Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

you do know that saying you're an atheist and saying you're not religious are the exact same things right? like thats the literal definition of being an atheist

it would be like telling people to stop saying that they are wet and rather say that they are covered in water 
exactly my point.  why do people need the label?  same reasons most religious people do, they aren't strong individuals and need something to identify with.  i don't care for cheese very much but i don't need a label for it and if there was i certainly wouldn't declare myself one every time the topic of queso is brought up

im not even religious just far more annoyed by atheists than religious people.  most religions at least respect other ones, meanwhile atheists are pissed that others don't spend as much time on the internet discovering the real truth as they do
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Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery?​

On top of that, why are African Americans/minorities the ones who go the hardest with it?
Conditioning. It's been treated as tradition, brainwashing in order to control. Since the 1700s. Now they happily believe in it. It's happened in other areas as well for different civilizations as well.

As for going the hardest no, I know there's a lot of devout ones. They can even be hateful and stubborn about it on a social level. Express all types of ignorance cuz of their deeply rooted belief but I know a whole lot more white religious fundamentalists out there protesting against gay soldiers and females who choose to have abortions.
And the civil rights movement was a joke, it was created by our oppressors to keep us in check, integration was a sham. Heck the NAACP was started by Jews. We should have listened to Malcolm and te NOI and stayed segregated but had equal economic ability. Prior to integration there were actual prominent black communities now they don't exist. You don't see any other race fighting to integrate because it simply doesn't work. Instead f giving blacks the funding to improve black schools they shipped the blacks across town to white schools them threw most of us into special ed programs.
Lol yet you're still a slave to America. You pay taxes, still will e subjected to racism, still spend your money on irrelevant stuff like Nike,supreme, alcohol, weed, Etc. You're in the same slave ship as eddie long just you believe in the Big Bang theory and he believes in a mystery God.
We're all slaves to something :smh:
This the new "someone blow my mind" thread? 

Some of y'all need to loosen up those tinfoil hats. 
I'm a believer but I don't consider myself of any denomination, but I'm curious to know what's so bad about being Christian? OK I get it that you guys feel some type of way because y'all believe it was something that it was force to your "ancestors" by the same people that made them slaves, Is that the only reason you feel that is wrong to be Christian?
We're all slaves to something :smh:

Let me ask you this if you and mike jones are athiest and the other Christian and you own a tire factory and he owned a car window factory , and I come along and I own a car body factory, what does religion have to do with us all working together to make cars in which we can sell and bring money into our communities and create jobs? You are no diff than the religious man. You hate the religious man because he worships a magic unicorn and the religious man hates you because he sees you as a heathen. At the end of the day y'all are both black and slaves to a white run economic system. So instead of putting economics first to provide opportunities for a black society you both bicker and argue with each other and at te end of the debate that goes nowhere you are both still slaves to a racist society.
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exactly my point.  why do people need the label?  same reasons most religious people do, they aren't strong individuals and need something to identify with.  i don't care for cheese very much but i don't need a label for it and if there was i certainly wouldn't declare myself one every time the topic of queso is brought up
its just like nationalities its a way to individualize and classify ppl..and treat or mistreat them accordingly. and black ppl are one of the worst at it...ie im part such and such...and have no clue about their history... how you know ur ancestry when you don't even know who your daddy is...lol. As if someone gonna look at you and attribute insert w/e nationality... The sad part is the sole race/nationality you are classified as you know nothing about outside of we once chucked spears, white man saved us, jesus gone save us..rosa parks martin luther kang... When the last time you heard a Korean say im part indian and had know clue as to anything about their Korean ancestry? But black folks lol..... I tell ya god be the glory lol
I really hate the, "you need to believe in a higher being to have a moral compass" logic that some people have in their minds. SMH
Let me ask you this if you and mike jones are athiest and the other Christian and you own a tire factory and he owned a car window factory , and I come along and I own a car body factory, what does religion have to do with us all working together to make cars in which we can sell and bring money into our communities and create jobs? You are no diff than the religious man. You hate the religious man because he worships a magic unicorn and the religious man hates you because he sees you as a heathen. At the end of the day y'all are both black and slaves to a white run economic system.
Name one just one advancement in our lives be it technology medicine etc... that at it sole basis was religious beliefs and not knowledge, foundation understanding, growth and advancement... Name one thing in the history of mankind.. I wouldn't care if it was something as simple as ketchup.. Anything that the intellectual properties and invent, birth was based on religious beliefs and religious beliefs alone?
Let me ask you this if you and mike jones are athiest and the other Christian and you own a tire factory and he owned a car window factory , and I come along and I own a car body factory, what does religion have to do with us all working together to make cars in which we can sell and bring money into our communities and create jobs? You are no diff than the religious man. You hate the religious man because he worships a magic unicorn and the religious man hates you because he sees you as a heathen. At the end of the day y'all are both black and slaves to a white run economic system. So instead of putting economics first to provide opportunities for a black society you both bicker and argue with each other and at te end of the debate that goes nowhere you are both still slaves to a racist society.
So on the one hand you're calling him a slave for participating in the racist societies white run economic system, and on the other hand you want him to participate in the same racists societies white run economic system. Seems legit. 
Name one just one advancement in our lives be it technology medicine etc... that at it sole basis was religious beliefs and not knowledge, foundation understanding, growth and advancement... Name one thing in the history of mankind.. I wouldn't care if it was something as simple as ketchup.. Anything that the intellectual properties and invent, birth was based on religious beliefs and religious beliefs alone?

Lol bruh what are you even talking about? You're so anti religion you didn't even read my post. Because if you read or are reading anything I typed you wouldn't have even posted what you did. Keep arguing about religion thinking you're more enlightened than the next man and you're just going to continue to be a peon of zero importance in the bigger picture.
So on the one hand you're calling him a slave for participating in the racist societies white run economic system, and on the other hand you want him to participate in the same racists societies white run economic system. Seems legit. 
Son what the hell are you talking about? I see comprehension isn't strong on NT
Let me ask you this if you and mike jones are athiest and the other Christian and you own a tire factory and he owned a car window factory , and I come along and I own a car body factory, what does religion have to do with us all working together to make cars in which we can sell and bring money into our communities and create jobs? You are no diff than the religious man. You hate the religious man because he worships a magic unicorn and the religious man hates you because he sees you as a heathen. At the end of the day y'all are both black and slaves to a white run economic system. So instead of putting economics first to provide opportunities for a black society you both bicker and argue with each other and at te end of the debate that goes nowhere you are both still slaves to a racist society.
the same can be said a person and a rapist a murderer, a child molester so on and so forth your point.. So long as to ppl can make money together what the other man does should be remised and is what... Im not seeing your point.

But to your point about both being a slave... the religious person would accept and embrace being a slave for false promises of being rewarded in some other life...or some spiritual realm coming to their aid. The other is trying to reach economic growth status so that he is no longer a slave to the white run economic system. So there is in fact a difference
you do know that saying you're an atheist and saying you're not religious are the exact same things right? like thats the literal definition of being an atheist

it would be like telling people to stop saying that they are wet and rather say that they are covered in water 
exactly my point.  why do people need the label?  same reasons most religious people do, they aren't strong individuals and need something to identify with.  i don't care for cheese very much but i don't need a label for it and if there was i certainly wouldn't declare myself one every time the topic of queso is brought up

im not even religious just far more annoyed by atheists than religious people.  most religions at least respect other ones, meanwhile atheists are pissed that others don't spend as much time on the internet discovering the real truth as they do
to some people it is a label, to others it isnt. for me if im asked ill say im an atheist or agnostic because it's the first thing that comes to mind, im not looking for that nod of approval from other atheists or anything. yeah i agree that athiests can be annoying, if i were christian i wouldnt want a random atheist trying to derail my day by questioning my faith. just like how i would find it annoying if i was walking down the street and some christian started trying to "save me". both those situations are annoying. but when we are in a thread questioning christianity than i really dont see why you would find it annoying to see atheists in here, it would be dumb not to expect atheists to be in here and by atheists i dont mean an organized group of ********, but simply people that share a common stance when talking about religion.

too many wars have been fought over religion to say most religions at least respect other ones
Like dudes that dumb they don't understand the concept of creating a parallel economy? You create a parallel economy only thing you have to worry about dealing with America as a whole is with paying taxes. How can you encounter racism if you and your people create black businesses, premier black education institutions, your own black controlled media, etc.
Is this concept hard to understand? Tired of a racist system, create your own system, the end. Arguing about religion doesn't solve the problem that you're still dependent on the people oppressing you.
Lol dudes just reaching for the sky now bringing up child molesters ah rapist, what does that have to do with anything. Lol y'all got it, can't save everyone.
Like dudes that dumb they don't understand the concept of creating a parallel economy? You create a parallel economy only thing you have to worry about dealing with America as a whole is with paying taxes. How can you encounter racism if you and your people create black businesses, premier black education institutions, your own black controlled media, etc.
Is this concept hard to understand? Tired of a racist system, create your own system, the end. Arguing about religion doesn't solve the problem that you're still dependent on the people oppressing you.
sounds like segregation
Lol bruh what are you even talking about? You're so anti religion you didn't even read my post. Because if you read or are reading anything I typed you wouldn't have even posted what you did. Keep arguing about religion thinking you're more enlightened than the next man and you're just going to continue to be a peon of zero importance in the bigger picture.
how am I anti religious... ? fools and idiots will be just that... the topic is a.a. and how why they practice it... etc... and also its adverse effects... Ppl argue say it doesn't have adverse effects... I provided facts to prove other wise... you took that and ran with im anti... typical spiritual non logical response..

I know alcohol is detriment to your body.. If I state this and prove its effects.. how does that translate into I hate alcohol and anyone who drinks it... See the thing is with facts.. They are just that FACTS.. how you wanna foolish and uneducated interpret that is on you.

Its still will remain the same it can/and has adverse effects on your body... Does that mean I don't drink...NO would that mean im anti alcohol...NO stating facts are just that stating facts. And that's all I did state facts. And the rest just well on some mr. telephone man...passing the message unproven nonfactual garbage.
I rater be segregated and prospering then integrated and Oppressed. But then again I don't post in white women appreciation threads so my views are obviously too extreme for some.
Let me ask you this if you and mike jones are athiest and the other Christian and you own a tire factory and he owned a car window factory , and I come along and I own a car body factory, what does religion have to do with us all working together to make cars in which we can sell and bring money into our communities and create jobs? You are no diff than the religious man. You hate the religious man because he worships a magic unicorn and the religious man hates you because he sees you as a heathen. At the end of the day y'all are both black and slaves to a white run economic system. So instead of putting economics first to provide opportunities for a black society you both bicker and argue with each other and at te end of the debate that goes nowhere you are both still slaves to a racist society.
oh no while I believe we'd be better off without religion, I see why it works for some people and I don't believe my beliefs make me better than anyone except thieves, murdere, rapists, child molesters etc. Half of my family is Muslim and the other half is non believers, Catholics, Protestants and I've been open about my lack of belief and they still love me the same. I don't look down on religion at all. That would be me looking down on my loved ones. I just don't believe in it. So I don't care if someone shares my views on religion as long as they good peoples. Unfortunately in a lot of cases, a religious person is more likely to discriminate against a non believer or someone with a different religion than the contrary.
I rater be segregated and prospering then integrated and Oppressed. But then again I don't post in white women appreciation threads so my views are obviously too extreme for some.
If you want to come out and say you're a biggot, just do it. No need to beat round the bush talmbout "I don't post in white women appreciation threads..." as if you're implying it's because you don't like white people. 
And I'm not even racist I just feel we as blacks are so far behind we need to go to the drawing boards and focus strictly on us. You will see blacks marching for "minority" rights, marching for gays,Indians, illegal Mexicans, Etc but none of these folks are marching for us. So screw all that fighting for minorities. Minorities of America have the rights they do from te blood sweat and tears of blacks during the civil rights. Right now my only concern is blacks prospering and that's it. If every race is prospering economically we all can contribute to the larger economic pie.
Like dudes that dumb they don't understand the concept of creating a parallel economy? You create a parallel economy only thing you have to worry about dealing with America as a whole is with paying taxes. How can you encounter racism if you and your people create black businesses, premier black education institutions, your own black controlled media, etc.
Is this concept hard to understand? Tired of a racist system, create your own system, the end. Arguing about religion doesn't solve the problem that you're still dependent on the people oppressing you.
and how does this occur if you do nothing but sit back and ..."put it in gods hands"? How does this occur when you do nothing... and "leave it to god"?

And as far as the oppression the main tool for the repression is religion... how do you surpass being held down, if you refuse to take off the shackles? You aren't making sense. That's like saying in order to overcome drug addiction is to do more drugs.. How is more of bad equal good?

Key example the martin movement and the desegregation of the sanitation workers... Nothing would have and didn't change by them praying harder, going to church more.... and sitting back and waiting on god almighty to change things... It took martin his logic knowledge of the world.. reasoning to protest and advocate change.

If it weren't for that blacks still would be eating lunch inside of the trash hopper of a garbage truck.

The stats and numbers show it doesn't work...you cant provide proof that it works nor does nay of the elements exist yet you would continue to do it... Its borderline stupidity...  Why would someone do something that is ineffective and deemed useless continue to do it...do it more and expect opposite results?
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