Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery?​

On top of that, why are African Americans/minorities the ones who go the hardest with it?

Same reason you still reference us as African Americans.

I'm simply American sir.
same reason why anybody practices any religion---it gets you through something in a time of need.

The biggest thing however is they made an active decision: "I'm fed up with the Greek and Roman mythology (or whatever) let me try something new... oh wow, this works! Score!" Thus, history was written.
So they ditched the religion that was related to their own people , to join in on one that had nothing to due with them and actually villianized Romans...and that makes some kind of sense because it was by choice. But when blacks practice today, its confusing and puzzling because its not by choice?
first finland is majority Lutheran um not quite the same as what eddie long is preaching.... so....

second Switzerland is majority roman catholic again....if you think a roman catholic church is the same as creflo dollar then iuno what to tell you.

and Australia is majority angelic and roman catholic...again how is that anything like Baptist churches like bishop bronner or td jakes?

Hell the entire premise the practice and belief system and message is totally different seeing as I have attended the several types of churches..

I just don't even see how you could compare the teachings, the message and the mindset of a roman catholic church and a southern Baptist church..
They're all reading from the same book that says there is one church under him... So either they're all supposed to be getting the same message or someone is faking it.

Maybe this was asked already but why do white people practice christianity? It wasn't forced on them and the people of the bible were east african/ middle eastern so what brought them into the fold.
because how they practice and how they use religion is different then a.a. and church... even the functioning of church and how it was used in terms of a.a. in the past is different then today...

ie like with mlk he used the commonality and comradely that the church offered to gather a.a. to unify and fight injustices, grow and build neighborhoods, improve conditions etc....

that is not the black church of today... as far as whites that was and has always been the plan, that and as a tool to subdue and hold down many minority groups and ppl of poverty etc...

I could and I mentioned before like the ajc to which they unite and use the church to improve hoods, better their schools, so on and so forth.. They often use religion and the church as kinda like how colleges use frats and brotherhood ie... a favor for a favor.. ie networking...ie ban together and use strength in numbers to have political and fiscal power...

the black church does none of this... like I said its become a routine...a checkmark on the to do list for some, a confession convenience for some, a scapegoat and a omission for personal responsibility for others,

ya some might mention a rev al Sharpton but even he unites and joins blacks sporadically and out of convenience. But your average black church aint uniting ish except when it comes to the collection plate, they aren't joining forces uniting affluent ppl and blacks for the improvement/betterment of all... they aren't out improving and spreading prosperity...hell they aren't even doing it for their flock, the very ppl who keep them afloat.

and that's the biggest difference... everyone else use religion as a tool and rely on logic sense reasoning etc... black folks use it as nothing more but convenience to justify wrongs/rights to avoid accountability, and some just do it just cause for no other reason then well my folks did it and they folks did it so... monkey see monkey do.   
Same reason you still reference us as African Americans.

I'm simply American sir.
~~mostly because they especially as of late try to do any and everything to disassociate themselves from their root culture... Granted most came from slavery... but in large part black ppl are one of the few ppl who look down, shun or completely dismiss anything that remotely connects them to where they come from. In fact many times and many are completely ignorant an actually make fun of and mock their culture. Hell you add that and many black folks white man daddy syndrome....aka how often times black show/give respect to whites while make ppl of their own earn it, then with black women basically the only group of ppl who change their outer appearance to resemble whites, and you add many of the dudes follow because of the ramped single mother epidemic... Then you equate it in most part is used by blacks well but not limited to blacks as mean of explaining things they cannot understand or choose not to gain knowledge of, to justify actions, to be remissive and avoidance of ownership and personal responsibility for actions and events in life....a cooping mechanism.,,, etc so on and so forth. In most part very few are true christians if you look at it and its practices...in large part vast majority are convenient christians .. aka ill follow this part cause it coincides with what I wanna do, ill listen take heed to this part cause then I don't have to use logic/knowledge for certain events.... I practice or will subscribe to this passage etc... if it meets this certain agenda, allows me to not take personal responsibility for something they have done..aka pray to god and ask for forgiveness aka get out of jail free card. its not a coincidence most blacks get all holier then thou after serving time, or the high number of Christian black women coincide with the high number of single back mothers... Also it isn't a coincidence that the most oppressed, distraught deprived ppl/nations in the world are the most religious, it isn't a coincidence the places with the highest crime rates, porn, unwed babies, low test scores, lowest pay scales...overweightness so on and so forth are the most religious places. cause instead of owning up, improving and growing, advancing, etc... its much easier to say god knows my heart, or be in denial/ignorance or avoidance and this is what religion and in most part does for blacks. its a distraction tool more or less. its a justifier, its a pompous way of avoiding saying I don't know, its a social acceptance to being ignorant to things. Its the ultimate whatever, I don't have to explain myself, talk to the hand, im not gonna explain myself, I don't know, get out of jail trump card....

and there it is
like I said name in large part any other group of ppl who will go above and beyond to categorically deny any and everything that has to do with their origins... how often do you see a Asian American say hey don't call me Asian... or how often do you hear a Mexican American say hell nah don't cause me Mexican and then couple that with oh but im part Cherokee im part german etc... and all the while have no iota about the very race they are associated and known for... ie you wont catch a Mexican who knows more and supports and subscribe to white americans or other nationality, yet are dumbfounded and completely remissive of their own race/nationality.
Same reason you still reference us as African Americans.

I'm simply American sir.

Lol exactly if you're born in America you're American. We don't call white people Irish American or whatever we call them Americans. People use African American to define race. Steve Nash is South African why isn't he called an African Canadian or African American? IMO we are all American if you are born in America. The only thing that isn't cut and dry is the ethnic group thing but at the Ed of the day we are black so with the state of how blacks are in a whole we need to focus on building our communities and not debating on being called Afro American or hat religion so and so practices
So they ditched the religion that was related to their own people , to join in on one that had nothing to due with them and actually villianized Romans...and that makes some kind of sense because it was by choice. But when blacks practice today, its confusing and puzzling because its not by choice?

How would you feel RIGHT NOW if somebody walked up to you and told you you couldn't be a Christian? Matter of fact, they didn't tell you. They simply beat you until you got the point.

Wouldn't it be odd for you to simply pick up the new religion? Even after you are no longer under their whip you continue to practice this new thing? Never mind that you didn't even get the right/fulfilling version of it, you got a misguided version.
Not a fan of Lucky Luchiano in the android threads...

But dude is really serving yall some plates...

Shoelysses too...

I disagree with a few of their points... But the arguments are succinct and supported.

Carry on sirs.

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Lol I didn't say you should care about other races I only brought it up to show that this notion that there are no black interest organizations is idiotic. Stop reaching.

There aren't. NAACP, rainbow coalition, urban league, etc all talk about "minority", what is a minority? Gays are minorities, Eskimos are minorities, etc. NAACP say they want rights for minorities and the government grants a million dollars to all Eskimos, did that help blacks even though only people you see marching are blacks? The few tiny groups that say they want BLACK rights are demonized and called racist. It's funny you will see blacks marching for every damn minority in America but nobody is marching with us. Black women will march with racist white feminist but how many white feminist you see marching in the streets of Chicago? How many Asians did you see marching with MLK for civil rights? Yet these people benefitted from OUR blood swear and tears and can no go to any school in the nation because of blacks. I'm done being superman for other "minorities" when nobody is fight with or for us but have the damn nerve to call us lazy.
We in here arguing about southern baptist and both religious and non religious blacks still getting killed every day. Let me guess dudes will say trayvon Martin was killed because he was a southern baptist, if he was an atheist he would still be alive today.
Lol exactly if you're born in America you're American. We don't call white people Irish American or whatever we call them Americans. People use African American to define race. Steve Nash is South African why isn't he called an African Canadian or African American? IMO we are all American if you are born in America. The only thing that isn't cut and dry is the ethnic group thing but at the Ed of the day we are black so with the state of how blacks are in a whole we need to focus on building our communities and not debating on being called Afro American or hat religion so and so practices
you say all those things and also say it would be in blacks best interest to be more like insert race...... But guess what race/nationality belief system etc... is a part of what encompass who and what they are and is apart of the foundation that lead to there success...

To say oh blacks should not care about their origins/race history their belief system is no different then a person trying to start a business and saying oh well I don't need to know the history of the field/business in which im trying to start... I don't need to listen or understand the practices in terms of how to run said business...

Just skip that part and somehow someway just think get money and magically your a success and your business is booming... Iuno what business etc... you run, but if you have that mentality you are surely to fail/fall flat on your face..

Its not about the labels persay in terms of the actual name... it has to do with the heritage/history and principles associated with said title name of race/nationality.. jewish americans see jewish as more then a box to check on an application... they take the business savviness, the work ethics, the principles etc.. that are associated with said jewish title... and they take that enriched culture and use it to build grow into what they are today...

thing is and this is how religion ties into it in terms of blacks... blacks cant reflect and build on their heritage and principles and ways and teachings because they are rooted in Africa..blacks see Africa and their true origins as a negative, that in large part is due to the indoctrination and injustices brought about and the negative connotations associated with it when the Christian religion was instilled upon them... So now you got a.a. who due to religion/slavery etc... so on and so forth... disassociating themselves from the heritage the principles etc... associated with the prosperity and growth of their ppl from which they came from in Africa... so they want to associate themselves with the history etc... associated with blacks here in the usa... the problem with that is the heritage principles teachings are growth associated with blacks in America in large part are nonexistent. The only history really is sit back pray hope for a better day, itch complain...oh well that didn't work so lets go back to sitting back hope and pray for a better day.

Same with any other nationality group of ppl... Asian americans see it more then just a label namesake title... they use the Asian and associate it and draw from it the principles teachings etc... things associated with said group of ppl that has helped progress and move forward their ppl. Blacks see the Africa and don't see any of those things and nothing but the negative aspects... because historically that's what they were told all it had to offer and your succession growth is based determined by your faith... your beliefs... well not really YOUR FAITH, YOUR BELIEFS...but rather the faith belief system that we told you, you should rely and draw from.
We in here arguing about southern baptist and both religious and non religious blacks still getting killed every day. Let me guess dudes will say trayvon Martin was killed because he was a southern baptist, if he was an atheist he would still be alive today.
no but if black churches operated like many others they would have united and joined and used political power and economics and probably would have faired aa better outcome then the one it was... what they wouldn't have done is rally get on knees pray, catch holy ghost... quote scriptures in interviews... all the while sitting back and letting the family suffer both economically and thru poor legal representation...

as you can see George Zimmerman constituents did more then lip service... they represented economically as well as politically... aka they put they money where they mouth is... all while blacks they put they mouth where money should have been...and put they money in the pockets of the preacher...
Bruh shut up, you stay bringing up religion as the issue when religion doesn't matter. For me to say blacks should practice group economics like every other race does IS NOT saying blacks need to practice the same religions as other races. MONEY HAS NO RACE. You gonna turn down a million dollars some one offers you because you're an athetist and they are Muslim? Go to verizon right now and buy an iPhone, or they going to say "nah bruh you don't believe in God I can't take your money"

Do Islamic or Buddhist or whatever dudes who owned liquor stores in BLACK communities say "get out of my store you're baptist" these folks don't give a damn about our religion they just know blacks spend money which is why they set up shop in our communities point blank.

blacks can give up religion and will still be poor and broke but at least now we have Sundays to go rob and kill each other instead of spending time praying to a unicorn.

Dude there are several black interest groups in schools, churches and communities, stop reaching. I'm not even going to entertain that nonsensical tangent you just went on lol.

Lol bruh hush everyone in here knows you look dumb right now and have proved nothing.
Bruh shut up, you stay bringing up religion as the issue when religion doesn't matter. For me to say blacks should practice group economics like every other race does IS NOT saying blacks need to practice the same religions as other races. MONEY HAS NO RACE. You gonna turn down a million dollars some one offers you because you're an athetist and they are Muslim? Go to verizon right now and buy an iPhone, or they going to say "nah bruh you don't believe in God I can't take your money"

Do Islamic or Buddhist or whatever dudes who owned liquor stores in BLACK communities say "get out of my store you're baptist" these folks don't give a damn about our religion they just know blacks spend money which is why they set up shop in our communities point blank.

blacks can give up religion and will still be poor and broke but at least now we have Sundays to go rob and kill each other instead of spending time praying to a unicorn.

your missing the whole point religion is apart intertwined with others in terms of economic growth business ethics etc.... they are all in one... that's the point... I don't see how you cannot see that...unless iuno you work for a living have a job ah something...and guessing by your responses you must do...

religion for others is like a big brother lodge group aka a lets combine forces unite grow and ban together to get money, to make a stand, to make changes, to grow as a ppl, a group etc... everyone uses religion and that umbrella except blacks... they literally see it for what it is... and actually take it for face value... outside of the preachers etc... of course who in part use it for self...

If you think the jewish community doesn't use church as a navigation tool and a brotherhood for growth and advocate change then iuno what to tell

Again religion is a tool a guise used to move forward grow..unite and bring about growth, change and economics... that's what the ppl in power use it for...its only the oppressed the minorities the blacks etc... who just sit back and see it literally as noah gather every animal on a boat...

Like I said earlier at a time folks like a mlk saw religion for what it is and how it can be used... and in many instances he did use it as such aka Selma Alabama so forth and so on..

To even simplify it even more religion church for most other races is like how iuno glaad is for homosexuals or how again Atlanta jewish committee is for jews so forth and so on.
Bruh shut up, you stay bringing up religion as the issue when religion doesn't matter. For me to say blacks should practice group economics like every other race does IS NOT saying blacks need to practice the same religions as other races. MONEY HAS NO RACE. You gonna turn down a million dollars some one offers you because you're an athetist and they are Muslim? Go to verizon right now and buy an iPhone, or they going to say "nah bruh you don't believe in God I can't take your money"

Do Islamic or Buddhist or whatever dudes who owned liquor stores in BLACK communities say "get out of my store you're baptist" these folks don't give a damn about our religion they just know blacks spend money which is why they set up shop in our communities point blank.

blacks can give up religion and will still be poor and broke but at least now we have Sundays to go rob and kill each other instead of spending time praying to a unicorn.

religion for other groups is just a guise that equates all the very things you said... so what are you talking bout...

ppl in power etc.. religion= lets use faith in a higher being etc... to unite group together...combine resources manpower...money economics etc... and grow as a ppl

black folks religion= I don't wanna deal with life of life terms... I wanna self loathe, I don't wanna except personal responsibility... I wanna pick and choose what to believe in to justify actions... I just do it cause every one else does it..

if you cant see the difference iuno what to tell ya... religion has is and always will be nothing more then a guise, a navigation tool to promote, progress an agenda to those in power... be it economic growth, be it justification to enslave mistreat others etc...

religion for po folks and blacks has always in most part been a guise tool to deal with the results of said action from the powers that be.. and to accept and deal with the issues that arise because of it... that and the whole apple jack mentality... why do you do it? "iuno I just do it cause I do"
second Switzerland is majority roman catholic again....if you think a roman catholic church is the same as creflo dollar then iuno what to tell you.
and Australia is majority angelic and roman catholic...again how is that anything like Baptist churches like bishop bronner or td jakes?

Hell the entire premise the practice and belief system and message is totally different seeing as I have attended the several types of churches..

I just don't even see how you could compare the teachings, the message and the mindset of a roman catholic church and a southern Baptist church..

So first it was name ANY area of the world but what you really  meant was any area of the world with Southern Baptist's? 

 Where the **** else in the world are there SBC's at besides the South? 

If that ain't moving the goal post Idk what is

No point in even taking thus further you got it bruh 
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My man Lucky on his separatist steez. Went to sleep woke up and he's still trying to start the new black nation. I want to argue my point a few pages back that segregation was bad for Negroes, and evidenced by the whole civil rights movement...but that argument is so two pages ago
My man Lucky on his separatist steez. Went to sleep woke up and he's still trying to start the new black nation. I want to argue my point a few pages back that segregation was bad for Negroes, and evidenced by the whole civil rights movement...but that argument is so two pages ago

The civil rights movement was about integration. The point stands, during segregation whites were racist to blacks, during civil rights when we decided to integrate whites were racist to blacks, post integration whites are still racist to blacks.

PRE integration you had Harlem Thriving, Black Wall Street , etc etc. POST integration you have gentrification and drugs were flooded into our neighborhoods as the final blow to destroy prominent black communities. If you don't see that you sir are blind.

Don't hit me with that "all white ppl aren't bad", because find where I ever said all white people were bad, I've never stated that, but if you want to deny the group of people that have been oppressing Blacks for over 400 years were not white you are an idiot.
My man Lucky on his separatist steez. Went to sleep woke up and he's still trying to start the new black nation. I want to argue my point a few pages back that segregation was bad for Negroes, and evidenced by the whole civil rights movement...but that argument is so two pages ago
its was good/bad the good was black ppl grew in terms of social awareness and understanding of other ppl culture etc... the bad is at the cost of disassociating themselves from there own... and not supporting and promoting there own...

aka it was good that blacks had a choice between Alabama roll tide and alcorn state... what was bad is many blacks saw it as the white place is the right place and the black schools are less then and infact should be shunned...

that same sentiment also transcended in culture lifestyle etc... I for one love and embrace all ppl and all cultures... but not at the expense of dismissing mines or treating mines like a hat and putting it on the hat rack when coming into the home that is racial diversity...
its was good/bad the good was black ppl grew in terms of social awareness and understanding of other ppl culture etc... the bad is at the cost of disassociating themselves from there own... and not supporting and promoting there own...

aka it was good that blacks had a choice between Alabama roll tide and alcorn state... what was bad is many blacks saw it as the white place is the right place and the black schools are less then and infact should be shunned...

that same sentiment also transcended in culture lifestyle etc... I for one love and embrace all ppl and all cultures... but not at the expense of dismissing mines or treating mines like a hat and putting it on the hat rack when coming into the home that is racial diversity...

lol the thing is when the blacks went to U of A instead of Tuskeegee the blacks were still discriminated against, why do clowns hold PWIs to high standards? Why is it wrong for blacks to want to make Morehouse better than Harvard? Does that mean we will not admit white or asian students? dudes kill me with that, like you really have idiots who think HBCUs = No body but black can attend.

Why is it ok to you guys that you can watch the NCAA championship and everyone on the court is 90% black but the crowd is 90% white? But we are integrated. Get the hell out of here.

These folks using us for economic gain and dudes want to say racism is over and we are all equal and integrated because there are 5 blacks in a class of 80 white kids, oh and don't forget the 3 Asian kids sitting in the back of the class. This is MLKs dream right? lol
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