***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Delk is synonymous with clowns 🤡 with no moral compasses so that's why I started to call him Delk.

This where you are wrong. Delk means RELENTLESS CHAMPION and is synonymous with OUTSTANDING
Something something something DOJ is completely independent something something something I ignore it when the president asks the DOJ to fire the US Attorney that was investigating me something something something this is completely independent
This just keeps getting stranger
Barr said that he got Trump to fire Berman but Trump just now left Barr hanging. Trump denied involvement and said it's something Barr should handle, not him.

WH transcript of Trump's remarks:
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Every self-respecting cult has at least 1 mass death event. Looks like this is going to be the case for the MAGA religion. At least they were considerate enough to choose the day after Juneteenth; can't upset their African Americans too much.
Has Donald Trump run on being the VP to the first black president?

Did Donald Trump write and/or vote for the Crime Bill?

Is Donald Trump getting an overwhelming amount of the black vote?


That is the glaring difference.

But the First Step Act, Fair Chance Act and record funding to HBCUs were passed under this administration.
Your level of lameness has no limit :smh: ... Clown status 4real
Hard to say what will happen now at SDNY. Berman clearly has no intention of resigning and Trump utterly just utterly humiliated Barr.
Barr rebuked Berman for issuing that statement yesterday and said he got Trump to fire Berman, but now Trump says he hasn't done anything and doesn't want to get involved.

I assume that means Berman keeps his job. Barr doesn't have the authority to fire Berman.
Update: Berman acquiesced to Barr's pressure and has just resigned. Barr hasn't gotten his way in terms of choosing a loyalist to replace Berman though, at least not yet. Berman's deputy Audrey Strauss will now take over.
Fun fact: Straus was a staff member of the independent counsel responsible for investigating and prosecuting Iran/Contra. Barr later helped cover up Iran/Contra.

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I have it now. 570 pages.

What a crazy newscycle this weekend. Let it sink in that Barr unequivocally lied that Berman was resigning and then rebuked Berman for issuing a statement that exposed Barr's lie. Barr then claimed he got Trump to fire Berman but Trump left Barr hanging and distanced himself from having anything to do with the attempt to remove Berman and install a loyalist.

Now Berman has voluntarily resigned, despite saying yesterday that he had zero intention of doing so, but he did make sure that his Deputy is taking over SDNY instead of the loyalist Barr sought to install.

Remember that Berman was very well liked and respected by his staff at SDNY.
are there still any trump supporters on niketalk? if so whats the reasoning?
I think I'm the only frequent openly-conservative poster.

I supported Trump in 2016 over Hillary and will likely support him in November over Biden.

He has proven the ability to get meaningful measures passed such as the First Step Act, Fair Chance Act and record funding to HBCUs.

Hopefully this trend continues with a Second Step Act and this police reform bill. My focus is on the black community, so that you understand my perspective.

I understand the problem that people have with his rhetoric. But I just don't think Biden would have the ability to get meaningful legislation passed.

Also, I think it will be a smack in the face to the black community when Biden (who has talked about being the VP to the first black president throughout his campaign) decides on a non-black running mate. Not to mention his work on the crime bill.

That's my reasoning.


Is it not a "smack in the face" to support the candidacy of someone who:

The suggestion that only the release of another recording akin to the infamous Access Hollywood tape would prompt the change in loyalty that the Access Hollywood tape itself did not inspire is laughable.

Is this truly your lone criterion for racism? To be caught on tape using a racial slur?

It is obvious why the famously litigious Trump, currently embroiled in an all out legal battle to bar the release of a book by [third] former National Security Adviser, John Bolton, did not sue Omarosa Manigault Newman for libel when she claimed, in her administration tell-all, that a recording exists of Trump using the cardinal anti-Black slur. (She also contends that Trump used multiple racist slurs in reference to George Conway.) Instead of suing for libel, Trump posted an empty threat to sue Ms. Manigault Newman for violation of an NDA. (In an act of apparent retaliation, the DOJ sued her for - and stop me if you've heard this one before - failing to file a public financial disclosure report.)

(Oh, and he also called her a "dog" and a "crazed, crying lowlife." Le sigh.)

Do you truly believe that, as President, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden would refuse to sign the First Step Act? Why?
Because they agree with Tom Cotton, that, "if anything, we have an under-incarceration problem"? Because it authorized BOP employees to carry concealed weapons outside of prisons? Because it expands "inmate employment through Federal Prison Industries", deferring prisoner wages to "assist the inmate with costs associated with release from prison"?

As a reminder: John Conryn said, of the failure to pass the First Step Act in 2016, "I think that Senator McConnell understandably did not want to tee up an issue that split our caucus right before the 2016 election."

We’re to believe you voted for Trump because of this?

As the vast majority of prisoners are held in state and local facilities, not federal prisons, state and local elections are of primary importance in achieving meaningful criminal justice reforms.
Who are you voting for in state and local elections?

Which inadequate police reform bill do you prefer?

  • Establishes a national database for police misconduct
  • Ends qualified immunity for unlawful conduct
  • Bans choke holds and carotid holds
  • Bans no knock warrants for federal drug cases, and denies funding to states and municipalities that fail to follow suit
  • Limits the allocation of military equipment to police
  • Establishes lynching as a federal crime

  • Establishes a national database for police use of force resulting in serious injury and death
  • Does not revise qualified immunity (the White House claims this is "off the table.")
  • Discourages, but does not ban, choke holds
  • Encourages reporting of no knock warrants
  • Earmarks $300 million in additional taxpayer funds for police
  • Establishes lynching as a federal crime

If you'd like more meaningful criminal justice reforms, here's a suggestion: vote like it.

If you're wondering, noblekane noblekane , here's the real reason why someone who ostensibly supports anti-racism and/or criminal justice reform would vote for Trump:
Actually, the fact that you think that Trump’s policies amount to a $30 check bump kind of explains the perspectives of many in here. I’m sure many other ill-informed people in this thread believe that as well.

Right there with the logic of people who got a smaller refund so they think that their tax liability increased.

I would probably be a super progressive if that was the reality.

He’d be a “super progressive” if the GOP tax plan increased his tax liability.
She is awful - but she was permabanned from Twitter yesterday so at least there’s that.
Yea, I was laughing :lol:. The woman I love used to follow Hopkins on Twitter. She doesn't need to be brainwashed by trolls. Although She still follows Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson :smh:.
Trying to imagine anything more demoralizing for trump than the empty arena he's about to speak to.

He's been waiting for so long to get back to this bs.

Is it not a "smack in the face" to support the candidacy of someone who:

The suggestion that only the release of another recording akin to the infamous Access Hollywood tape would prompt the change in loyalty that the Access Hollywood tape itself did not inspire is laughable.

Is this truly your lone criterion for racism? To be caught on tape using a racial slur?

It is obvious why the famously litigious Trump, currently embroiled in an all out legal battle to bar the release of a book by [third] former National Security Adviser, John Bolton, did not sue Omarosa Manigault Newman for libel when she claimed, in her administration tell-all, that a recording exists of Trump using the cardinal anti-Black slur. (She also contends that Trump used multiple racist slurs in reference to George Conway.) Instead of suing for libel, Trump posted an empty threat to sue Ms. Manigault Newman for violation of an NDA. (In an act of apparent retaliation, the DOJ sued her for - and stop me if you've heard this one before - failing to file a public financial disclosure report.)

(Oh, and he also called her a "dog" and a "crazed, crying lowlife." Le sigh.)

Do you truly believe that, as President, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden would refuse to sign the First Step Act? Why?
Because they agree with Tom Cotton, that, "if anything, we have an under-incarceration problem"? Because it authorized BOP employees to carry concealed weapons outside of prisons? Because it expands "inmate employment through Federal Prison Industries", deferring prisoner wages to "assist the inmate with costs associated with release from prison"?

As a reminder: John Conryn said, of the failure to pass the First Step Act in 2016, "I think that Senator McConnell understandably did not want to tee up an issue that split our caucus right before the 2016 election."

We’re to believe you voted for Trump because of this?

As the vast majority of prisoners are held in state and local facilities, not federal prisons, state and local elections are of primary importance in achieving meaningful criminal justice reforms.
Who are you voting for in state and local elections?

Which inadequate police reform bill do you prefer?

  • Establishes a national database for police misconduct
  • Ends qualified immunity for unlawful conduct
  • Bans choke holds and carotid holds
  • Bans no knock warrants for federal drug cases, and denies funding to states and municipalities that fail to follow suit
  • Limits the allocation of military equipment to police
  • Establishes lynching as a federal crime

  • Establishes a national database for police use of force resulting in serious injury and death
  • Does not revise qualified immunity (the White House claims this is "off the table.")
  • Discourages, but does not ban, choke holds
  • Encourages reporting of no knock warrants
  • Earmarks $300 million in additional taxpayer funds for police
  • Establishes lynching as a federal crime

If you'd like more meaningful criminal justice reforms, here's a suggestion: vote like it.

If you're wondering, noblekane noblekane , here's the real reason why someone who ostensibly supports anti-racism and/or criminal justice reform would vote for Trump:

He’d be a “super progressive” if the GOP tax plan increased his tax liability.


Where do I start.

I would be interested in your list of smacks in the face as it relates to Biden. Or, are you saying that he is some perfect candidate?

I could go through most of your points and respond.

Actually, I have some time and I will:

- I disagree with him on the statues and they need to come down, period.
- Disagree with the birther theory, and it is indefensible, period.
- Obviously white nationalists in an administration are problematic. Surely you don't think this is the first administration with white nationalists in it, do you? Would you say Obama/Biden had none?
-He also said this Attorney general was not mentally qualified to be attorney general. And requested his resignation. Also, the DOJ is independent.
- As stated above, the DOJ is independent. You realize he is under investigation by them, right?
- Disagree with your reasoning here. He has denounced white supremacy, repeatedly
-Cases settle for tons of reasons. As a business owner, you--of all people--should realize business incentives of settlement that have nothing to do with liability/guilt.
-Was the record deportation appalling under Obama/Biden... think about it.
-I am adamant about due process and have spoken against this repeatedly. And have said I disagreed with this.
- You realize Obama instituted travel bans from many of the same countries? Or was that different?
-I've been team Kaep from the jump. This is indefensible. He has since changed his stance on Kaep. Obama changed his mind on same-sex marriage. People evolve. In this case, I am glad he changed for the positive.
-I disagree that he was talking about white nationalist/supremacists. Again, he has denounced white supremacy, and racism, repeatedly. He clarified that comment a day later.
- Hearsay. I can say that the founder of Niketalk told me the same thing. Hint: that doesn't make it true. That is why I said a tape would be helpful, for me.
- Im not familiar with this one
-I am not as in tune with the white supremacists' preferences. I'll take your word for it. But again he has denounced white supremacy and racism, repeatedly.

But you want to gloss over the crime bill and mass incarceration because of 4 years of Trump? When Biden has been in politics for over 40 years and THIS is where we are?

Give me a break.

It's been messed up for black folks in America under administrations from both sides. I'm sorry it is more in your face now. It has been in mine.

And the question is not whether Obama, Hillary or Biden would sign the bills, the question is whether they could force the senate republicans to vote for it. Trump can. That is the difference.

Trump has proven the ability to get these measures past the senate in the way that other administrations could not.

Yes, I would prefer a watered-down prison reform bill to no prison-reform bill. Perhaps you prefer no bill at all?

Voting for Joe Biden doesn't put you on some higher moral ground in my opinion.

And my tax comment was about basic math, not my sole motivation for voting.
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