wiki leaks : ufo war + 4D dimisonal Ufo on video

not doubting alien existence but i find it very strange they appear everywhere but NY and those dots in the sky do not count. until they land in harlem and do the stanky leg im calling ducktales
not doubting alien existence but i find it very strange they appear everywhere but NY and those dots in the sky do not count. until they land in harlem and do the stanky leg im calling ducktales
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I dont know if I believe the U.S has been fighting UFO's...idk

cant blame u

you probably haven't even seen a ufo in real life yet

keep thinking its all dream

Hmmm, me personally:

It's not that I don't believe the the story. I believe aliens exist. The problem is that any alien that is capable of traveling millions of light years to our planets is also hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us on the technology curve.

You don't "fight" aliens who are able to exist in dimensions beyond the 3rd

Check my analogy:
We are an ant, they are an Army Commando. Commandos don't fight ants, they step on them.
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I dont know if I believe the U.S has been fighting UFO's...idk

cant blame u

you probably haven't even seen a ufo in real life yet

keep thinking its all dream

Hmmm, me personally:

It's not that I don't believe the the story. I believe aliens exist. The problem is that any alien that is capable of traveling millions of light years to our planets is also hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us on the technology curve.

You don't "fight" aliens who are able to exist in dimensions beyond the 3rd

Check my analogy:
We are an ant, they are an Army Commando. Commandos don't fight ants, they step on them.
This was a hoax.... it's a fake(some of these guys take it too far).

But there is something out there i'm pretty damn sure our government nows about it but we have no idea what it is. To the people who don't believe there's nothing out there. many government officials, astronauts and pilots have all came forward the answer is there just do your homework on the subject it's very interesting to say the least.
This was a hoax.... it's a fake(some of these guys take it too far).

But there is something out there i'm pretty damn sure our government nows about it but we have no idea what it is. To the people who don't believe there's nothing out there. many government officials, astronauts and pilots have all came forward the answer is there just do your homework on the subject it's very interesting to say the least.
Those videos would be a lot more credible if they didn't have that ridiculous techno music in the background, and a freaking penguin with a flag with a swastika on a floating piece of ice. Like, whoever's producing those videos is clearly OUT OF THEIR DAMN MIND
Why do they even include that?
Those videos would be a lot more credible if they didn't have that ridiculous techno music in the background, and a freaking penguin with a flag with a swastika on a floating piece of ice. Like, whoever's producing those videos is clearly OUT OF THEIR DAMN MIND
Why do they even include that?
I'm with most of you, I don't completely doubt aliens but that video was a little ridiculous
I'm with most of you, I don't completely doubt aliens but that video was a little ridiculous
I personally seen a UFO at the age of 16 with my best friend. I know what I saw because it was pretty damn close
I personally seen a UFO at the age of 16 with my best friend. I know what I saw because it was pretty damn close
here's astronaut cooper talking about ufo's in the 1950's (i recommend everyone to watch it
)....tell me what you guys think about the video??... thanks

here's astronaut cooper talking about ufo's in the 1950's (i recommend everyone to watch it
)....tell me what you guys think about the video??... thanks

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