STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

They replaced the Smith machines in my gym with Hammer Strength about another downgrade. First, they replaced free barbells with Smith, and now they have Hammer Strength.

I tried to bench on it, but the angle on the HS machines was starting to eat away at my shoulders. Didn't even hit my chest right. I left cause I was frustrated...cancelled my membership with Planet Fitness too.

Then, I went to Gold's Gym and signed up with them. Got a free personal training session on Sunday 3 pm.

Just going to get some rest, and deload my weights on my workouts as well. Going to start over from scratch since I'll need to learn coordination now.

That's interesting that you couldn't handle the Hammer Strength. If they are plate loaded, i'd take those over a smith machine any day. Smith Machines are not good for your joints
They replaced the Smith machines in my gym with Hammer Strength about another downgrade. First, they replaced free barbells with Smith, and now they have Hammer Strength.

I tried to bench on it, but the angle on the HS machines was starting to eat away at my shoulders. Didn't even hit my chest right. I left cause I was frustrated...cancelled my membership with Planet Fitness too.

Then, I went to Gold's Gym and signed up with them. Got a free personal training session on Sunday 3 pm.

Just going to get some rest, and deload my weights on my workouts as well. Going to start over from scratch since I'll need to learn coordination now.
That's interesting that you couldn't handle the Hammer Strength. If they are plate loaded, i'd take those over a smith machine any day. Smith Machines are not good for your joints
Qft..i did incline press on that along time ago and it hurt my rotator for about 3 months..nevr again
Can't bench on a HS, that angle has to be made up for. I tried a few sets today, and none of the sets were hitting my chest. Oh well, I need to coordinate my body anyway, and get used to free weights.
Good vid Illest..on those front delts tho instead of usin the cable and v bar try using the barbells with the weight already loaded..when i put the cable thru my legs it gets close to hittin my sack every rep
Can't bench on a HS, that angle has to be made up for. I tried a few sets today, and none of the sets were hitting my chest. Oh well, I need to coordinate my body anyway, and get used to free weights.

Bro you gotta be doing something wrong then, or maybe are just not used to how they work because HS machines are, next to free weights, the most efficient nautilus machine.

Free weights though :smokin you'll be happy you switched.

Reppin 100s for sets of 10 on dumbbell bench today, feelin like Ronnie Coleman
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Yeah, I absolutely hate planet fitness...nothing to do with the physical building's the goddamn commercials that upset me. These dudes market towards those that don't want to be in the gym with the guys who lift heavy. I'm convinced they'll ask you to leave if you break a sweat there.
Great day today boys,

Started off with a 4 mile run around 8

Got a bi and tri workout in before lunch

Hit chest HARD this afternoon

Now ending the day with this:

Maybe. I didn't want to keep trying though. My rotator cuff started acting up... It's never done that with smith machines.
I've been taking Orange Triad (multivitamin) since a few days ago and my piss was looking neon green today lol. Anyone else experience this? I had Opti-Men before which made it neon yellowish.

Btw instead of regular barbell flat benching try "guillotine" benching. Swear my pecs have never been worked harder. Basically you bring the bar up and down from your throat instead of your chest. Make sure to use a spotter and less weight than you would while regular barbell flat benching though.
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^^^ its from all the vitamins, completely normal when taking a high dose multi vitamin.
ok so im gonna do 1 more month of crossfit, then im gonna start hitting the gym and doing some lifting and incorporating some of the moves ive learned in crossfit, see how that works for me. :D
5x1000m on the treadmill. Ran 6 miles total.


Man, being in the best shape you've ever been in is so damn motivating. More motivating than when I was in the worst shape I've ever been in less than two years ago.
Weighed in at 188 today, down from 190 since 1/1 :smokin

i dont even weigh myself no more, it throws me off...back in december i was 158lbs, since the beginning of january ive been eating much better and doing crossfit 4-5 times a week, my gut has decreased a bit and now i weigh 164lbs :lol: does something bad to my psyche when i see more weight on the scale, so i dont eem
i dont even weigh myself no more, it throws me off...back in december i was 158lbs, since the beginning of january ive been eating much better and doing crossfit 4-5 times a week, my gut has decreased a bit and now i weigh 164lbs :lol: does something bad to my psyche when i see more weight on the scale, so i dont eem

Yea, I`m gonna start weighing bi monthly, only for the purpose of keeping macros in check.
Switching up the days so that I can run on Fridays instead of lifting.

Can't wait until Day Light Savings next weekend. Going to be nice to get an extra hour of daylight.
Benchmark WOD today


3 rounds for time:
500m row
12 bodyweight deadlifts
21 boxjumps (24")

This should be fun...
Yo that actually sounds like a lot of fun. I may just throw that in as a conditioning workout at some point. I lightweight really like the rowing machine for some reason.

I've been taking Orange Triad (multivitamin) since a few days ago and my piss was looking neon green today lol. Anyone else experience this? I had Opti-Men before which made it neon yellowish.

Btw instead of regular barbell flat benching try "guillotine" benching. Swear my pecs have never been worked harder. Basically you bring the bar up and down from your throat instead of your chest. Make sure to use a spotter and less weight than you would while regular barbell flat benching though.
Real talk, my staple bench routine is thumbless grip guillotine bench on a smith machine with no spotter and 105% of my everyday max. #gottamurdermychest

Yo I forgot how good a quality brotein shake is. Holy **** - I'm gonna get back into bulking with these frozen berry coconut water powder chocolate casein and milk shakes. Might add some nut butter in there for fun.
i dont even weigh myself no more, it throws me off...back in december i was 158lbs, since the beginning of january ive been eating much better and doing crossfit 4-5 times a week, my gut has decreased a bit and now i weigh 164lbs :lol: does something bad to my psyche when i see more weight on the scale, so i dont eem

Haha definitely true, but I'm just so fascinated with it, and the mirror **yeshrug**
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