-4 sets each have in that thing for 2 1/2 hours easy. Might be doing too much?

Definitely doing too much. More time spent in the gym does not = more results. In fact, the only way you're sustaining a 2.5 hour workout is if you half assing it, intensity wise, to be able to complete the entire session. Your body doesn't care about sets/reps/time spent. It cares about intensity. It cares about the amount of tension your muscles are under. Besides that, with a volume that high, there's really no room to increase your workload in a meaningful way.

Why can't you superset? Plenty of ways to mix it up.

Plus you can play with tempo. Mix in some eccentrics or pause sets. I did SS recently where I hit chin ups for reps and then did eccentric pull ups. The resulting DOMS in my back and biceps was killer.

My last push day I led off with a SS involving dips to failure then did incline DB press with light DBs and went for reps with a 2:3 tempo for 3 sets. I only got maybe 20 reps total from my pressing but the difficulty was insanely high. But its really just the point that I've been leading off with strictly incline DB press twice a week for at least a month. I knew I had to switch it up. Giving your body different looks than it's used to is more effective than how many hours or sets you put in.

If you want to spend 2.5 hours in the gym and that's what you like, cool. I just don't think it's efficient. I like to get out in under and hour. Leg day takes a little longer just due to the mobility and warm ups I do.
Why can't you superset? Plenty of ways to mix it up

Usually the first 3-4 exercises are compound lifts hitting the same muscle (or muscle groups). For example:
5/3/1 Dead Lift
3x5 Pendlay Row
4x6-8 Weighted Chins
Next ex's are usually pulldowns, cable rows, and T-bar row.

5/3/1 Squat (low bar)
3x5 Front Squat (barbell)
3x6-10 Hack Squat (plate-loaded)
3x8-10 Leg Press (plate-loaded)

5/3/1 BP
5/3/1 MP
3x5 Incline Bench
then Incline DB and/or Floor Press.

Just seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul to be supersetting DL + anything else. Wouldn't attempt to superset SQ when going for a weight and/or rep PR on the next set(s).

Appreciate the post.
ppl who superset annoy me. they'll be doing a lift on the other side of the gym and when i try to use a machine they'll come sprinting over and **** talm bout how they're using it.

or they'll just grab a bunch of db and wont let anyone else use it talm bout they supersetting. **** annoys me.
ppl who superset annoy me. they'll be doing a lift on the other side of the gym and when i try to use a machine they'll come sprinting over and **** talm bout how they're using it.

or they'll just grab a bunch of db and wont let anyone else use it talm bout they supersetting. **** annoys me.

Square up b

I like superset cuz i be flying thru my workout.can bang out a workour in 30min
Yea fam 405x8 on your last set? You got 5 plates no doubt
I hope. My cousin motivated me, I was going to do 405 for singles. He said he was pyramiding up (I pyramid down). I said if you going up...I'm going up.

Just out of curiosity, how long do y'all boys sessions be taking? :nerd:

Main reason I think PPL blows is cause you really can't superset.

Warm-up + main lift plus 10-12+ exercises for 3-4 sets each have in that thing for 2 1/2 hours easy. Might be doing too much?
I finish in 90 mins and that's with cardio...when I bulk and don't do cardio I finish in 60-75 hours.

Why can't you superset? Lmao yall really spending 6 hours at the gym?
Side note, I hit chest today.

I did paused doubles with 315 (8 reps total). Just trying to maintain my strength while cutting these 4 lbs. Idc about gaining, I'll gain on my bulk.

Hit a new PR with DB Press...I got 130 up for 5. I tried 6 but failed. I wanted to go 125 but my gym skips from 120 to 130 I'm like BUT HOW.
2.5 hours???

The hell yall doing in there?

I try keep it 45min-1hr

Push: 42 work sets
Chest: 17
Shol: 14
Triceps: 8
Traps: 3

Pull: 48 work sets
Back: 25
Low Back: 3
Biceps: 7
Rear Delts: 7
Forearms: 6

Legs: 41-42 work sets
Quads, Adductors,
Abductors, Hamstrings: 23
Hamstrings (iso): 6-7
Calves: 6
Abs: 6
Square up b

I like superset cuz i be flying thru my workout.can bang out a workour in 30min


yall just wait till i hit 5 plates DL. im busing through this thread like

I take long breaks in between lol. Plus i know people there so i be choppin it up.

Fyi, i go in the mornings so its dead anyways so i be chillin and taking my time.
If it was packed or im on a time limit, then ofcourse ill arrange a certain workout to make it out the door on time.
Push: 42 work sets
Chest: 17
Shol: 14
Triceps: 8
Traps: 3

Pull: 48 work sets
Back: 25
Low Back: 3
Biceps: 7
Rear Delts: 7
Forearms: 6

Legs: 41-42 work sets
Quads, Adductors,
Abductors, Hamstrings: 23
Hamstrings (iso): 6-7
Calves: 6
Abs: 6

That just seems like a lot.

Im usually doing 6-8 exercises each time in the gym.

I try for even amount for each muscle group i work that day
I take long breaks in between lol. Plus i know people there so i be choppin it up.

Fyi, i go in the mornings so its dead anyways so i be chillin and taking my time.
If it was packed or im on a time limit, then ofcourse ill arrange a certain workout to make it out the door on time.

Oh youre one of those chatty pattys that be taking up space shooting the ****, are you?
Oh youre one of those chatty pattys that be taking up space shooting the ****, are you?

Lol na man. Like i said the gym is dead in the am, except for the regulars. Well chop it up for a few min and then go bout our ways.

Now if its packed and im taking my time chatting, then yes roast me all you want.

Just playing I know what you meant. But the most I spend in the gym is two hours. That includes sitting in the sauna after working out.
Lmaooo I Just caught that.good looks. I was bugged out when I wrote that.

An hour is too long already, for me. Lol.
Yeah......I usually try to stay to an hour and a half. Sometimes I need a little more time, but that's the goal. Two and a half hours is a bit too much, for me. If that's what people like, do what you do.....
LIVE UPDATE!!! The boy hit a new 1rm on flat of 275!!!!!!!

I forgot who it was that recommend Ed me to out my whole foot on the floor and the use leg drive but I used that technique and got it up super quick!!! Gonna go for 280 next. I'll update yall and try to record lol

When doing 5/3/1 w/ Jokers or Singles and FSL + SSL x1, it usually takes me 40 minutes (including warm-up sets) just for that lift.

Most ppl I seen the gym in and out in an hour lift with very little intensity (weight) and/or rarely train compound lifts (besides bench).

's why I asked.

Yeah I run 5/3/1 but usually keep lifting whatever compound after and either go heavier or lighter depending how I’m feeling. Then do a few accessories after.

You do 5/3/1? My lifts have shot up a lot from that. My max bench was 235 3 months ago now I’m repping it. Also added like 30 pounds to my squat.

I also like supersets fight me if you want.
Yeah I run 5/3/1 but usually keep lifting whatever compound after and either go heavier or lighter depending how I’m feeling. Then do a few accessories after.

You do 5/3/1? My lifts have shot up a lot from that. My max bench was 235 3 months ago now I’m repping it. Also added like 30 pounds to my squat.

I also like supersets fight me if you want.

Good **** my dude.

Yeah, I do 5/3/1, I prolly shouldn't though. Most lifts seem to lag or progress much more slowly on it (in terms of weight). Almost only ever hit # PRs on Bro Splits and Full Body. Before I stopped doing them, the FB workouts were about 2 1/2 hrs as well.

WIth 5/3/1 I usually aim to do Jokers after plus sets, or else I'll go for 3 singles at up to 120% of TM. If I go Super Saiyan I'll bump it up to 5 or 6 singles and usually hit a true 1RM PR.

I love using antagonist supersets but never really liked s/sing for the same muscle group. Some of my workouts (most days of PHAT) would easily push 3, 3 and half hours without supersetting.

As far as numbers go, most 5/3/1 templates don't have enough frequency or volume for my liking. My Bench and Squat are actually stronger at 3x a week frequency...
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