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  1. dn616766

    Anyone successfully land a job thru Craigslist?

    my friend landed an internship through CL. what other resources do you guys use for job searches.
  2. dn616766

    An idea I just had about time travel

    time travel- the ultimate reason why there is a decreasing middle class is because the rich and powerful found a way to manipulate time. They have stumbled upon this new innovation and withholding it for their own personal gains where the rich only help the rich. While they are predicting...
  3. dn616766

    The Official Electric Daisy Carnival Thread (Vegas June 21,22,23 2013) Update trailer pg 1

    good deal^^^ lol i checked the prices on craigslist for edc tix to see how much they are going for and its ridiculous. there are multiple posts in LA that have it for over the retail price as of right now. I wonder how much bank they're really making if they can afford to do all those...
  4. dn616766

    Who do you think is smoother?

    cmon son. Wherehouse guy is wack. Now the geico guy... thats a competition. Does switching to geico save you money on car insurance? [/spoiler]
  5. dn616766

    Ex...another man's child...she got at me over the weekend.

    yooo. fap and right after fapping think about what you're gonna do. it will help trust.
  6. dn616766

    ever write a complaint letter to head office? need advice!

    Whats your goal for writing this letter. If youre doing it to get something for free then do your thing. But if youre doing it to get someone in trouble then youre being a rat. I feel this was because i used to work retail. Youre taking the time out of your life just to get someone else in...
  7. dn616766

    Whats the most hungover you've ever been?

    this past weekend drank for three days in a row. on sunday started to spit blood. gonna see what the doctor says next week. moral of the story, know your limit.
  8. dn616766

    Is it normal for a guy and girl that are just friends to say they like each other?

    Op youre vulnerable right now. Trust me when i say this b needs to get dropped. Ive been in your position and lemme tell you something, if you decide to get back with her youre a fool. Shes kissing up on you and crying because she just wants you to be her "backup" guy. If what youre saying is...
  9. dn616766

    Before and After Jogging

    Before and after: Meth addicts
  10. dn616766

    Ages 20-26: Would you rather be single or in a relationship?

    went out with a girl for 5 years, ever since i was 17. Broke up with her couple months ago and Im starting to enjoy life the way it should be. being in a relationship for that long at a prime time like this didnt allow me to express my youth(sounds corny but true). At the begining of the break...
  11. dn616766

    If you could redo college, what would you major in?

    Im graduating with a double degree in Finance and Real Estate in May. If i were to go back i'd major to Bio and become a doctor.
  12. dn616766

    Looking for Cardigans

    shell gas station hahaha
  13. dn616766

    Casual drinking in the house: beer glass or bottle/can?

    Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.
  14. dn616766

    Good tablet for kids

    just wondering. if you get an ipad for your <10 year old kid what are you gonna give him/her for their next birthday or christmas.
  15. dn616766

    New Planet Vol. Just like Earth this time

    I was thinking the same mitch. What if it were a different dimension and traveling as fast as lightyears is a way to break through time. So maybe we are seeing ourselves in a different dimension many lightyears away. If there are (were) human-like beings there, most likely they saw us first...
  16. dn616766

    3 things you hate about your them

    1. customers 2. customers 3. customers Lenscrafters has THE worse customers. Someone challenge me
  17. dn616766

    respond with a question vol. no anwsers

    Wheres the spell check?
  18. dn616766

    NT Cigarette Smokers Unite...

    My friend, thats how it all started. At first something soooo innocent, "Im only gonna smoke when I drink." Then you buy yourself a pack for the next time you drink. And when you dont finish the pack you "try" it when youre sober. After your first time trying it sober, you start smoking little...
  19. dn616766

    WCR: Frat Rush Parody

    LOL McCoy %!%@+@ my mom!!
  20. dn616766

    What current problems are you dealing with?

    i wanna become an optometrist... But I graduate next semester with a finance degree. Its like the clock is ticking for me to find a good stable intern or job before I graduate. Any kind of experience in my degree would help. But if I were to become an optometrist, I could get a job easily with...
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