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Came across this article, think its about right for most of them in regards to the free range and limitations.

Source: The Active Times "6 Overrated Excercises"

Overrated: Leg Press
Your Upgrade: Clockwork Lunges

Overrated: Crunches
Your Upgrade: The Plank

Overrated: Pec Deck/Chest Fly
Your Upgrade: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

Overrated: Bench Press
Your Upgrade: Push-Ups

Overrated: Triceps Dips
Your Upgrade: Triangle Push-ups

Overrated: Pull-Ups
Your Upgrade: Inverted Row
I think a lot of people in here just over exaggerate the whole leg extensions thing. I very rarely do them honestly. But when i do i go light and slow and focus on contractions. It is very hard for me to hone in on the quad with any other exercise. Leg press activates the hamstrings and glutes too much. I do lunges every leg day for the quads...but i like to sometimes (once every other month) hit leg extensions to really burn my quads out. It's not like if you do them you will get hurt instantly. But i do agree going heavy on them and doing them so often is strenuous on your knees.

And the egg yolk thing...i usually keep 2 throw one out in my omelet. I only do this because when i was counting my macro's i was way way way over in cholesterol every day. My protein powder had a lot of cholesterol in when i was doing 3 eggs in the morning i was going way i just decided to take a yolk out...not that overly concerned
every bodybuilder i know, my fam, friends(some pro athletes mixed in there), etc who have been training longer than some of you have been alive have done leg extensions and have zero negative effects from it, but some nerds on a sneaker forum say theyre bad so theyre bad. i personally dont even do leg extensions(not because theyre "bad for your knees") but i had to speak up because theres bad info being spread in this thread.

lol ok. keep it movin tho.
NT and it's fear of leg extensions 

Don't worry bro, I've tried to say the same thing on here before but they don't listen.

If you guys are seeing progress and are happy not doing them, then fine ...but don't try to act as if they aren't a staple of athletic sports/resistance training all across the world ...and have been since resistance training was invented.

I've been doing them for over 20 yrs ...never had a knee injury to date.
Left the gym early , 15 minutes into my lifts... Feels bad :smh:

Thumb felt mad awkward doing shoulder press, couldn't even get that 55 up SMH
I need a rest day and I know it, maybe two ...
Came across this article, think its about right for most of them in regards to the free range and limitations.

Source: The Active Times "6 Overrated Excercises"

Overrated: Leg Press
Your Upgrade: Clockwork Lunges

Overrated: Crunches
Your Upgrade: The Plank

Overrated: Pec Deck/Chest Fly
Your Upgrade: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

Overrated: Bench Press
Your Upgrade: Push-Ups

Overrated: Triceps Dips
Your Upgrade: Triangle Push-ups

Overrated: Pull-Ups
Your Upgrade: Inverted Row
Waddup NT,

I've been spending most of my afternoon at work reading through this thread.  THANKS FOR MAKING THE DAY FLY BY! Seems like there a lot of good info posted on here and a lot of people who really care about looking good, but most of all living a healthy life style.

I never lifted weights until I got out of college. One of my coworkers kinda took me in under his wing and got me started. Probably a year into working out consistantly, I purchased my first pre workout supplement (SuperPump). The gains I saw over the next couple of months were pretty insane. I packed on ~15 lbs of mucle and leaned down a lot.The stuff gave me so much energy, I had this hard to describe focus during my sessions, and it gave me more motivation to get to the gym. I have been taking SuperPump everyday that I have worked out over the past 2 years (4-5 times a week). I DO NOT take the full recommended dose of 2 scoops, but instead take a little less than 1 full scoop.  I've heard that its recommended to cycle off any preworkout every couple of months. I have been considering taking some time off this stuff, but I feel like its a mental thing.

Has anyone done what I've done and stayed on a preworkout for a long period of time?

Have you guys experienced any side effects from taking a preworkout for a long period of time?
It's a good idea to cycle off of most supplements.  After a while, they lose their effectiveness because your body builds up a tolerance to it.  At one point I used to take pre-workouts.  I find them pointless now, though.  Black coffee or buy caffeine in bulk.  Some aminos and you're good to go.  I prefer to train on an empty stomach whenever possible, though.  Except leg day.
Good starting point on gluten insensitivity - i.e. why you shouldn't eat bread:

Do recognize that the author is selling a diet plan, so there's some bias there. He does do a good job of finding comprehensive evidence including scientific studies to support his points though, as all articles on fitness should be.
I have a co-worker reading this book.  Some good principles in there, but as you stated, he's trying to sell a diet plan.  I applaud his anti-processed foods approach, but he's anti carb as well.  As stated earlier in the thread, too much misinformation going on about carbs.  Thank god I was raised on that West Indian diet.  Lotta yams.  Who can resist the yambs?

Eggs are definitely something misunderstood as well.  I get using whites due to the protein/calories ratio, but going without yolks is unnecessary.  So much good cholesterol and nutrients as long as you buy good quality eggs.
Came across this article, think its about right for most of them in regards to the free range and limitations.

Source: The Active Times "6 Overrated Excercises"

Overrated: Leg Press
Your Upgrade: Clockwork Lunges

Overrated: Crunches
Your Upgrade: The Plank

Overrated: Pec Deck/Chest Fly
Your Upgrade: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

Overrated: Bench Press
Your Upgrade: Push-Ups

Overrated: Triceps Dips
Your Upgrade: Triangle Push-ups

Overrated: Pull-Ups
Your Upgrade: Inverted Row
Is this serious??? Bench press?? Man **** outta here with that ********. Thats why so many articles and websites are trash when it comes to giving advice 

I don't know why some people in here take this so personal. What exercise one man does should't have any affects on the other. I'm always coming from a knee replacement point of view, which is why I choose to not incorporate leg extensions into my regime. 
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Is this serious??? Bench press?? Man **** outta here with that ********. Thats why so many articles and websites are trash when it comes to giving advice :stoneface:

I don't know why some people in here take this so personal. What exercise one man does should't have any affects on the other. I'm always coming from a knee replacement point of view, which is why I choose to not incorporate leg extensions into my regime. 

You right though man, That article is not the best, Bench press to be replaced by Push ups? F Outta here :smh: Bench press is a great exercise, Could not imagine my Routine without that
I won't say push ups are better than bench press, but they sure are more versatile. There's a lot of variations of push ups, and they can be done anywhere. In that sense, I'd say they're better than bench.

Slowly but surely getting my working weight with squats higher...hit my goal for March of 225 lbs already. May try to hit 255 lbs.

1x8 135 lbs
1x8 195 lbs
3x8 205 lbs
1x5 225 lbs

Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.

As for bench press, I keep going back to the drawing board, but it never seems to improve. I thought I had my coordination down, but the bar always seems to tough too high up on my chest to where it puts a lot of stress on my shoulders, or too low to where it's hitting the lower part of my chest. I bring the bar out to where I think it's supposed to touch, but it always changes. I always feel my lats kicking in too when I feel like the bar isn't even. It's not that the weight is too heavy since I'm only doing even happens when I just bench the bar.

Any tips?
I've felt ashamed to even open up this thread the last 2 days.
I dont even wanna be reminded of how behind I am.

6th day in a row of no gym. Have had a migrane for the past 3 days.
Ive had the chills. Been waking up every night with a bed full of sweat.
Been taking medicine non stop, drinking tea, orange juice, multi vitamins, resting...

Still feel a headache today. Hoping this **** gets out of my system. A whole week off after i was starting to make some progress.
I cant even imagine how weak Ill be once i get back.


feels batman. |I
I won't say push ups are better than bench press, but they sure are more versatile. There's a lot of variations of push ups, and they can be done anywhere. In that sense, I'd say they're better than bench.

Slowly but surely getting my working weight with squats higher...hit my goal for March of 225 lbs already. May try to hit 255 lbs.

1x8 135 lbs
1x8 195 lbs
3x8 205 lbs
1x5 225 lbs

Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.

As for bench press, I keep going back to the drawing board, but it never seems to improve. I thought I had my coordination down, but the bar always seems to tough too high up on my chest to where it puts a lot of stress on my shoulders, or too low to where it's hitting the lower part of my chest. I bring the bar out to where I think it's supposed to touch, but it always changes. I always feel my lats kicking in too when I feel like the bar isn't even. It's not that the weight is too heavy since I'm only doing even happens when I just bench the bar.

Any tips?
How far back on the bench do you put your head (Pause)?  Try to have it about even (give or take an inch or so) with the top of the bench if possible.  I used to have an issue with having my head off the bench or to far forward.

Also, do you flare your elbows out too far?  That will recruit your shoulders way too much.  Tuck them in slightly.  Here's a good vid to take a look at
NT and it's fear of leg extensions 

but don't try to act as if they aren't a staple of athletic sports/resistance training all across the world ...and have been since resistance training was invented.

I've been doing them for over 20 yrs ...never had a knee injury to date.

They are not a "staple" of athletic training. I've trained with 2 very well known coaches in the Houston area who prepare professional athletes for the rigors of their seasons. Not once in 5-6 years have I ever seen leg extensions in one of their workouts.

Don't get the idea that if you do leg extensions once, you're instantly going to get off the machine with serious knee trouble. It's comparable to people who bench with flared out elbows. Can you do it? Yes. Is there a safer way? Yes. Is there a better alternative? Yes. It doesn't promote shoulder health, just like leg extensions don't promote knee health.

Train smart. There are more effective, efficient, and overal safer exercises out there. Just cause you don't get the same pump from isolating your quads doesn't mean other exercises aren't working them as intense.
I won't say push ups are better than bench press, but they sure are more versatile. There's a lot of variations of push ups, and they can be done anywhere. In that sense, I'd say they're better than bench.

Slowly but surely getting my working weight with squats higher...hit my goal for March of 225 lbs already. May try to hit 255 lbs.

1x8 135 lbs

1x8 195 lbs

3x8 205 lbs

1x5 225 lbs

Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.

As for bench press, I keep going back to the drawing board, but it never seems to improve. I thought I had my coordination down, but the bar always seems to tough too high up on my chest to where it puts a lot of stress on my shoulders, or too low to where it's hitting the lower part of my chest. I bring the bar out to where I think it's supposed to touch, but it always changes. I always feel my lats kicking in too when I feel like the bar isn't even. It's not that the weight is too heavy since I'm only doing even happens when I just bench the bar.

Any tips?

How far back on the bench do you put your head (Pause)?  Try to have it about even (give or take an inch or so) with the top of the bench if possible.  I used to have an issue with having my head off the bench or to far forward.

Also, do you flare your elbows out too far?  That will recruit your shoulders way too much.  Tuck them in slightly.  Here's a good vid to take a look at

Thanks bruh. I have my head as far back as I can without my head being off the bench. It may be my elbows flaring out, so I'll try again on Sunday with just the bar again.

I tried jump roping today too, did a lot better than I thought, but I need to improve on my timing. I'd be good for about 30 seconds, than I'd get caught up in the rope.
I've felt ashamed to even open up this thread the last 2 days.
I dont even wanna be reminded of how behind I am.

6th day in a row of no gym. Have had a migrane for the past 3 days.
Ive had the chills. Been waking up every night with a bed full of sweat.
Been taking medicine non stop, drinking tea, orange juice, multi vitamins, resting...

Still feel a headache today. Hoping this **** gets out of my system. A whole week off after i was starting to make some progress.
I cant even imagine how weak Ill be once i get back.


feels batman.
Happens to the best of us.  As someone who has dealt with headaches all of my life, I know how much of a pain in the *** that can be.  Try and consume more ginger and garlic if you're sick, though.  Great natural immune system boosters.
I won't say push ups are better than bench press, but they sure are more versatile. There's a lot of variations of push ups, and they can be done anywhere. In that sense, I'd say they're better than bench.

Slowly but surely getting my working weight with squats higher...hit my goal for March of 225 lbs already. May try to hit 255 lbs.

1x8 135 lbs

1x8 195 lbs

3x8 205 lbs

1x5 225 lbs

Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.

As for bench press, I keep going back to the drawing board, but it never seems to improve. I thought I had my coordination down, but the bar always seems to tough too high up on my chest to where it puts a lot of stress on my shoulders, or too low to where it's hitting the lower part of my chest. I bring the bar out to where I think it's supposed to touch, but it always changes. I always feel my lats kicking in too when I feel like the bar isn't even. It's not that the weight is too heavy since I'm only doing even happens when I just bench the bar.

Any tips?
How far back on the bench do you put your head (Pause)?  Try to have it about even (give or take an inch or so) with the top of the bench if possible.  I used to have an issue with having my head off the bench or to far forward.

Also, do you flare your elbows out too far?  That will recruit your shoulders way too much.  Tuck them in slightly.  Here's a good vid to take a look at
Thanks bruh. I have my head as far back as I can without my head being off the bench. It may be my elbows flaring out, so I'll try again on Sunday with just the bar again.

I tried jump roping today too, did a lot better than I thought, but I need to improve on my timing. I'd be good for about 30 seconds, than I'd get caught up in the rope.
You remember how people would jump rope when they were kids?  Kinda jump as if they're walking taking one step at a time?  As crazy as it seems, that's a good way to get the rhythm down, lol.  Jump slow and get the timing and balance down.  From there it's a piece of cake and moreso about how much endurance and creativity you have.  Expect to have welts up and down your arms as you speed up the rope tho.
  War wounds.
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I'm so ready to drop these last 20 pounds! Im at the point where XXL is becoming to big on me but XL is still too tight! Ready to get to my target weight and start buying new clothes.
thought this was pretty motiviational
CT is one of the most motivational people I have ever listened to. I listen to him with his penitentiary style training vid sometimes and go straight HAM when he tells them story about cousin Junior. 

@BGutta I feel you on the bench thing man. I had been doing great then all of the sudden my shoulder starts bother me once I go to 2 plates and up, I know its cause my elbows flare out too much but I just can't seem to tuck them in. Back to the drawing board for real.
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Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.
i don't know about "needed" but ever since i started using these knee bands, my squats have gotten so much more fluid and going lower is much more comfortable. my knees are horrible - busted up and arthritic. these have been a godsend. you have to put them on upside down and inside out then roll/flip them up onto your knee.

Came across this article, think its about right for most of them in regards to the free range and limitations.

Source: The Active Times "6 Overrated Excercises"

Overrated: Leg Press

Your Upgrade: Clockwork Lunges

Overrated: Crunches

Your Upgrade: The Plank

Overrated: Pec Deck/Chest Fly

Your Upgrade: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

Overrated: Bench Press

Your Upgrade: Push-Ups

Overrated: Triceps Dips

Your Upgrade: Triangle Push-ups

Overrated: Pull-Ups

Your Upgrade: Inverted Row

 then :smh:

I lol'd so hard at that stupid list
It works son. I currently do IF & been doing so since June.

Go to youtube & look up Low Carb Cory. Dude knows his ishhh. Breaks it down step by step. 
Repped bro! Thanks! 

One more question: What kinds of foods are you eating during the meals?
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skipped insanity again today.. been so stressed out (my caretaker is hospitalized... not looking very good and its messing me up emotionally) :smh:

Still keeping my diet better than it has been.

Haven't skipped my night workouts.

I gotta break this morning laziness :smh: :smh: :smh:
Question about squats too. Would knee wraps be needed to rep ATG squats at 315 lbs? That's really my goal working weight with squats, but I'd rather just avoid it if it means I have to use accessories.
i don't know about "needed" but ever since i started using these knee bands, my squats have gotten so much more fluid and going lower is much more comfortable. my knees are horrible - busted up and arthritic. these have been a godsend. you have to put them on upside down and inside out then roll/flip them up onto your knee.
I've been putting off getting some of these.  Think I need to cave and do it.

Came across this list a few days ago:

Nice to see Quest Bars on the good side.  Wasn't surprised by much of anything on the worst list.  Doubt I'll touch another Clif Bar (even as a snack) anytime soon.
My watch now comfortably fits using the third notch. My waist is getting close to 31 inches, from not being able to fit 34 inch pants just 20 months ago. These are better feelings than just looking good.
soreness in my upper back... again.

been applying a heat patch, and pounding alleve. this is a reoccurring injury for me, happens every few months... :smh:

tips from this thread would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
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