Mark Zuckerberg's Lady Friend

If you knew better you'd do better...
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Better to date a girl who actually cares about you and you enjoy spending time with her, then a model/dime who is only interested in your wallet.

 @ thinking there are women who aren't interested in a man's wallet 
Ugly chicks can be gold-diggers too bro.
Originally Posted by scshift

Everyone's saying beautiful women are all gold diggers

Is it impossible for an extremely attractive woman who is also a great person to exist?

You beat me to it. It seems like NT is always on the either/or scale, and nothing in between. Either there's beautiful gold-digging duds, or ugly/subpar-looking
chicks with great personalities. No wonder there's so many help me/girl problem threads when your mind is set in stone like that.
Beauty is within the eye of the beholder. As long as he’s happy that's all that matters. Less headache for him to deal with. I wouldn't doubt she'll be hella beautiful after being caked up and dresses better.
i can respect his game. every1 knows what that money lookin like, so he tries to be low key about it. paparazzi following him, last thing he needs is a crowd. it seems he prefers a simple life, unlike this guy...
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

Dude rented a house and drives/drove a TSX... what do you expect? Props to him for being a simple man though, with all that dough dude is still living (at least from what we can see) a regular lifestyle. Now if that were me.....
If I were worth his money... I'd say %*!@ it and cash in on everything I own and take the $17.5 billion..

And would just ball the %*!@ out at clubs.. Spending $100,000 a night at the club... At that rate it would take me 172,000 days to have 0 dollars left.. And when I turn 493 I will be Hammer broke
Because balling out at the club is so much more fulfilling than creating and guiding the development of one of the most revolutionary technological platforms in history.

But actually, 100k a night every once in a while could be fun.
The amount of weakness displayed on this site by some of you young men is terrifying. Are you really arguing over whether or not a guys girl is cute enough based off of how much money he has? Hahahahahahha utterly disgusting.
He is smashing others on the side....

Im sure a bunch of thirsty model type gold diggin chicks try to get at him. A penis can only turn down so many chicks before a fine piece make it break out the jeans.
me myself personally I would get a down chick, and have a baseball roster of golddigger bad chicks on the side
Originally Posted by kc24688

Being a simple man when you are a billionaire makes absolutely zero sense to me.

Let him live. If he don't want to spend it on crazy $#$$, its his decision. 

Have fun buying elephants and bugatti's 
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

^As beautiful as they come? Pics or ducktales…

And she looks like she had an operation done on her face. But hey, if that's what he digs, I guess. Pretty sure he has his sides that play their role anyway.


Red Bone
you look like FlamingHotCheeto
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