Talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger uses the N-Word.

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Question for the white people in here? What is it about the N word that makes you so eager to use it? If you know it causes so much outrage why not avoid using it? Just seems like a lot of whites love to rock the boat.

I'd assume the same thing that makes so many non-white people so eager to use it on a constant daily basis.

It makes them feel cool.
What? "feel cool" is a pretty connotative statement. 

The N word was flipped by blacks into something that the creator "whites" can no longer say. I mean it's the only word in the dictionary that whites can't use, and whites are furious that they can't sayit in public. It isn't about right or wrong-it is a question of power.

I know they say it behind my back but that's for them to deal with not me. I say N because I want to. If a white guy says it I will throw on site. Is it fair? Who gives a rats $+%.

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Question for the white people in here? What is it about the N word that makes you so eager to use it? If you know it causes so much outrage why not avoid using it? Just seems like a lot of whites love to rock the boat.

I'd assume the same thing that makes so many non-white people so eager to use it on a constant daily basis.

It makes them feel cool.
What? "feel cool" is a pretty connotative statement. 

The N word was flipped by blacks into something that the creator "whites" can no longer say. I mean it's the only word in the dictionary that whites can't use, and whites are furious that they can't sayit in public. It isn't about right or wrong-it is a question of power.

I know they say it behind my back but that's for them to deal with not me. I say N because I want to. If a white guy says it I will throw on site. Is it fair? Who gives a rats $+%.

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

the other day one of my co workers of non aa decent said the n word around me he was rapping a song and once he realized he said it he paused and looked at me I just smh

I had that happen before.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

the other day one of my co workers of non aa decent said the n word around me he was rapping a song and once he realized he said it he paused and looked at me I just smh

I had that happen before.
- Who gives a

- The
debate is soooo tired.  At the end of the day, if you enjoy using the word...have a ball.  If you're offended, don't use the term / avoid those who do.  That's pretty much all you can do.

- But, to go on and on incessantly, like this is some new concept, is downright stupid.  Who is this broad?  A chick with an opinion...nothing more, nothing less.  It's impossible to go around the world
and play racism police...and life is WAY too short for that crap, anyway.  
- Who gives a

- The
debate is soooo tired.  At the end of the day, if you enjoy using the word...have a ball.  If you're offended, don't use the term / avoid those who do.  That's pretty much all you can do.

- But, to go on and on incessantly, like this is some new concept, is downright stupid.  Who is this broad?  A chick with an opinion...nothing more, nothing less.  It's impossible to go around the world
and play racism police...and life is WAY too short for that crap, anyway.  
I personally don't say it, but a bunch of my boys drop the N word like its nothing (Latino/Asian/Black)
  none of the black dudes get mad, cause they know it really shouldn't be a big deal. Like so many people have said, if black people get so mad at it, why the @#$% do you guys always promote the word so much then ? one of my boys introduced me to someone by saying "this my n___ right here". if he can say that, i have every right to say it too
I personally don't say it, but a bunch of my boys drop the N word like its nothing (Latino/Asian/Black)
  none of the black dudes get mad, cause they know it really shouldn't be a big deal. Like so many people have said, if black people get so mad at it, why the @#$% do you guys always promote the word so much then ? one of my boys introduced me to someone by saying "this my n___ right here". if he can say that, i have every right to say it too
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by eghckk

I just don't get why white people/non blacks are always fighting for the right to say the word.
We're asking you not to use one word out of millions of words in the English language, is it really that big of a deal or that hard to just not say the word out of respect?
Why do you wanna be able to say it so badly? Is it a white entitlement thing?

I really don't get it.
What's there not to get?

Once again, no one's fighting for the right to say the word.  No one's campaigning for the right to say it. No one wants to be able to say it so badly and it has absolutely nothing to do with (white) entitlement. All that is a bunch of nonsense.

Whenever this discussion comes up Non-black people (white people for the sake of the argument) always resort to pointing out the "double standard"; "If black people are allowed to use the word then why can't white people?" Which to me stems from one or two things; white people's undeserved sense of entitlement or complete lack of sensitivity or both.
When white people are always arguing about how unfair it is that they're being asked to refrain from using the word, then that comes across as white people "fighting for the right" to say the word. Why else would you argue in defense of your using the word if you yourself didn't want to use it? God forbid white people not be allowed to do something, nevermind the fact that we say the word offends us that's still not a good enough reason for white people to stop using it. The word serves no purpose in your vocabulary, you don't NEED to say it at all so if you're being told not to say it because it's offensive just accept that and refrain from saying it. Why argue?
It's about the appropriation of a word and the myth that its use is "'allowed" by and for one group.

If you're going to go down the respect route - if you want to be respected, you should respect yourself enough to refrain from using it.

Black people can't appropriate a word that we didn't invent in the first place…we simply made an attempt tore-appropriate a word that was used to oppress and disparage us in America (linguistic re-appropriation happens all  the time, many other groups have done it not just a black thing).
A lot of people (of all races) who use the word today don't know the history behind it. They don't see how disrespectful the use of the word is to the people who's last moments on Earth consisted of hearing the n-word being shouted at them as they were whipped to death, hung from trees, set on fire, chased by dogs, tied to the back of pick-up trucks and dragged for miles to their death. People who use the word today don't know that before rappers started using it, the word "n-ga/er" meant to be excluded from institutions, country clubs, public bathrooms, stores, restaurants etc. just because of the color of your skin.
That's a shared experience that only Black people (and maybe some Latinos/Hispanics) can understand and that's why black people feel like we have the right to "own" the word and say who can or can't identify. 
Why do YOU want to say it so badly?
Why are you assuming that I use the word?
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by eghckk

I just don't get why white people/non blacks are always fighting for the right to say the word.
We're asking you not to use one word out of millions of words in the English language, is it really that big of a deal or that hard to just not say the word out of respect?
Why do you wanna be able to say it so badly? Is it a white entitlement thing?

I really don't get it.
What's there not to get?

Once again, no one's fighting for the right to say the word.  No one's campaigning for the right to say it. No one wants to be able to say it so badly and it has absolutely nothing to do with (white) entitlement. All that is a bunch of nonsense.

Whenever this discussion comes up Non-black people (white people for the sake of the argument) always resort to pointing out the "double standard"; "If black people are allowed to use the word then why can't white people?" Which to me stems from one or two things; white people's undeserved sense of entitlement or complete lack of sensitivity or both.
When white people are always arguing about how unfair it is that they're being asked to refrain from using the word, then that comes across as white people "fighting for the right" to say the word. Why else would you argue in defense of your using the word if you yourself didn't want to use it? God forbid white people not be allowed to do something, nevermind the fact that we say the word offends us that's still not a good enough reason for white people to stop using it. The word serves no purpose in your vocabulary, you don't NEED to say it at all so if you're being told not to say it because it's offensive just accept that and refrain from saying it. Why argue?
It's about the appropriation of a word and the myth that its use is "'allowed" by and for one group.

If you're going to go down the respect route - if you want to be respected, you should respect yourself enough to refrain from using it.

Black people can't appropriate a word that we didn't invent in the first place…we simply made an attempt tore-appropriate a word that was used to oppress and disparage us in America (linguistic re-appropriation happens all  the time, many other groups have done it not just a black thing).
A lot of people (of all races) who use the word today don't know the history behind it. They don't see how disrespectful the use of the word is to the people who's last moments on Earth consisted of hearing the n-word being shouted at them as they were whipped to death, hung from trees, set on fire, chased by dogs, tied to the back of pick-up trucks and dragged for miles to their death. People who use the word today don't know that before rappers started using it, the word "n-ga/er" meant to be excluded from institutions, country clubs, public bathrooms, stores, restaurants etc. just because of the color of your skin.
That's a shared experience that only Black people (and maybe some Latinos/Hispanics) can understand and that's why black people feel like we have the right to "own" the word and say who can or can't identify. 
Why do YOU want to say it so badly?
Why are you assuming that I use the word?
I dont mind when non whites say it but i'll be damned if a white dude says it in my face.

oh btw im Black and i have white friends.
That makes what i said ok right
I dont mind when non whites say it but i'll be damned if a white dude says it in my face.

oh btw im Black and i have white friends.
That makes what i said ok right
Originally Posted by kix4kix

The N word was flipped by blacks into something that the creator "whites" can no longer say. I mean it's the only word in the dictionary that whites can't use, and whites are furious that they can't sayit in public. It isn't about right or wrong-it is a question of power.

I know they say it behind my back but that's for them to deal with not me. I say N because I want to. If a white guy says it I will throw on site. Is it fair? Who gives a rats $+%. 

Whites can say whatever we want.

There's no chip inside of me that prevents me from saying specific words.

It it fair?

Who gives a rats *%%.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

The N word was flipped by blacks into something that the creator "whites" can no longer say. I mean it's the only word in the dictionary that whites can't use, and whites are furious that they can't sayit in public. It isn't about right or wrong-it is a question of power.

I know they say it behind my back but that's for them to deal with not me. I say N because I want to. If a white guy says it I will throw on site. Is it fair? Who gives a rats $+%. 

Whites can say whatever we want.

There's no chip inside of me that prevents me from saying specific words.

It it fair?

Who gives a rats *%%.
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