Things that annoy you in the college classroom

Originally Posted by ABC

- Girls who somehow find ways to mention their boyfriends in class conversations

This.  Then they usually end up on the outs with dude.
Originally Posted by ABC

- Girls who somehow find ways to mention their boyfriends in class conversations

This.  Then they usually end up on the outs with dude.
-Cosign the seat thing... I hate when you have a seat up until a point & someone takes it. Also hate the sitting right next to you when there's space.
-The one kid who thinks he knows everything
-The one kid who asks a ton of questions
-When the prof. complains about people coming in late/texting... As long as your not obnoxious while doing it, I don't see the big deal, especially when you're paying to be there. If you're obnoxious that's a different story though.
-Cosign the seat thing... I hate when you have a seat up until a point & someone takes it. Also hate the sitting right next to you when there's space.
-The one kid who thinks he knows everything
-The one kid who asks a ton of questions
-When the prof. complains about people coming in late/texting... As long as your not obnoxious while doing it, I don't see the big deal, especially when you're paying to be there. If you're obnoxious that's a different story though.
This one chick, bless her heart, but she has a big problem speaking normal but still insists to answer EVERY question. smh

If i was younger, i would have gotten kicked out of class everyday because of that
This one chick, bless her heart, but she has a big problem speaking normal but still insists to answer EVERY question. smh

If i was younger, i would have gotten kicked out of class everyday because of that
Originally Posted by RoOk

This one chick, bless her heart, but she has a big problem speaking normal but still insists to answer EVERY question. smh

If i was younger, i would have gotten kicked out of class everyday because of that

haha ahh man this chick in my class has this problem. sits in the front row, has the worst impediment ever heard, and tries to answer every question....teacher just yes' her cuz she cant understand a damn word

i hate those people who are blatantly sucking up to the far up their *%@ they can kiss the teachers colon
Originally Posted by RoOk

This one chick, bless her heart, but she has a big problem speaking normal but still insists to answer EVERY question. smh

If i was younger, i would have gotten kicked out of class everyday because of that

haha ahh man this chick in my class has this problem. sits in the front row, has the worst impediment ever heard, and tries to answer every question....teacher just yes' her cuz she cant understand a damn word

i hate those people who are blatantly sucking up to the far up their *%@ they can kiss the teachers colon
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I actually really hate when there is 5 minutes left, and people start packing up their stuff. All you hear is ZIP ZIP ZIIIIIIIP ZIIIIIIP ZIP ZIP. I mean come on, you in that much of a rush? I think it's really disrespectful to the professor.

THIS. This has bothered me since high school... kids will do it with 10 minutes left 
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I actually really hate when there is 5 minutes left, and people start packing up their stuff. All you hear is ZIP ZIP ZIIIIIIIP ZIIIIIIP ZIP ZIP. I mean come on, you in that much of a rush? I think it's really disrespectful to the professor.

THIS. This has bothered me since high school... kids will do it with 10 minutes left 
Im terrible at picking seats the first of the semester. I could have been sitting next to the half Colombian broad with the D cups but my seat picking skills are not up to par. SMH
Im terrible at picking seats the first of the semester. I could have been sitting next to the half Colombian broad with the D cups but my seat picking skills are not up to par. SMH
the only thing that really gets me is the older people who think they know everything and have to ask questions and comment on everything the teacher says. i cant stand that crap, one of my professors actually told the guy that his question had nothing to do with what we were talking about and told him to talk to him at the end of class. then 2 weeks later the guy stopped showing up for class
the only thing that really gets me is the older people who think they know everything and have to ask questions and comment on everything the teacher says. i cant stand that crap, one of my professors actually told the guy that his question had nothing to do with what we were talking about and told him to talk to him at the end of class. then 2 weeks later the guy stopped showing up for class
Teachers with really bad handwriting or write and erase way too fast. OR use chalk/marker that isn't bright enough to see and you're just squinting the whole time.

The person who gives a presentation about something that in no way relates to the assignment and you can sense everyone in the classroom thinking "%+! is this guy talking about?" I get secondhand embarrassment for them.

The feminist who always has to turn what someone says into them being sexist.
Teachers with really bad handwriting or write and erase way too fast. OR use chalk/marker that isn't bright enough to see and you're just squinting the whole time.

The person who gives a presentation about something that in no way relates to the assignment and you can sense everyone in the classroom thinking "%+! is this guy talking about?" I get secondhand embarrassment for them.

The feminist who always has to turn what someone says into them being sexist.
When a TA you had before looks to you to participate in discussion just because they recognize you..

Had the same TA for 4 different classes and he always looked to me to contribute when no one else would. Mind you I got low C's in all his classes before
When a TA you had before looks to you to participate in discussion just because they recognize you..

Had the same TA for 4 different classes and he always looked to me to contribute when no one else would. Mind you I got low C's in all his classes before
I really don't care what other people do, come late/early, ask million questions, whatever.  The only beef is with ******ed Professors.
I really don't care what other people do, come late/early, ask million questions, whatever.  The only beef is with ******ed Professors.
Originally Posted by eashawty

mytmouse76 wrote:

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!

hate when folks do that, then i gotta sit in sumbody else seat & when they come look at me crazy for bein in they seat i be like "tell that #+!%@ over there to get out my seat then"

word especially when that seat is next to an outlet and you really need to charge your phone or laptop. Dude took up 2 outlets, i was heated looked him in the eye like "yo kick your **$% to the other side i finna charge my EVO"
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