Five teenagers approach you and your daughter, point a gun and tell you to leave, what would you do?

Bruh what are we arguing about
Cause I'm not really sure :lol:
All I'm saying in all my posts is
I don't give a **** what was going on
I'm NOT leaving my daughter
And I'm a fight whoever to give my child a chance
Even if it was in vein
I rather try than not
I'm not tryna get e-props
Or say I'm tougher than the next man
But I will die for my kids straight up
N it's and or buts about it

Then just say you not leaving your daughter and ready to die for your seed like everybody else said. Don't come in here with some wild scheme about how you would fend off 5 people calling it common sense. No you just dying for your daughter, that's it.
Did u read my whole post
Cause I backed off saying common sense and said thinking on my feet
And it wasn't a scheme
Said what I would try to do
Did t make it seem like I would be successful
Just what I would try to do
And last I checked I can say whatever I want
U ain't gonna do nothin bout it
But I'm down to meet up and whoop yo *** and show u
If not then fall back and shut up
U probably gonna come up with some lame joke or whatever whatever
But know this I'm serious
All I know is that the situation was:

-Walking with daughter at night with no gun, no cellphone through a dangerous area
-Goes through park with no lighting
-5 scumbag thugs walk up and one with a gun tells dad to scram
-Daughter gets raped
-Takes the dad 20 minutes to find the police

All around just
at everything
I know from experience that if you walk at night through somewhere that is crime ridden, you gotta pack a weapon on you and have a cellphone
Yeah walking through a park at night in brownsville in with no cellphone in 2016. Idk wtf was going on in their minds.

It's dumb to walk through Central Park at night. **** you doing walking through some park in brownsville at night? Just playing with your life.

That's the decision I'll chastise him for. Being dumb enough to place them in that position by throwing common sense out the window.
All I know is that the situation was:

-Walking with daughter at night with no gun, no cellphone through a dangerous area

-Goes through park with no lighting

-5 scumbag thugs walk up and one with a gun tells dad to scram

-Daughter gets raped

-Takes the dad 20 minutes to find the police

All around just :smh: at everything

I know from experience that if you walk at night through somewhere that is crime ridden, you gotta pack a weapon on you and have a cellphone

Yeah walking through a park at night in brownsville in with no cellphone in 2016. Idk wtf was going on in their minds.
It's dumb to walk through Central Park at night. **** you doing walking through some park in brownsville at night? Just playing with your life.
That's the decision I'll chastise him for. Being dumb enough to place them in that position by throwing common sense out the window.
I mean the cell phone that my I can give a pass
Coulda died
Coulda been rushing and forgot it
But leaving ur daughter????
Nah I couldn't do it

I'm 99.9% positive you don't have kids with that clown *** statement.

It has nothing to do with that. I just like others have pointed out that we don't know the situation enough to call this stranger a ***** to cast judgement on him without knowing further details about his life etc.

Whether I have children on not (and I do not). Is not the question.

A ton of dudes in this very thread have said I would've just taken the bullet or fought off all these dudes and been some sort of hero are also without children.... ****** just be typing **** out without having ever lived.

So while I do not have kids. I been robbed before and had that pistol in my face..... That alone gives me 80% more experience than many of the dudes in this thread....

To insinuate that folks are e-thugs because they said they'd defend their kid is ridiculous. That's all.

If given the decision between leaving my daughter or trying to fend off 5 goons, I'm choosing the latter without question. Maybe we both end up dead. Maybe she still gets raped. But for ME (and a lot of others) walking away from that scenario willingly isn't an option. I don't care what experiences you've been through....there isn't anything that could make me think leaving my daughter defenseless would be the better option. There's no thuggery involved with that decision--just a parent trying to protect their kid.
U gotta try. I couldn't live with myself knowing I ran away. U beat me to a bloody pulp, shoot me cool I can live with the fact I tried and did my best to protect my kid and the kid knows that too. I'm over protective tho, I don't like when other kids push my son at the park. And I carry a pistol everyday so.
See but that's when street smarts
Not even street smarts
Common sense
Or at least thinking on ur toes comes in to play
Only 1 has a gun
They all can't be tough guys if only 1 has a gun
U would think more than likely if the plan ain't going how they planned initially
Then maybe half would scatter and run away
If u were fighting the one with the gun and it went off the others would most likely run
Not saying for sure
But again he dealing with teenagers
Plus they would fear getting caught once a shot rang out
And more than likely if m fighting over a gun
The others if they didn't dj off would probably try and help the kid with the gun fight me off
And not be tryna concentrate on my daughter
So she could easily run off
At least I would be yelling run while I'm wrestling for that gun

Did u read my whole post
Cause I backed off saying common sense and said thinking on my feet
And it wasn't a scheme
Said what I would try to do
Did t make it seem like I would be successful
Just what I would try to do
And last I checked I can say whatever I want
U ain't gonna do nothin bout it
But I'm down to meet up and whoop yo *** and show u
If not then fall back and shut up
U probably gonna come up with some lame joke or whatever whatever
But know this I'm serious

Like I said a scheme, went from telling us how you would battle 5 guys in fantasy land to you running out in traffic for help in reality foh you not doing **** tough guy
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See but that's when street smarts
Not even street smarts
Common sense
Or at least thinking on ur toes comes in to play
Only 1 has a gun
They all can't be tough guys if only 1 has a gun
U would think more than likely if the plan ain't going how they planned initially
Then maybe half would scatter and run away
If u were fighting the one with the gun and it went off the others would most likely run
Not saying for sure
But again he dealing with teenagers
Plus they would fear getting caught once a shot rang out
And more than likely if m fighting over a gun
The others if they didn't dj off would probably try and help the kid with the gun fight me off
And not be tryna concentrate on my daughter
So she could easily run off
At least I would be yelling run while I'm wrestling for that gun

Did u read my whole post
Cause I backed off saying common sense and said thinking on my feet
And it wasn't a scheme
Said what I would try to do
Did t make it seem like I would be successful
Just what I would try to do
And last I checked I can say whatever I want
U ain't gonna do nothin bout it
But I'm down to meet up and whoop yo *** and show u
If not then fall back and shut up
U probably gonna come up with some lame joke or whatever whatever
But know this I'm serious

Like I said a scheme, went from telling us how you would battle 5 guys in fantasy land to you running out in traffic for help in reality **** you not doing **** tough guy
Bruh I was telling what happened to me when I had a gun pulled out on me
I ran into traffic
Did u read the other post I posted or nah
To insinuate that folks are e-thugs because they said they'd defend their kid is ridiculous. That's all.

If given the decision between leaving my daughter or trying to fend off 5 goons, I'm choosing the latter without question. Maybe we both end up dead. Maybe she still gets raped. But for ME (and a lot of others) walking away from that scenario willingly isn't an option. I don't care what experiences you've been through....there isn't anything that could make me think leaving my daughter defenseless would be the better option. There's no thuggery involved with that decision--just a parent trying to protect their kid.
Dude this is exactly it, but to some people on NT staying to defend your daughters life means you think you're Jason Bourne and can disarm and murk 5 goons.
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U gotta try. I couldn't live with myself knowing I ran away. U beat me to a bloody pulp, shoot me cool I can live with the fact I tried and did my best to protect my kid and the kid knows that too. I'm over protective tho, I don't like when other kids push my son at the park. And I carry a pistol everyday so.

All these are facts. I know I could potentially end up like 50 cent getting shot 8 times, but I'm not letting my kid get raped.
Dude this is exactly it, but to some people on NT staying to defend your daughters life means you think you're Jason Bourne and can disarm and murk 5 goons.

No, it's simply enough to say "welp I guess I was dying that night for mine" but to break down how you gon survive like you 50 Cent :rolleyes
That's all good and **** until you're on the ground bleeding out watching your daughter get snuffed and then dragged away. Or worse shot too

It is what it is. If my pride gets the worse of me at least my daughter will know what i was trying to do and she wouldnt have to live wit her dad bein a sucka. Square business, no other way around it.

Yall cann play make beleive wit all types of scenarios, but when someones tryna hurt your child your whole demeanor changes and you do what it takes.
I understand the daughter may have guilt because her dad went out trying to defend her. But I can't imagine a world where the daughter would ever look at her father the same after that happened.

My thing is forget her, I couldn't look at my self in the mirror ever again if I left my daughter with 5 dudes at gun point. In my opinion there are a few things on this earth worth dying for, my kids would be one of them.
Dude this is exactly it, but to some people on NT staying to defend your daughters life means you think you're Jason Bourne and can disarm and murk 5 goons.

No, it's simply enough to say "welp I guess I was dying that night for mine" but to break down how you gon survive like you 50 Cent :rolleyes
Where did I say I would survive like 50 cent or even imply that???
This is hard to read. 

:smh:  at that Deli owner, though. As someone whose worked in restaurants before I know it's never fun having someone come in and ask to use your phone, but IDC, it's hard to turn away from someone crying rape right in your face. 

Seriously though,who the **** would ever lie about something like that?!?!
To insinuate that folks are e-thugs because they said they'd defend their kid is ridiculous. That's all.

If given the decision between leaving my daughter or trying to fend off 5 goons, I'm choosing the latter without question. Maybe we both end up dead. Maybe she still gets raped. But for ME (and a lot of others) walking away from that scenario willingly isn't an option. I don't care what experiences you've been through....there isn't anything that could make me think leaving my daughter defenseless would be the better option. There's no thuggery involved with that decision--just a parent trying to protect their kid.

Wish u could've bolder the For ME part but I'm on mobile and in the middle of something.

Just remember in this situation you could've gotten both the father and the daughter killed just so you feel better about not getting chumped.

As a father his priority is protection. Getting her killed is the opposite. I'm sure he left thinking I'm gonna get help ASAP.
Where did I say I would survive like 50 cent or even imply that???
Dude thinks the fear of death would stop most people from trying to defend their loved ones. :lol:
We all know we might die in this situation, but I'm not giving up someone that I raised for many years to allow them to be victimized and raped by a bunch of thugs. I'm going to try to beat the one with the gun first whether I die or not.
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When I first heard the story they said it was a friend. Pops will never be able to look her in the eye again.

I hope :smh:
After actually reading the story this whole situation comes off weird.

Why was he at the playground in Brownsville with his 18 year old daughter at 9PM?

Is the deli owner lying about dude's face looking "normal"? I know I wouldn't look "normal" if I knew my daughter was being raped.

Why did nobody have a cell phone????! :x
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Where did I say I would survive like 50 cent or even imply that???
Dude thinks the fear of death would stop most people from trying to defend their loved ones. :lol:
We all know we might die in this situation, but I'm not giving up someone that I raised for many years to allow them to be victimized and raped by a bunch of thugs. I'm going to try to beat the one with the gun first whether I die or not.

Don't tell me what I think. Like I said and will continue to say "I'm dying for mine" is simple enough. Don't come off arrogant and say "well they teenagers they not about that life, only one gun, you could of did this you could did this, she would of ran for safety, blah blah it's common sense"

It's not common sense, it's dumb.

Common sense is 5 guys one gun? I'm unarmed yeah I'm defending myself because I'm not a punk but I'm probably dying, simple.
Wish u could've bolder the For ME part but I'm on mobile and in the middle of something.

Just remember in this situation you could've gotten both the father and the daughter killed just so you feel better about not getting chumped.

As a father his priority is protection. Getting her killed is the opposite. I'm sure he left thinking I'm gonna get help ASAP.

Yeah he was gonna try to get help at a dark place with no cell phone on him and acting all normal asking people for cellphones that his daughter is getting raped :rolleyes
You said you don't have any kids, and I don't either, but I know that damn well if my child were to be in such a predicament, Imma die fighting so they can run away so they don't get traumatized and have the rest of their life to be ruined. Rather be dead than be alive knowing I let my kid get raped like that.
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