STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

E&J :sick:

Have some respect for yaself and grab some Paul :pimp:
Mason? Never tried it. E&J Very Smooth is my ish.

I was gonna cop Jack Gentleman but ain't wanna spend 65 band lmao.

Is Evan Williams better than Jack? I've read it is, but idk. I stick to what I know, but give me some suggestions. Long as they don't cost a grip lmao
Pull Day:

5/31 Work Sets (done RPT)

Pendlay Row 3x5
Chin-ups 3x8, triple drop set
WGPDs 3x10
V-Bar Pulldowns 2x10
Cable Row 3x10
Hammer Strength Row 3x10
Iso-Lateral Row 2x12
Weighted Hypers 3x10
Face Pulls 3x10
BB Shrugs 3x12
EZ-Bar Curls 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x8
Hammer Strength Curl 2x10
Reverse Curl 3x10
Wrist Curls 3x15

Too much time wasted on such a small muscle groups. Should’ve done more compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench etc to build strength and bigger muscle groups.

Dope watch for those who haven't seen it. Tells some good prime Arnold stories.

It’s all mainly BS though. If one day he decides to open up bout what his roids stack and cycle runs go, then I might be interested to watch it.
A light day.


SQ, 5/3/1, RPT
315x1, 345x1, 365x1

Front SQ 3x5
Single-Leg Press 3x10
Leg Extensions 3x10
Lying Leg Curls 3x10
Seated Leg Curls 4x12
Adductor/Abductor 3x12, 3x12
Standing Calf 5x12
Seated Calf 3x20
Abs, Weighted Ab work
Sorry to hear bro. As soon as I got into bodybuilding I gave up basketball for that very reason.

Yup. I never play anymore. Gave up football as well years ago. It's funny how people think weightlifting is dangerous because of the heavy weights but it actually has the lowest incident rate of injury compared to football/bball/soccer/tennis/etc etc.

In my 3 years of serious lifting, I've never been injured. Not once.
Yup. I never play anymore. Gave up football as well years ago. It's funny how people think weightlifting is dangerous because of the heavy weights but it actually has the lowest incident rate of injury compared to football/bball/soccer/tennis/etc etc.

In my 3 years of serious lifting, I've never been injured. Not once.

Man, i agree with you 100%.

Co-workers are always trying to egg me on to ball with them. I tell them no because I don't want to risk it. They stay coming to work limping, crutches etc. while I'm making gains and staying healthy. I'm not discouraging anyone from playing high impact sports but I personally don't want to take the risk at my age.
I could play outdoor hoop for hours on end when I was younger. All I needed was Gatorade and I could play in the sweltering heat forever. Some of the best times of my life thinking back on it actually.

But as you age the recovery process isn't what it used to be.

Also, all that jumping, cutting and hesitating isn't good for 30+ tendons and ligaments either :smh:
Too much time wasted on such a small muscle groups. Should’ve done more compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench etc to build strength and bigger muscle groups.

It’s all mainly BS though. If one day he decides to open up bout what his roids stack and cycle runs go, then I might be interested to watch it.

Ya, of course I'd like to know that too but it's still cool to hear the old stories w/ him and Franco etc

If we had to guess his roid stack, what would you say? Taking into consideration what was in circulation back then
Ya, of course I'd like to know that too but it's still cool to hear the old stories w/ him and Franco etc

If we had to guess his roid stack, what would you say? Taking into consideration what was in circulation back then

I’ve no idea what was available and not available back then. But certainly no GH, insulin or any of those gut enlarging **** that current bodybuilders use. I’ve read rumors of him prolly using some synthol during contest, but I can’t be too sure.
Anyone here ever have complications, years after ACL repair? Looks like the biodegradable screws in my shin started to degrade and caused my body to have a foreign body reaction (thought it was staph for a sec). Woke up one morning my leg was in burning pain, lowkey thought I was abducted and aliens did a surgery on ma leg. Went to the ER to be safe, waited 7 hours for antibiotics. Not sure that it helped a ton, but my leg felt strong the entire time, just very painful.

Leg is almost normal now, but working on it (with Rehband sleeves) leaves my shin with a soft fluid bump. Goes away after some time. Anyone else deal with it?

Never had any complications with my first. My Dr. used biocompatible screws as well so they are meant to disappear after the new ligament is healed. On my second now and no complications so far, same Dr. used the button method this time which is less invasive, no screws. Never heard of what you experienced though. Hopefully everything is cool from here on out, how long out are you?
Mason? Never tried it. E&J Very Smooth is my ish.

I was gonna cop Jack Gentleman but ain't wanna spend 65 band lmao.

Is Evan Williams better than Jack? I've read it is, but idk. I stick to what I know, but give me some suggestions. Long as they don't cost a grip lmao

Evan Williams is gross. Some Kentucky Gentleman/Heaven Hill level ****. Try Buffalo Trace or Bulleit. Both are around $30/fifth where I am.
Pull Day:

5/31 Work Sets (done RPT)

Pendlay Row 3x5
Chin-ups 3x8, triple drop set
WGPDs 3x10
V-Bar Pulldowns 2x10
Cable Row 3x10
Hammer Strength Row 3x10
Iso-Lateral Row 2x12
Weighted Hypers 3x10
Face Pulls 3x10
BB Shrugs 3x12
EZ-Bar Curls 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x8
Hammer Strength Curl 2x10
Reverse Curl 3x10
Wrist Curls 3x15

Push Day::

BP: 5/3/1, RPT

MP: 5/3/1, RPT

Incline Bench 3x5
DB Bench Press 3x8
DB Shoulder Press 3x10
Decline Chest Press 3x12
Close Grip 3x8
Lateral Raises 3x10
Pushdowns 3x10
Overhead Cable Press 3x10
Cable Flyes 3x10
Face Pulls 3x10

supersetted pressing sets w/ Pull-ups (24 sets of 5)

Black Adam be in the gym more than the weights
week 3 of ed coan..

395 1x2 @rpe 8
325 6x3

was doing my pull on fri but i moved it up to wed cause of work. week 4 gonna be a ***** :sick:
Whats rpe? I been seeing that under videos on ig but i have no idea what that means
how the lift felt at that given day/time. rpe 10 means you cant do another rep and rpe 1 means it felt like air.

somedays a 315 dl can feel like rpe 7/8 if im feeling tired/bad and other days it can feel like rpe 5 if im feelin good.

yea, i had too google it to find out too :lol:
anyone here not eat sugar at all? Ive cut it out of my life completely but im going on vacation soon. I dont wanna care about what im eating plus im gonna be drinking too. How long would it take me to get addicted to sugar?
:lol: bruh

Just eat what you want on vacation.

I just got back from a vacation just now and I am the same weight. Just crushed shoulders. Top set of ohp was 160x3. Almost failed last rep but grinded it out.
RPE = Rating of Perceived Exertion

There's a 1-10 and a 6-20 scale. I find the 6-20 scale more accurate, but I never see anyone use it because....well it's from 6-20 :lol:
I rate things out of 8, thats the NT way.

Anyways legs and shoulders. Back up to three wheels

315 5x5


Supersetted accessories just so i can get out quick
Sir charles raises SS with bulgarian split squat
Lateral raise SS with front raises
Calf raises SS with face pulls

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