Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Once again....isn't depression a disease...anorexia....eczema etc. Are those things not classified as mental/physical disease/disorders?
Yes they are. 

Why would you assume that I hate someone just because they have a disease?  

I don't condone the other mental disorders that are rapidly spreading in this unbalanced society either... but that doesn't mean that I hate cutters/anorexics/compulsive eaters/the depressed. 
There is a clear difference between disease and disorder. A CLEAR difference.
With that said, homosexuality has not been considered a mental disorder for decades.

My point was that just because someone has a disease...it doesn't mean that I have to hate them.
Homosexuality has been classified as both disease and disorder by academia in years past. 

disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It is often construed to be a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.[sup][1][/sup] It may be caused by external factors, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases. In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain,dysfunctiondistresssocial problems, and/or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person.

So according to this dude who accused me of not doing well in school homosexuality is

-Infectious---I've lived with gay people, it's only a matter of time till I start giving men tug jobs
-Distress---yea gays are clearly in distress, something about being gay inherently makes you sad and stressed all the time, I wonder what it is. (Ironically, many people stereotype gays as being happy all the time, which one is it?)
-Death--hmm, I'm a have to compare the life expectancy of gays to heterosexuals but I suspect its the same. (Before someone plays the AIDS card, most people who get AIDS in Africa are straight and get it from heterosexual intercouse).
-Medical condition---My man Golden child clearly got his MD sometime in the 1930s. Do they still treat homosexuality with electroconvulsive therapy?
-Social problems--again, is this inherent to being gay? Like if I smash a dude, do I automatically start having social problems. Now do gay people have social problems when they are at parades and partying with other gay people?

You can actually scratch out gay, and replace it with "black".....black people in this country are distressed, they die earlier, they statistically lead the country in just about every medical category and have a long list of social problems. I guess being black is a disease as well. Has nothing to do with the social determinants of health, health disparities, economic inequality and racism--it's a disease, and its their fault they keep dying.

Thank white Jesus I don't think like this---my life would be so difficult

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Why is the KKK and neo-Nazi groups persecuted for not accepting racial equality?


end of discussion.  this is all we need.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.

if that's your argument... what is the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality then?
should we allow bestiality since we allow heterosexuality?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.
Under US law, animals are not capable of consenting to sexual relations with humans. Same as how the sock in your drawer can't consent or how a 12 year old child can't consent.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

It's a matter of time. You can find homosexuality in many other species, not just humans.
I didn't address race and I don't really get what you're trying to say by making them out to be different. Yes, race is out in the open and sexuality isn't. That doesn't mean that one's struggle for equality is any less important than the next. So because you can hide your sexuality, it's somehow easier or less important a fight for equality?

At the end of the day, this issue isn't about oneself, it's about society. Should we as a people be discriminating against a minority group because they are different than what is deemed normal? Homosexuality isn't a recent phenomenon. It's not something that just "happened." It's just now, we've progressed to a point in human history where we don't have to live our lives based on archaic belief systems and don't have to condone immoral and unjust treatment of those that are different.

I guess what im saying is that yes they are both bad, and know one should be treated less than for any reason. What I am saying is that you cant be blantantly discriminated because of sexuality because you have to let it be known of your sexuality, unlike race which is no ways around it. Its like if hitler wanted to holocaust homosexuals, unless these individuals let it be known of their sexual preference, they really wouldnt have much to worry about. If someone wanted to discriminate because of race it is absolutely nothing they can/cannot do to avoid this.

Basically while neither is right you cant be discriminated on sexuality unless you let it be known of your sexuality. There isnt anything that can be done as far as race as it results in being discriminated against.
I get what you're saying but I'm not sure what you're arguing against. Are you saying racism is "worse" since it's out in the open but homophobia is not as big a deal because it can be "concealed"? Homosexuals aren't like some alien people that have crazy different relationships. They go on dates in public too like "normal" people. Where do you draw the line? If you see two guys or girls holding hands is that a problem? I just don't see what your argument is. 
I believe we have to eliminate all kinds of discrimination, not just some. I also think that a more open, empathetic, and educated populace goes a long way. A part of that is dropping the silly "competition" that one form of discrimination somehow trumps the other.

Not worse but different. Also I will say that the lengths of discrimination based on race as a whole especially throughout history is far worse then that of sexuality. And im not saying its not as big of a deal. what I will say is that we need to start first with ppl just accepting ppl before we even get into sub-directories such as lifestyles and sexual preferences. I also hate the usage of homophobia. Phobia by definition means a disorder, a uncontrollable fear, hysterical fright of something. Im pretty sure ppl who are against homosexuality dont have a mental disorder or a uncontrollable fear of ppl who choose same sex. Unrelated I know just wanted to point that out.

I agree with competition on discrimination which reverts to the point op was making. It seems like society/media etc are fixated at the present time on discrimination due to sex.  If all are to be treated fair then shouldnt all discrimination be held/talked about in the same limelight? Outside of certain channels or national holidays events most other discriminations like race arent even talked about. You dont here about mistreatment towards immigrants unless a isolated incident makes national news. So on and so forth.

Like look at the nba for example. Pretty much every televised game had a segment and a slew of commercials addressing discrimination against homosexuals... esp after the kobe comments. Why isnt that much awareness put into other forms of discrimination? Its reminds me of the vick dog incident. Its like society and ppl the media placed extra emphasis on cruelty to animals as if it was the latest iphone release.

Same with chris brown and his rhianna incident. All of a sudden every other commercial was about domestic abuse. Like it was trendy, cool thing. I think and agree with op in saying this is how discrimination amongst homosexuals and its popularity has become.

All discrimination should be under scrutiny and address. Not take turns addressing one and downplaying the rest because its whats "in" or "hot" for the moment.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.

if that's your argument... what is the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality then?
should we allow bestiality since we allow heterosexuality?
Well played. I swear, the people opposing homosexuality in here are scrambling for anything that allows them to justify their intolerance. 
welp, goldenchild got the ninjahood seal of stupidity.

guess that debunks everything he types from now on.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.

if that's your argument... what is the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality then?
should we allow bestiality since we allow heterosexuality?

I didn't say that was my argument. I am posing a hypothetical question and asking what is the difference between the 2 sexual behaviors.
I'm not the one defending fringe sexual behavior. Heterosexuality is needed to procreate, no defense is necessary. 

I am asking those that believe that sexual relationships are purely social constructs, consequently making homosexuality is normal lifestyle....why is that different from bestiality when the arguments are the same on both sides?

Humans have the propensity to do all kind of things, where do you draw the line at normalcy and acceptability and why? 
Response to LDJ!!!

People are incredibly selfish, it's baffling. You could argue that over the last few years especially with Obama being elected and president and during his campaign there was ALOT of focus on discrimination against blacks in America. If I recall correctly CNN has a segment about the many issues black people face in this country (Black in America). But when other groups get publicity, it somehow in your eyes makes your own agenda disappear. 

I'm not singling you out bdw just an observation
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

really bruh? Like what and i have nothing against homosexual people at all or blacks or mexicans and i have an asian girlfriend.
because i feel like NT defends the colored person first for no reason doesnt make me a hatemonger.

Well let me correct myself. Some responses I remember you making in other threads make you COME OFF as a hatemonger.

"and i have an asian girlfriend"

That's the same thing as "I'm not racist, my bestfriend is black" *burn crosses while being draped in rebel flags*
man get the *!!* out of here with your #$!+. why dont you post something i said than if you are so sure i am a racist. and yes i am offended that you would use the word hatemonger when talking about me

Where did I say you were racist? Unless you took that rebel flag thing as me saying you did that exact thing, I don't see where at all I said that.
And i can't point out exactly what you posted cause I haven't noticed your SN/avy on here in awhile, and I don't feel the need to try to dig and
search for any of those threads. I must have struck a nerve with your profanity though
. Just know that I have noticed you posting things that
would probably make other people THINK you're a racist or a hatemonger. You should honestly be thanking me for plainly and logically
pointing that out for you, before you make that mistake in real life and somebody comes after you like ninjahood and doesn't give you the
chance to correct yourself.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

goldenchild9 dont even worry about it b....

social climate of real life =/= NT

as long as evangelist and conservatives are around, it'll keep that whole mindset in check.


this had me

It's ok KKK as long as the tea party and Neonazi groups are around it should keep the struggle alive.

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.
Under US law, animals are not capable of consenting to sexual relations with humans. Same as how the sock in your drawer can't consent or how a 12 year old child can't consent.
Natural law and criminal law are 2 different things. 
A criminal law, which bans bestiality has no bearing on the natural laws of consent between man and animal.

US law varies from state to state, so that doesn't answer anything. Gambling, medical marijuana is deemed legal in 1 territory and illegal in another...the issues of abortion/gun laws are constantly being changed and wrestled with on a national level.. you can't claim moral authority or matter of factness by citing ever changing laws.  

And animals and socks demonstrate the same signs of consent...word? 

imma say this one time and one time only CWrite78  AntonLaVey & whoever wants to say something cute about me imma just report it to meth. street rules dont apply in a messageboard full of individuals of questionable effeminate


as far as OP and goldenchild is concerned, they got beliefs and if thats what they think, thats what it is, da beautiful things about this country..we can all have opinions on what we think is what...cats wanna be gay? i think its wrong as hell but its their right.

as long as my future kids don't gotta exposed to any of that then i dont care what hockey stick games 2 men wanna do behind closed doors.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

funniest thing next to that dude that said glenn beck was the truth

I don't know why but the idea of this dude chilling in his apartment listening to nothing but conservative radio is killing me right now.

"Something something something Jesus, something gays, something communist, something Obama hates white people something blah blah freedom blah terrorists"

Ninjahood: "Aint that Da Truth".
Originally Posted by ninjahood


imma say this one time and one time only CWrite78  AntonLaVey & whoever wants to say something cute about me imma just report it to meth. street rules dont apply in a messageboard full of individuals of questionable effeminate

Wait how do you threaten to report us and then attack our manhood in the same post? You're better than this man but ok I'll leave you alone. Sheeesh

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by LDJ

I guess what im saying is that yes they are both bad, and know one should be treated less than for any reason. What I am saying is that you cant be blantantly discriminated because of sexuality because you have to let it be known of your sexuality, unlike race which is no ways around it. Its like if hitler wanted to holocaust homosexuals, unless these individuals let it be known of their sexual preference, they really wouldnt have much to worry about. If someone wanted to discriminate because of race it is absolutely nothing they can/cannot do to avoid this.

Basically while neither is right you cant be discriminated on sexuality unless you let it be known of your sexuality. There isnt anything that can be done as far as race as it results in being discriminated against.
I get what you're saying but I'm not sure what you're arguing against. Are you saying racism is "worse" since it's out in the open but homophobia is not as big a deal because it can be "concealed"? Homosexuals aren't like some alien people that have crazy different relationships. They go on dates in public too like "normal" people. Where do you draw the line? If you see two guys or girls holding hands is that a problem? I just don't see what your argument is. 
I believe we have to eliminate all kinds of discrimination, not just some. I also think that a more open, empathetic, and educated populace goes a long way. A part of that is dropping the silly "competition" that one form of discrimination somehow trumps the other.

Not worse but different. Also I will say that the lengths of discrimination based on race as a whole especially throughout history is far worse then that of sexuality. And im not saying its not as big of a deal. what I will say is that we need to start first with ppl just accepting ppl before we even get into sub-directories such as lifestyles and sexual preferences. I also hate the usage of homophobia. Phobia by definition means a disorder, a uncontrollable fear, hysterical fright of something. Im pretty sure ppl who are against homosexuality dont have a mental disorder or a uncontrollable fear of ppl who choose same sex. Unrelated I know just wanted to point that out.

I agree with competition on discrimination which reverts to the point op was making. It seems like society/media etc are fixated at the present time on discrimination due to sex.  If all are to be treated fair then shouldnt all discrimination be held/talked about in the same limelight? Outside of certain channels or national holidays events most other discriminations like race arent even talked about. You dont here about mistreatment towards immigrants unless a isolated incident makes national news. So on and so forth.

Like look at the nba for example. Pretty much every televised game had a segment and a slew of commercials addressing discrimination against homosexuals... esp after the kobe comments. Why isnt that much awareness put into other forms of discrimination? Its reminds me of the vick dog incident. Its like society and ppl the media placed extra emphasis on cruelty to animals as if it was the latest iphone release.

Same with chris brown and his rhianna incident. All of a sudden every other commercial was about domestic abuse. Like it was trendy, cool thing. I think and agree with op in saying this is how discrimination amongst homosexuals and its popularity has become.

All discrimination should be under scrutiny and address. Not take turns addressing one and downplaying the rest because its whats "in" or "hot" for the moment.
I will say that homophobia as a disorder seems much more plausible than homosexuality itself. Why do I say this? Think of all the outed and closeted conservatives in politics and religion in just this past decade. Some of those that went the hardest at homosexuality, condemning and preaching against, are found to be homosexuals themselves all along. It's mind boggling. But there is a clear trend. I'm looking at you Marcus Bachmann 

As for your argument that the media seems to focus on what's 'trendy' or 'cool', I actually completely agree. The media has an incredibly short attention span (much like the viewers they are targeting) and seem to only focus on issues when they arise in the celebrity scope. I can see why people would be skeptical that anti-homophobia is pushed heavily by the media but I'd point out that it's probably a response to 1) gay marriage being a hot button issue in society at the moment and 2) the slew of kids that committed suicide due to bullying for homosexuality. You bring up the Kobe statement affecting the NBA and that's a good point. Again, the media tends to be very reactionary. I'd point out that in Europe, there is a lot anti-racism being pushed since that's the big issue surrounding soccer over there. I can't imagine going to a basketball game here and seeing someone throw a banana on the court.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

ninjahood wrote:


imma say this one time and one time only CWrite78  AntonLaVey & whoever wants to say something cute about me imma just report it to meth. street rules dont apply in a messageboard full of individuals of questionable effeminate

Wait how do you threaten to report us and then attack our manhood in the same post? You're better than this man but ok I'll leave you alone. Sheeesh


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Response to LDJ!!!

People are incredibly selfish, it's baffling. You could argue that over the last few years especially with Obama being elected and president and during his campaign there was ALOT of focus on discrimination against blacks in America. If I recall correctly CNN has a segment about the many issues black people face in this country (Black in America). But when other groups get publicity, it somehow in your eyes makes your own agenda disappear. 

I'm not singling you out bdw just an observation

You exactly proved my point. It was only talked about made out to the limelight because of obama, and at the time obama talk was the "in" thing. Its no different then all of a sudden talking about civil rights etc mlk, becuase it is black history month.

Same as all of a sudden emphasis was on domestic because of the chris brown incident. Same as kanye video and everyone all of a sudden want to talk about blood diamonds. Again same as everyone wanting to talk about abortion after the bombings. And a sigle show or a special here and there isnt quite the same as watching a television show/movie etc and seeing a anti-gay commerical every 3 or 4 commercials. Same as when vick incident, every other commercial was about peta and sarah cant think of last name hugging the golden retriever and talking about aspca. 

What im saying is these discriminations arent new and should all be addressed and it should rely on some big media hoopla or hot yahoo/twitter/tmz incident to make these things aware. It shouldnt take a kid in decatur, ga hanging himself in his closet and plastered all over the media outlets to discuss homosexual discrimination. Nor does it warrant that every other commercial should address homosexual discrimination. Also discrimination should just be address period. Not just one targeted group, or a certain aspect of it just because it is related to a celeb, or is something hot.

Same would be said if some women was used/mistreated because of sex. Its wrong but it shouldnt be overemphaasize and every other commercial media outlet speaks on it every 5 seconds. Just because its a hot thing to talk about.

Same would be said like if iuno someone like miley cyrus did meth etc od/or went to rehab changed her life etc. You can best believe every other commercial would be a just say no to meth, when it should be talked about period and not only that it should relay the message that drugs period are bad. Shouldnt just be address because its piggybacking on a hot topic.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.
Under US law, animals are not capable of consenting to sexual relations with humans. Same as how the sock in your drawer can't consent or how a 12 year old child can't consent.
Natural law and criminal law are 2 different things. 
A criminal law, which bans bestiality has no bearing on the natural laws of consent between man and animal.

US law varies from state to state, so that doesn't answer anything. Gambling, medical marijuana is deemed legal in 1 territory and illegal in another...the issues of abortion/gun laws are constantly being changed and wrestled with on a national level.. you can't claim moral authority or matter of factness by citing ever changing laws.  

And animals and socks demonstrate the same signs of consent...word? 
Sillyputty posted this on page 2. It's more succinct than anything I could write or draw for you.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.

if that's your argument... what is the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality then?
should we allow bestiality since we allow heterosexuality?

in regards to the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality....
one produces fertile, viable offspring (required for species to survive)
and the other does not
same distinction can not be stated with regard to homosexuality vs bestiality

note: I am trying to argue that bestiality and homosexuality are the same thing, simply replying to what you asked.
^^^I'm mad we have to resort to cartoons and comics to make people understand simple concepts. Sh#$s embarassing.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Playing the devils advocate....Whats the difference between bestiality and homosexuality though?

Both have been around forever, participants of both lifestyles claim to be persecuted for feelings beyond their control and there are animals who seem to be receptive and happy with these arrangements. A dog in heat will gladly hump anything in its path and will demonstrate what can be deemed as affection across specie lines.

if that's your argument... what is the difference between bestiality and heterosexuality then?
should we allow bestiality since we allow heterosexuality?

I didn't say that was my argument. I am posing a hypothetical question and asking what is the difference between the 2 sexual behaviors.
i don't think you're going to find wide support for bestiality among heterosexuals OR homosexuals.
A dog isn't aware of its decisions?...Really? Who comes up with this stupid stuff?

A dog can't consent to actions?

Come on man...get that Pre-K stupidness out of here.

Dogs are aware of their decisions as are most other animals with relatively developed brains and dogs demonstrate consent very well.
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