So I'm getting sued for $65k

this is all bad

seriously dude you should reach out to Oprah or some charity foundations or some %%*! like that.
this is all bad

seriously dude you should reach out to Oprah or some charity foundations or some %%*! like that.
Originally Posted by melofan15

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week.

how the hell do you survive?
As corny as it sounds I survive off the love of my kids. We are so used to living like this it's nothing now. We get our lights turned off, sometimes we go to sleep cold since we cant afford to heat the place. It's not easy but I have to be strong for the kids. They had to watch their mom go crazy and run away to end up in jail. I just feel bad for my kids 
Originally Posted by melofan15

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week.

how the hell do you survive?
As corny as it sounds I survive off the love of my kids. We are so used to living like this it's nothing now. We get our lights turned off, sometimes we go to sleep cold since we cant afford to heat the place. It's not easy but I have to be strong for the kids. They had to watch their mom go crazy and run away to end up in jail. I just feel bad for my kids 
I'm no expert but off the top of my head:
- Not sure where you live but where I live (Toronto), I think there is a legal aid office paid for by the government so that would definitely help if available where you are
- Worst come to worst, you might want to consider declaring bankruptcy... they can only take whatever you have right?
I'm no expert but off the top of my head:
- Not sure where you live but where I live (Toronto), I think there is a legal aid office paid for by the government so that would definitely help if available where you are
- Worst come to worst, you might want to consider declaring bankruptcy... they can only take whatever you have right?
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by melofan15

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week.

how the hell do you survive?
As corny as it sounds I survive off the love of my kids. We are so used to living like this it's nothing now. We get our lights turned off, sometimes we go to sleep cold since we cant afford to heat the place. It's not easy but I have to be strong for the kids. They had to watch their mom go crazy and run away to end up in jail. I just feel bad for my kids 

frown.gif least you're finding something positive out of a terrible situation...keep ya head up though 
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by melofan15

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week.

how the hell do you survive?
As corny as it sounds I survive off the love of my kids. We are so used to living like this it's nothing now. We get our lights turned off, sometimes we go to sleep cold since we cant afford to heat the place. It's not easy but I have to be strong for the kids. They had to watch their mom go crazy and run away to end up in jail. I just feel bad for my kids 

frown.gif least you're finding something positive out of a terrible situation...keep ya head up though 

Like people have said..there's some avenues to get free legal advice or maybe find lawyers that'll work without profit...good luck on that

Like people have said..there's some avenues to get free legal advice or maybe find lawyers that'll work without profit...good luck on that
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 

You need to seek out people who can actually help you... Asking NIKETALK "What should I do now??" isn't going to get your bills paid now or in the future.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 

You need to seek out people who can actually help you... Asking NIKETALK "What should I do now??" isn't going to get your bills paid now or in the future.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 

You need to seek out people who can actually help you... Asking NIKETALK "What should I do now??" isn't going to get your bills paid now or in the future.

I'm not sure what your beliefs are but sitting there and praying about it WILL NOT change anything. Action is what matters. Do it for your family.

Get a lawyer and dont report anything back to us until you've made significant headway.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Son, get the hell off NT right now.
Why? So I can go sit around and think about all the terrible stuff I have going on. NT has been a great way for me to get my mind of whatever I have going on. 

You need to seek out people who can actually help you... Asking NIKETALK "What should I do now??" isn't going to get your bills paid now or in the future.

I'm not sure what your beliefs are but sitting there and praying about it WILL NOT change anything. Action is what matters. Do it for your family.

Get a lawyer and dont report anything back to us until you've made significant headway.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Long story short got in a car wreck two years ago. Wife lied said she paid car ins and did not. So today I get a phone call from the person I hit insurance company and they are taking me to court for $65k. 
I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week. What to do now? I already stay in the hood in a 2 bedroom with four people and live off food stamps and have nothing. What can they do to me?
They can't really do anything.  They can't take what you don't have.  Maybe if you owned a property, they could try and put a lien on it.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Long story short got in a car wreck two years ago. Wife lied said she paid car ins and did not. So today I get a phone call from the person I hit insurance company and they are taking me to court for $65k. 
I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week. What to do now? I already stay in the hood in a 2 bedroom with four people and live off food stamps and have nothing. What can they do to me?
They can't really do anything.  They can't take what you don't have.  Maybe if you owned a property, they could try and put a lien on it.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

What exact illness does your wife have if you don't mind me asking?

Bi-polar, depression and personality disorder. The Dr's say she only sees things in black. Where a normal person would see things in black and white my wife only see the negative side of everything. I cant even begin to describe how hard it is living with a person suffering from this stuff. One minute she is fine next she hates me and wants to kill herself. She lost her $65k a year job because of all of this mess. 
. You are a strong man my dude. You ever thought of leaving her? I honestly couldn't see myself staying in a situation like that,it would drive me insane.

Hope everything goes better for you and her for that matter.

Stay strong.
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