These WSHH videos are killing us.

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

OP I used to look at WS the same way you did. I felt they were promoting negativity, and making black people look bad. But wether WS exists or not your always gonna have dumb people posting stuff online that makes Black people look bad. There's youtube and all other types of ways for people to do that. Shutting down WS wouldn't really make a difference if you ask me.

So because you don't think it'll make a difference, we should just leave it there? Making a change has to start somewhere. Even a one dollar donation helps a poor man. Think about it.
It would make a slight differnce if you shut down WS. I would love to see WS get shutdown it does promote negativity. But so does youtube until people take it upon themselves to stop doing ignorant !@@% and then post it online im not sure shutting down 1 website would solve the problem 

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

OP I used to look at WS the same way you did. I felt they were promoting negativity, and making black people look bad. But wether WS exists or not your always gonna have dumb people posting stuff online that makes Black people look bad. There's youtube and all other types of ways for people to do that. Shutting down WS wouldn't really make a difference if you ask me.

So because you don't think it'll make a difference, we should just leave it there? Making a change has to start somewhere. Even a one dollar donation helps a poor man. Think about it.
It would make a slight differnce if you shut down WS. I would love to see WS get shutdown it does promote negativity. But so does youtube until people take it upon themselves to stop doing ignorant !@@% and then post it online im not sure shutting down 1 website would solve the problem 

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I really don't think you guys are aware WSHH is a business...that's the scary part of this thread.
See thats the thing WSHH could be a BIGGER business if they didnt put all that $+#@ %!@# on there. Thats why they have to resort to cheap CPAs and charging !$*+#* outrageous prices for video submissions.

If WSHH simply changed the format to just posting music videos and sprinkle in misc videos they would attract way more corporate sponsors. It makes you wonder what the intentions are over there.

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I really don't think you guys are aware WSHH is a business...that's the scary part of this thread.
See thats the thing WSHH could be a BIGGER business if they didnt put all that $+#@ %!@# on there. Thats why they have to resort to cheap CPAs and charging !$*+#* outrageous prices for video submissions.

If WSHH simply changed the format to just posting music videos and sprinkle in misc videos they would attract way more corporate sponsors. It makes you wonder what the intentions are over there.

I take it as wake up call for people to realize. You can't help the situation by blanketing the ignorance that is out there.
I take it as wake up call for people to realize. You can't help the situation by blanketing the ignorance that is out there.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?
I applaud you. I'm glad to hear of your successes. We all know about the problems in our community, and you and I are on the same page. You make a good analogy about the car though, and you and I both know that the car will probably never receive that what do you do with the car? Scrap it?
I applaud you. I'm glad to hear of your successes. We all know about the problems in our community, and you and I are on the same page. You make a good analogy about the car though, and you and I both know that the car will probably never receive that what do you do with the car? Scrap it?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?

Damn right man do you is my point. I been trying to tell sams and uncle toms this. You can only please everyone some of the time. Its bigger then rap,videos, blogs etc. Learn live life. You can be a shuck and jive,blackface, assimilated, conformist all you like end of the day some ppl still gonna see you as a ninja point blank period. I personally dont care about a wshh. It doesnt hurt black community or change persuade the views of certain ppl. Trust and believe ppl been ignorant bigots etc hate folks cause of skin waaaaay before wshh. That same plight energy and fight trying to please and appease certain folks could be used to impower and better yourself. Props to you man for doing you. And f a m6 and material %+@, it dont make or break you. As long as you content and confident etc in you thats all that matters.
I apologize for the length but I saw this on It said "WorldStarHipHop EXPOSED"

Tuesday nights are cracking at Greenhouse, a club on the west side of lower Manhattan. The establishment was featured in Fabolous’ video for “Lights Out,
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Might as well say the same thing about rap music then. But y'all aint giving that up. Can't be all selective if you are going to be a crusader against ignorance. I mean let's just keep it real here.

Who's being selective? Everyone with a brain will tell you that a lot of the rap music is poison. It glorifies drugs, and it disrespects our women. Then we sell it to our youth and wonder why they're so messed up. What's your argument? Why are you adressing the few of trying to make a difference, as opposed to adressing the problem?

Ok since you asked. Proclaiming that a site like WSHH is "killing us" and is a major problem for black people is like saying a car with a flat tire is the major problem...when that same car doesn't even have an engine. Is the flat tire somewhat of an issue? Sure I'll give you that, but the MAIN most pressing problem is that the car doesn't have a damn engine. And when rectifiying problems, most times it's best to deal with the most critical issues first...cause what good is the car if you buy a new tire when you still don't have an engine?

WSHH is equivalent to the flat tire. The missing engine are MAJOR issues like for example African American men only having a 31% college graduation men having an extremely disproportionate representation in prison...the relative absence of the Black so many black women are mothers but yet not wives. The fact that we seem to aspire to be pro athletes and entertainers, but yet overlook being professionals.

Man there are so many more pervasive problems we have to worry about that it's almost a waste of energy to worry about sites like WSHH. That's the least of our problems.

I was once part of the problem myself...hoop dreaming and not aspiring for much more other than that, then I woke up and realized what is really important in life...not the $%#!, not the cars, but making the most of my life and doing my small part to represent my race in a positive manner. I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 Cumulative GPA. Ok so I'm not a worldwide name...I don't have a brand, I'm not driving a M6 (though the Panamera is coming in the next year
), but an army of black brothers achieving and making the most of themselves will have more of a positive impact than WSHH could ever overcome.

I mean we are keeping it real right?

Damn right man do you is my point. I been trying to tell sams and uncle toms this. You can only please everyone some of the time. Its bigger then rap,videos, blogs etc. Learn live life. You can be a shuck and jive,blackface, assimilated, conformist all you like end of the day some ppl still gonna see you as a ninja point blank period. I personally dont care about a wshh. It doesnt hurt black community or change persuade the views of certain ppl. Trust and believe ppl been ignorant bigots etc hate folks cause of skin waaaaay before wshh. That same plight energy and fight trying to please and appease certain folks could be used to impower and better yourself. Props to you man for doing you. And f a m6 and material %+@, it dont make or break you. As long as you content and confident etc in you thats all that matters.
I apologize for the length but I saw this on It said "WorldStarHipHop EXPOSED"

Tuesday nights are cracking at Greenhouse, a club on the west side of lower Manhattan. The establishment was featured in Fabolous’ video for “Lights Out,
sorry for the length

In fact, Q rarely misses an opportunity to squeeze a buck from his brand and beyond. One girl begged him to take down a clip in which she stripped naked while rapping along to Nicki Minaj’s verse from “Monster.
sorry for the length

In fact, Q rarely misses an opportunity to squeeze a buck from his brand and beyond. One girl begged him to take down a clip in which she stripped naked while rapping along to Nicki Minaj’s verse from “Monster.
I know the media tends to skew things for the sake of a story, but this guy Q sounds like the king of scumbags after that article.
I know the media tends to skew things for the sake of a story, but this guy Q sounds like the king of scumbags after that article.
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