STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Timbo one day I couldn't do the WOD because of a light shoulder pain, coach told me to row a 5k I almost
Timbo one day I couldn't do the WOD because of a light shoulder pain, coach told me to row a 5k I almost
Yeah dude. Your whole body gets hit hard plus the conditioning. I rowed a 2k here and there (never went above that) in like 7:15/7:39 and I'd be dying at the end.

Yo Fousey Fitness, a couple points meant constructively. Your range of motion on the OHP (and in that bench video with the spotter touching the bar every rep) is lacking.

Also I'd suggest making more of an effort to incorporate science into your commentary. Right now, you just say " I like doing this", "my budy put me on to this exercise" etc. Comes across as very bro-sciencey.
IF you really are sensitive about the steroid comments, try demonstrating a better knowledge of the science behind things.
The importance of a good warmup before games cannot be overemphasized in my opinion. Often times when we go to tournaments, there is such little time in between games, but it is still important to get that stretch in before game time. Here is a nice concise 1 minute video of Alan Stein running the DeMatha through a quick warmup in a hallway before game time:

Ive broken it down from the video:
- single leg swings against the wall
- can openers against the wall
- sprint to chop feet to sprint to chop feet...
- partner cross arm to sit pulls
- defensive slides
- single leg twist hops
- static backward lunge
- single leg box hops
- static squats
- static split squat
- static backward side turn lunge
- static forward lunge body turn
- two foot side hops

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Took yesterday off as well as today and tomorrow to heal up. Also in Anaheim for UFC157 so it was a good time to take a rest. Back at it on Sunday
A Female Illest........ :lol:

them tiddies tho

i been lifting for exactly 7 months this month(im 26, 5'7 and 185 and have never lifted before in my life before the last 7 months) and im pretty pleased with my PRs this week: 245 on bench. 320 on deadlift(no straps or chalk) and 275 squat. Im blessed that I have some good genetics when it comes to this bodybuilding stuff and come from a big family of lifters so i have excellent teachers. kind of mad i always neglected weights throughout my life. i trained and competed in brazilian jiu jitsu/muay thai for 7 years and never touched a weight. :smh: i remember when i was younger i used to think people that lifted weights/bodybuilders were lame :smh:. funny how things change as you mature and get older. i cant go a week now without lifting. :tongue:

im on a push pull and legs routine
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damn im feelin great ive lost 18 pounds since working out around nov/ working out routine as of now is








and im seeing gains ive never seen before so im feelin myself....feels great ha!
Nailed muscle-ups last night which I was pretty pleased about. :smokin

WOD after wasn't the worst , but felt pretty gassed due to not training all week. managed 6 rounds plus 3 hsc's

18min AMRAP of:

5 x (Deadlift, 1 Hang squat clean) @ 62.5Kg
10 Push ups
15 KB swings @ 24Kg
200m Run
Good Morning

Smoothie: Banana, Blueberry, Kale, Strawberry, Ground Ginger
"Omelet" + Smoked Turkey Kielbasi on English Muffin
Bowl of Oatmeal with a sprinkle of trail mix in there

Will be hooping around 12.
Hoopin in 90 minutes. Saturday hoopin is my one and only real cardio day because of my current bulk...for now. Ill probably throw some HIIT in once I gain 5-10 more pounds. Just really tryin to limit it temporarily.

Can't wait. Beautiful 70 degree sunny skies.
Lookin forward to burning off some of that fat that came along with the muscle gains, while I try to imitate Mambas performance from last night :lol:

Get out there and be active Team Fit! :pimp:
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 A Treat for Saturday Morning.

Wheat-Whey (Chocolate) Pancakes with 1/2 Turkey Sausage, and 2 eggs. 

No Syrup or butter, but still a treat from the normal Oatmeal. 

 A Treat for Saturday Morning.

Wheat-Whey (Chocolate) Pancakes with 1/2 Turkey Sausage, and 2 eggs. 

No Syrup or butter, but still a treat from the normal Oatmeal. 
Get some real plates brah. I think I'm gonna start eating meat with breakfast though.
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