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this is some hippie s right here and honestly part of the reason i dont frequent this thread. there's a couple peeps in this thread spreading bad hippie info.

yeah, leg extensions are bad for your knees just like dips are bad for your shoulders, skullcrushers are bad for your elbows deadlifts are bad for your spine, etc. ALL exercises are dangerous if done incorrectly and/or abused. there are no bad exercises. know your body, know your limits and train hard+smart.

Please stop. That's not hippie ****. That exercise provides a quick pump and pre exhaustion that's it, no benefit and it is horrible for the knees. The other exercises you mentioned are only harmful when done with improper form or too much weight that one can handle with proper form. **** hippies like you and don't bash this thread if you don't even contribute in it. Hippies and bro science are the most overused words when it comes to this lifestyle :smh:
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All of the cholesterol found in eggs are in the yolk.

Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect cholesterol levels. You body will naturally produce it if you don't eat enough.

Most people IMO toss yolks for lower calls and more protein. All depends how much fat they need to consume.
hoping there are some runners on this thread that can help me out...

I started running about 5 months ago and recently started getting pain on my right knee; did some research and it's due to the IT band. I've upped my mileage quite a bit throughout my time running but for the past month or so I've been dealing with this IT band pain, which limits my mileage. I've started using a foam-roller to stretch, seems to help but whenever I try to run more than 4 miles at a time I get the dreaded pain. Anyone had this before? What did you do? do you have any stretch exercises that you can share?

As mentioned before, rest is key. I used to run and still do but not as much, and always had issues with IT Band and Patellar tendonitis. For your IT band it is important to use a foam roller but also increase your flexibility of your hip flexors. Stretch them out after a short warm up before every run. Also look at the surfaces you run, are you always turning a certain way or are the roads slightly canted so water can run off. Those constant things can also trigger flair ups with your IT band.
Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect cholesterol levels. You body will naturally produce it if you don't eat enough.

Most people IMO toss yolks for lower calls and more protein. All depends how much fat they need to consume.
BINGO I eat egg whites because of the fewer calories and fat, plus I can get more protein in. I toss one regular egg in with them and tastes 
every bodybuilder i know, my fam, friends(some pro athletes mixed in there), etc who have been training longer than some of you have been alive have done leg extensions and have zero negative effects from it, but some nerds on a sneaker forum say theyre bad so theyre bad. i personally dont even do leg extensions(not because theyre "bad for your knees") but i had to speak up because theres bad info being spread in this thread.

lol ok. keep it movin tho.
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every bodybuilder i know, my fam, friends(some pro athletes mixed in there), etc who have been training longer than some of you have been alive have done leg extensions and have zero negative effects from it, but some nerds on a sneaker forum say theyre bad so theyre bad. i personally dont even do leg extensions(not because theyre "bad for your knees") but i had to speak up because theres bad info being spread in this thread.

lol ok. keep it movin tho.

Are you seriously gonna come in here and say leg extensions aren't bad for your knees?

Just because a group of people does something, doesn't mean it's right by any means.

The resistance is placed near your ankles and puts a huge amount of torque on your knees.

It's also not a natural movement. When you're running or moving, you're never gonna use that motion. You're much better off doing lunges or split squats.
Originally Posted by RNS01  

hoping there are some runners on this thread that can help me out...

I started running about 5 months ago and recently started getting pain on my right knee; did some research and it's due to the IT band. I've upped my mileage quite a bit throughout my time running but for the past month or so I've been dealing with this IT band pain, which limits my mileage. I've started using a foam-roller to stretch, seems to help but whenever I try to run more than 4 miles at a time I get the dreaded pain. Anyone had this before? What did you do? do you have any stretch exercises that you can share?
As mentioned before, rest is key. I used to run and still do but not as much, and always had issues with IT Band and Patellar tendonitis. For your IT band it is important to use a foam roller but also increase your flexibility of your hip flexors. Stretch them out after a short warm up before every run. Also look at the surfaces you run, are you always turning a certain way or are the roads slightly canted so water can run off. Those constant things can also trigger flair ups with your IT band.
Just to re-emphasize what Airblaster said, stretching and rest is the best medicine.  Have your foot strike analyzed to make sure your shoes are providing the right kind of support.  You may also want to look at an IT band that goes slightly above the knee.  Worked wonders for me while I was running.  Pain went away after awhile.
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Are you seriously gonna come in here and say leg extensions aren't bad for your knees?

Just because a group of people does something, doesn't mean it's right by any means.

The resistance is placed near your ankles and puts a huge amount of torque on your knees.

It's also not a natural movement. When you're running or moving, you're never gonna use that motion. You're much better off doing lunges or split squats.

I think they are beneficial for rehabbing purposes, working back into resistance training

Other than that if your doing squats right they're a waste of time and energy IMO and like above I can't imagine replicating that movement outside of the gym
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I think they are beneficial for rehabbing purposes, working back into resistance training

Other than that if your doing squats right they're a waste of time and energy IMO and like above I can't imagine replicating that movement outside of the gym
Used that movement all the time when I used to compete in muay thai. Go look up a front kick or even a teep.
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Used that movement all the time when I used to compete in muay thai. Go look up a front kick or even a teep.

:lol: why weren't you doing them then?

Sorry I should have said not outside of gyms or dojos*

That's kind of a reach though for the avg person don't you think?
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Used that movement all the time when I used to compete in muay thai. Go look up a front kick or even a teep.
Quit trolling bro. There are people in this thread making real progress. No need in disrupting the flow in here.

The vast majority of people in here can be more efficient and safer in their routines without leg extensions.
how serious is a sport hernia? how do i get rid of it?


srs :smh:
How much does it bother you? It's incredibly unlikely for it to go away on its own. I'd go see a general surgeon.

its pretty painful, i had went to the doctor and he thought it was a muscle tear or some inflamation in my colon and gave me antibiotics.

with a few days rest it started to feel better but then sunday night i went to play basketball and it was killing me, hasnt died down since :x

i dont know what to do

I can help as I currently have an inguinal hernia that came about from a previous surgery :D


Inguinal hernia's are pretty evident bc you basically get a bump/bulge on your lower abdomen that sticks out and falls into your boys bag if you know what i mean..

If you cough/push/pull, it basically swells up and you feel pressure/ sharp pain in the lower abs

I believe you can have one even if you don't have a big bulge bc it can be a small hernia that hasn't tore alot of the inner linings or whatever

If your pain keeps up go see a specialist (gen sur messed me up) for sure as the only way to repair is surgery, where they can sew it or block it with mesh, which is a whole nother discussion which is keeping me from getting it done

Ive had mine for a while and it sucks, im pretty sure thats the reason im always tired not to mention i cant lift issh |I

Pretty dumb move but i decided to try and bulk before I actually get the procedure done as it can reoccur and dont wanna lift after the surgery

Hope this here helped
how serious is a sport hernia? how do i get rid of it?


srs :smh:

how sure are you that it's a hernia and not a pull?

not sure to be honest, i hope its not a hernia.

i was reading the symptoms and its my left lower abdomen and the pain extends through my private area :lol:
EDIT just read this and yea bro, if it does extend down/swell down there, get that mess checked out, you may have one
what can i do to maintain my joints specifically the knese.

any foods yall would recommend
Went to the super sport again today. Last day free trial. Check this. I walk in the steam room. Dude walks up to me, "**** man. what you taking? cocaine? crack? speed?" start to tell him, cuts me off. "Do you box? MMA?" Goes on to tell me how they would kill me or some stuff like that. Tell him I look to look into competing in the future but that's about it. His chubby son comes up to me and says "you're huge dude." mind you i'm tryna relax and breath properly in the steam room, damn near gonna pass out tryna talk."

NOW! after minutes of blabber, comes up to me close and says "most importantly you love Jesus right?" i gave him a sour *** stare like you serious? I have nothing wrong with whatever religion you are but you gonna try to throw something at me like that? I tell him that has nothing to do with anything. Gets mad awkward. 20 seconds later he apologizes and says, "just know Jesus loves you." And walks out.

mannnnnnnnnn.. lol.


stuff like that in public is always awkward. cant imagine what it'd be like in the gym, let alone the steam room. Glad I'm able to work out at my schools facility as an alumni member.

and for those of you asking about lower carb bread, try Their "amazing sourdough" is pretty good, and only something like 6-8 carbs per slice
how serious is a sport hernia? how do i get rid of it?


srs :smh:
How much does it bother you? It's incredibly unlikely for it to go away on its own. I'd go see a general surgeon.

its pretty painful, i had went to the doctor and he thought it was a muscle tear or some inflamation in my colon and gave me antibiotics.

with a few days rest it started to feel better but then sunday night i went to play basketball and it was killing me, hasnt died down since :x

i dont know what to do

I can help as I currently have an inguinal hernia that came about from a previous surgery :D


Inguinal hernia's are pretty evident bc you basically get a bump/bulge on your lower abdomen that sticks out and falls into your boys bag if you know what i mean..

If you cough/push/pull, it basically swells up and you feel pressure/ sharp pain in the lower abs

I believe you can have one even if you don't have a big bulge bc it can be a small hernia that hasn't tore alot of the inner linings or whatever

If your pain keeps up go see a specialist (gen sur messed me up) for sure as the only way to repair is surgery, where they can sew it or block it with mesh, which is a whole nother discussion which is keeping me from getting it done

Ive had mine for a while and it sucks, im pretty sure thats the reason im always tired not to mention i cant lift issh |I

Pretty dumb move but i decided to try and bulk before I actually get the procedure done as it can reoccur and dont wanna lift after the surgery

Hope this here helped

i think with a sports hernia you dont get a buldge, its just a tear.

the pain is pretty bad, im gonna wait til after the weekend and see whats up
Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect cholesterol levels. You body will naturally produce it if you don't eat enough.

Most people IMO toss yolks for lower calls and more protein. All depends how much fat they need to consume.

It will affect your cholesterol level if your cholesterol level is already high. If you are healthy, eat a balanced diet and exercise then there is no need to exclude the yolk from eggs.
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