H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

Rusty is a NT legend. His voice is welcomed by me in any NT thread.
Many are in a struggle for equality, but equality isn't real because it presumes a standard.

Standards are based on value systems, and values are dictated by need. If I want a sweet fruit to eat, then a tangerine is superior to a lime. If I'm diabetic, then lime is superior to the tangerine in stabilizing my blood-sugar levels . It's all relative. Nothing in nature is the same, so to scale two things as equal is a philosophical ideal based on personal utility. I dont know what the criteria would even be for a truly objective assessment of what is equal and what is not.

I do know that equality is only a consideration in a stratified world that bows to hierarchy. Outside of that, equality has no inherent value or meaning. Disenfranchised humans push for equality because there is a trauma they feel in being a possession of the land as opposed to being its possessor. Being a possession can only be bad, right?

If you're psychologically scarred by the genetic memory of chattel slavery, then being identified as an extension of nature (i.e. a monkey or gorilla) evokes intense anger which is a mask for fear.But this fear is firmly rooted in a hierarchical culture that disconnects man from nature and its multitudinous expressions of life (which include plants and animals) while appointing man as master of them all. But having a master, potentially opens up the door to abuse.
You're only angered by being identified as a monkey because you're afraid of being abused. But the land never abused you, or the plants and animals it nourishes daily.

An abused man abused you, and you fear him more than you love the land. To overcome him, you must love the land more than you fear him.
I'm a black man and I don't see what the issue with the beastmode name or the predator ad. Context matters. These are sports ads that resonate with peoples animal instinct. Being a beast or predator in your sport can be a good thing. I think some of you guys are just sensitive.

can i try?

take Jim Carrey in Mask. the character is green. if someone wanted to dress up as The Mask they would paint their face green right?

on the surface we see nothing wrong with someone doing this.
but if The Mask was real and since birth was teased by people painting their faces green while mocking him, then it becomes insensitive.

in our case, RACIALLY insensitive.

im *kinda* with you in that i also feel we our hyper sensitive. where we part is i think we should be. i also feel other races arent sensitive enough.

i do feel the term racist gets thrown around way too much, so much that its become a catchall that people unaffected have grown tired of.


there are many terms that can be used to describe the unfair treatment of blacks. we tend to always grab the label racist.

someone may just be a bigot
could be prejudiced
or just dumb
or just an *** hole
or maybe just ignorant to life

i think many truly dont understand, and when they see that the term racist means you think your race is superior, it dont fit how they feel.

which leads to them shrugging their shoulders on some ‘oh well...’

black people have historically and officially called animals, predators, beasts, monsters, etc.
its the green paint in The Mask example

sure, the ads dont look bad on the surface, factor in the history and the ads become racially insensitive.

RACIST is a horrible word to use to describe the ads without factoring in intent
nobody forced black people to start wearing that **** tho.

now this is where things start devolving into reaches.

i didnt say anything about who wears it

i said its problematic

it can be denigrating, self deprecating, and ppl still flock to it cuz its "popular"

planet of the apes has a well established reserve of pieces about how its racist

so by extension using a logo from the movie is problematic
can you explain the bolded?

We created everything in existence. That doesn’t excuse us from concepts of “evil.”

“He” couldn’t even stand up right when we stumbled upon him. Look at the moors and the history of Harems. We taught them everything. I’m not excusing current behavior, but today’s business is a reflection of yesterday’s service. I hesitate to use the term “we” because we all have our own individual journey, but collectively I feel it would be of great benefit to accept that our fall was an extension of natural cycles and stagnation that occurs when greatness is consistent. This victim plight has benefited us little to none. We cry about neing portrayed as monkeys yet all our spiritual systems hold great value in who and what the monkey represents.
We created everything in existence. That doesn’t excuse us from concepts of “evil.”

“He” couldn’t even stand up right when we stumbled upon him. Look at the moors and the history of Harems. We taught them everything. I’m not excusing current behavior, but today’s business is a reflection of yesterday’s service. I hesitate to use the term “we” because we all have our own individual journey, but collectively I feel it would be of great benefit to accept that our fall was an extension of natural cycles and stagnation that occurs when greatness is consistent. This victim plight has benefited us little to none. We cry about neing portrayed as monkeys yet all our spiritual systems hold great value in who and what the monkey represents.

ok but the abused part?

you say "we" taught them everything but is that the abuse?

i hesitate to use the term "we" because we all have our own individual journey
The only name is called you is sensitive

Which you are.

All I said was say what you mean I you told me to "shut that **** up". And now I return the same energy you gave to me, you want to play victim.

Miss me with that. You love throwing stones and hiding your hands.

Give the same level of respect you feel so entitled too

I don't care about getting your respect.

Lil man is still there, I didn't edit anything, and if you are that offend over being called that, you are just proving my point.

I just as you directly if soccer is racist. I interpreted your words literally, if you don't want people to do that, the I repeat....

Say what you mean.

Btw, I call dudes much you get than me that. I assumed you are in your teens. If you were offended I apologise.

i just have to point out the irony of you telling me to "say what i mean" when you type so many typos and incoherent sentences
i just have to point out the irony of you telling me to "say what i mean" when you type so many typos and incoherent sentences
We were done, but you just need vindication :lol:

I made some typos. That happens. The sentence is probably from me trying to merge two sentences, but I can't remember to be honest.

I am on my phone, I rely on autocorrect, and will correct them later. I always do that.

I bet if I did this exact thing to you, in fact I will in the future, I guarantee you will complain and act like the victim in some way.

We are done here, go somewhere else for attention.

And trust me. I could write a very clear essay telling you how far to **** off if I wanted to.
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