H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

I'm kinda torn about the predator joint. On one hand I kinda think it's a reach. On another hand, I really couldn't see them running that ad with a person of another race. They want to sell the supposed 'fear' that the black image causes some people.

Idk tho. If we found out that the entire adidas team behind that ad was black, would people still get offended? Reminds me of some of the terms like savage and thug. Some black people refer to themselves as that (webbie, Wayne, trick daddy) but if a person of another race called them that, folks would be tweet-storming.

I simply said folks talk WILDLY disrespecful at dude.

Him not embracing his African side means nothing when it comes to how yall go at him.

i wasnt talking about you bruh. lol

and who tf is YALL? ive never said anything to that dude about his roots
I don't care about getting your respect.

Lil man is still there, I didn't edit anything, and if you are that offend over being called that, you are just proving my point.

I just as you directly if soccer is racist. I interpreted your words literally, if you don't want people to do that, the I repeat....

Say what you mean.

Btw, I call dudes much you get than me that. I assumed you are in your teens. If you were offended I apologise.

ok just so were clear you tell me to talk you with respect then say you dont care about getting my respect

this is nt not school i dont have to expound on every point i make

you asked for clarification i gave it

after that you condescend to me

but we've been down this road before and other people have told you about it so i dont need to waste any more time
He didn't post that in the Asian Culture Thread (He posted a video of people eating dogs in there)

He posted that video in a thread of an Asian man getting attacked by a crazy white guy. Why? Who knows. Probably because he thinks that the Asian dude was busy worshiping the bum that was attacking him.
Sounds like troll behavior.
idk ask Barbados Slim Barbados Slim

most black Americans don't play soccer tho let alone watch it.
My bad reach is the wrong word I guess, but I don't find it racially distasteful.

So what if the African American youth isn't playing soccer. They're playing some kind of sport( basketball, football, baseball) and Adidas is major. They see they're favorite athletes wearing the brand and in ad campaigns. I think the youth is more likely to put the giant Adidas logo above Pogba's head and the word "predator" together and understand it has to do with sports before thinking that Pogba is some kind of predator or that there's a negative connotation between African Americans and the word predator.

If you think it's distasteful then whatever.
ok just so were clear you tell me to talk you with respect then say you dont care about getting my respect

this is nt not school i dont have to expound on every point i make

you asked for clarification i gave it

after that you condescend to me

but we've been down this road before and other people have told you about it so i dont need to waste any more time
I didn't ask for your respect. I said you should give respect since you feel so entitled to it.

And please, my post was hardly condescending. No more that your previous one was. You just felt slighted.

If you don't feel you have to expound, then don't. But like you said, NT is not a school. So you can't call for order whenever it suits you.

I feel this back and forth has run its course.
Yes. Is the US the only place where major brands do ad placement? How many people live in the US compared to the rest of the entire planet?

but the point was soccer is the most popular sport worldwide as if to say us doesnt matter

the use being part of the world means adidas should take care how this will play in the us

He didn't post that in the Asian Culture Thread (He posted a video of people eating dogs in there)

He posted that video in a thread of an Asian man getting attacked by a crazy white guy. Why? Who knows. Probably because he thinks that the Asian dude was busy worshiping the bum that was attacking him.

more like just curious why the guy didnt fight back?

maybe some internalized notions on race?

define worship

what are you saying

think very highly of, praise, emulate, desire procreation and more importantly children with
So the people offended by the Pogba Predator ad are you offended by Marshawn Lynch’s Beastmode nickname and brand?
Ever think that it's not part of Asian culture (and most people's cultures in general) to fight some random bum on the train and possibly go to jail/lose your job as a result :wow:
Job or no job I’m not letting another man put his hands on me without defending myself.
but the point was soccer is the most popular sport worldwide as if to say us doesnt matter

the use being part of the world means adidas should take care how this will play in the us

Naw you just took it wrong. I said that because there are likely billions of people worldwide who can see that ad and know what it's for and about and didn't make the same connection that some of us did.

My point really was "this isn't really marketed to the average American" but the ads will be up cuz there's still consumers here who play.
Ever think that it's not part of Asian culture (and most people's cultures in general) to fight some random bum on the train and possibly go to jail/lose your job as a result :wow:

ever think maybe a white bum garners more respect in the eyes of an "indoctrinated" asian to not retliate?

i dont think all that is happening (fired, jail) in self defense
Naw you just took it wrong. I said that because there are likely billions of people worldwide who can see that ad and know what it's for and about and didn't make the same connection that some of us did.

My point really was "this isn't really marketed to the average American" but the ads will be up cuz there's still consumers here who play.

i see it more like its a racist ad catered to racist euro soccer fans

agree to disagree?
ever think maybe a white bum garners more respect in the eyes of an "indoctrinated" asian to not retliate?

i dont think all that is happening (fired, jail) in self defense

What? That happens all the time :lol: I'm sure clients will want to continue working with me once a video gets uploaded of me beating up some homeless dude on public transportation.
i see it more like its a racist ad catered to racist euro soccer fans

agree to disagree?
Maybe the Asian dude knows that if he attempts to defend himself against a white dude the cops prob gonna believe the white dude over him.
because you walked up to that bum making racist remarks right?

ill take your word that people get fired for defending themselves all the time
I cringe when I hear that name referred to a black man. Yes

I'm a black man and I don't see what the issue with the beastmode name or the predator ad. Context matters. These are sports ads that resonate with peoples animal instinct. Being a beast or predator in your sport can be a good thing. I think some of you guys are just sensitive.

Maybe its me though. I hate when I see other black people play the race card or blame things on racism when that's not the case. It makes it so the real racism doesn't stand out. It makes the real racism easier to ignore in the white noise of people calling everything racist.
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Maybe the Asian dude knows that if he attempts to defend himself against a white dude the cops prob gonna believe the white dude over him.

so now its a white "dude", a regular upstanding citizen right? not a "bum"?

and not that there werent witnesses either to say what heppened on the train right?
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