Mark Zuckerberg's Lady Friend

Originally Posted by ASsistants

Better to date a girl who actually cares about you and you enjoy spending time with her, then a model/dime who is only interested in your wallet.

Originally Posted by scshift

Everyone's saying beautiful women are all gold diggers

Is it impossible for an extremely attractive woman who is also a great person to exist?

I'm saying...

My Girl is as beautiful as they come... and I've yet to see any gold digger tendencies, A little high maintenance? maybe... But she's definitely not with me because of my Money... She gives just as much as she receives...

But that girl Mark is with aint the prettiest of the bunch, but he looks happy and at the end of the day.....He's still a billionaire ....sooo....yeahhh

^As beautiful as they come? Pics or ducktales…

And she looks like she had an operation done on her face. But hey, if that's what he digs, I guess. Pretty sure he has his sides that play their role anyway.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Yall shallow....

let him live. 
word// he dld lt the rlght way.. lf that was hls botton bltch from bac ln the day... alnt nothlng wrong wlth a loc nlgga staylng falthful...
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

^As beautiful as they come? Pics or ducktales…

And she looks like she had an operation done on her face. But hey, if that's what he digs, I guess. Pretty sure he has his sides that play their role anyway.


Red Bone
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

^As beautiful as they come? Pics or ducktales…

And she looks like she had an operation done on her face. But hey, if that's what he digs, I guess. Pretty sure he has his sides that play their role anyway.


Red Bone
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

^As beautiful as they come? Pics or ducktales…

And she looks like she had an operation done on her face. But hey, if that's what he digs, I guess. Pretty sure he has his sides that play their role anyway.


Red Bone
Aww, you guys take gay couple pictures together!!

Originally Posted by mieraviking

whi is this man? and why is he so rich? f googling him

lol @ gay couple pics, NT stay giving peole lawry looks
Not everyone is as shallow as the rest of you.

IMO when you have that kind of money you stick to who loved you before the money and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the girl Brenda Song or whatever her name is played in the social network?****nevermind that, had her confused with his partners girl...
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