Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

The thing is nobody is preaching hate, I simply ask why is it wrong for blacks to want to be self reliant especially when you have Fox News painting us as welfare queens. Why isn't any other race or ethnic group criticized? When I lived in savannah there was a Jewish education center where the Jewish community held weekly meetings and after school events for Jewish kids, why aren't they called extremist?
Dude I've been to Atlanta, now you're just reaching.
Atlanta has 3 apple stores and none are in black communities. What are you talking about?
but they got plenty of city sports athletes foots... shoutouts to my boy ishem and Byron... they was right shoes blacks is like junkies and crack
The thing is nobody is preaching hate, I simply ask why is it wrong for blacks to want to be self reliant especially when you have Fox News painting us as welfare queens. Why isn't any other race or ethnic group criticized? When I lived in savannah there was a Jewish education center where the Jewish community held weekly meetings and after school events for Jewish kids, why aren't they called extremist?
speaking of which the ajc... not the newspaper but Atlanta jewish committee is one of the largest philanthropist organizations in ga... hell in the south... and that's on some real ish not on some govt kickback 501c3 ahem mega churches ahem lol
I don't know if you wanna use my quote to back up your arguments.

PG County, MD is BY FAR majority Black, and it's actually doing really well economically because of said segregation. Lots of Black doctors, lawyers, etc. living in super rich neighborhoods right across the street from the projects forces everyone to shop, live, and spend money amongst one another.
I live in PG and can confirm... And i'm Asian 

PG is actually the richest African-American county in the US.... The last time I heard at least.
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We are talking about segregating the black dollar in the sense of practicing group economics. Blacks have the most buying power in the nation but hold the least wealth. Want to know why? Because our money leaves our community the moment we get it. Literally when we get paid we go pay bills then go buy Jordan's and other crap instead of spending money in our own communities.
as ive said before black ppl practice refund hustling...

 And as far as good/bads of segregation..i will say this as I just happen to look at espn highlights. Its funny 50 odd years or so before the so called integration okc was majority ran by a.a. even had own airport... fast forward 50 yrs or so and the only thing a.a. are running in okc is up and down the court in Chesapeake arena center. 
Im not african American but lets say I was and I found this out.

You are trying to say that you would want me to stop practicing my belief and cease my personal relationship with Christ because the way it was introduced into my culture even though I initially believed/practiced this religion without even knowing that is how it got introduced into my culture?

That would be a tad difficult for some...

Im very far from an atheist but wouldnt a more persuasive question be"why do people continue to practice Christianity based off the terrible things in the bible'

That would be a better argument dont you think.....
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Im very far from an atheist but wouldnt a more persuasive question be"why do people continue to practice Christianity based off the terrible things in the bible'

That would be a better argument dont you think.....
probably because that question has been asked a million times already 

this is just a "fresh new" take on that exact question
Those apple stores are in malls, in places I don't even think can be considered either black or white.

But those rich black neighborhoods in Atlanta look more suburban than anything, there wouldn't be an apple store IN THERE. But there's one like 5 minutes away in a more metropolitan looking part of the city. STOP REACHING.

What are you talking about? Lenox is in buckhead a predominant white neighborhood. Perimeter is in dunwoody a predominant white neighborhood, mall of ga is in Buford ga another predominant white area. YOU stop reaching. I live in Atlanta how you going to tell me about the city I was born and raised in and you just visited?
There are similar organizations for black people and pretty much every other minority group.

You saying there are no black organizations out there were people hold meetings? :lol:

You're reaching bruh, all the majority black organizations only talk about "minority" advancements non/ few talk about a BLACK agenda and non of them talk about economic freedom they only talk about "equality" and integration and all that other civil rights crap that has never worked
We are talking about segregating the black dollar in the sense of practicing group economics. Blacks have the most buying power in the nation but hold the least wealth. Want to know why? Because our money leaves our community the moment we get it. Literally when we get paid we go pay bills then go buy Jordan's and other crap instead of spending money in our own communities.

Just getting caught up with the thread, when will people understand that blacks can't win at politics or economics in America?

They won't allow it.

Check out black Wall Street.

Lol when we get our money up and prosper they get mad, when we are poor and need help they get mad. Heck not even a reach saying there are people who pretty much hate the existence of blacks
shoelyesses shoelyesses So you not gonna address these facts breh :nerd:

And like I said name any area of the world that has a high rate of Christianity, that has a high rate of education and a great/good booming economic system... You keep saying it has nothing to do with it... but yet cannot name one place on area in the entire world that has those very things you list and also have a high rate of Christianity.

So when you say all those things and most as far as advancement goes I agree... and say it has nothing to do with Christianity... yet everywhere in which has all those factors aren't heavily Christian or have no practice at all... And then every place that has heavy influence high practice of Christianity lack all of those things. It makes it hard to prove/disprove it isn't an contributing factor.

I wasn't even gonna entertain you because you do the same exact thing in every thread like this :lol:

But just for ***** and giggles Finland, Switzerland, and Australia have some of the best education systems in the world and they're majority Christian
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Lol when we get our money up and prosper they get mad, when we are poor and need help they get mad. Heck not even a reach saying there are people who pretty much hate the existence of blacks

You're right bro. Can't win for either. It's like I always say any time you build a country on the backs of slaves there's nothing you can do to right those wrongs.

I posed this question earlier, but how are you gonna beat the racist white man at his own game? His game being politics, economy and what have you....

For example back when that whole Vote or Die BS campaign was going on, that was nothing more then a CIA ploy to track black males 18-44.

As I was stating earlier, for us to win you've gotta take to a level where he can't compete with you....
You're right bro. Can't win for either. It's like I always say any time you build a country on the backs of slaves there's nothing you can do to right those wrongs.

I posed this question earlier, but how are you gonna beat the racist white man at his own game? His game being politics, economy and what have you....

For example back when that whole Vote or Die BS campaign was going on, that was nothing more then a CIA ploy to track black males 18-44.

As I was stating earlier, for us to win you've gotta take to a level where he can't compete with you....

In this age of information if blacks formed another black wall street and the US government tried to bomb it and stuff like they did back in the day there would be global outrage I can promise that. As a whole we are so screwed in the game and you have all these Doctor Toms like the dudes in this thread they aren't worried about us rising together, because most blacks are too lost in the sauce or they get a little chump change and believe racism is dead. Only thing we can do is plan the seeds for our kids and ensure they continue the legacy and grow in that sense. You can't try to convert lost souls because you literally have blacks in this thread who think blacks seeking economic freedom is racist and extreme, you see how much they jacked up us?
That's ur assessment but from my point of view it's obvious that many organizAtions that push for the advancement of Blake exists. Hell white people complain about why they can't have white people groups like black people. Stop reaching.

I don't care what white people complain about I'm not white, I'm only concerned with what blacks need to do to get out the rut we are in. Why would whites want "organizations like blacks" when whites control all the power in the nation? What adversities are whites as a whole facing and who is oppressing whites? Only people oppressing whites are other whites. YOU stop reaching.
Lol when we get our money up and prosper they get mad, when we are poor and need help they get mad. Heck not even a reach saying there are people who pretty much hate the existence of blacks

You're right bro. Can't win for either. It's like I always say any time you build a country on the backs of slaves there's nothing you can do to right those wrongs.

I posed this question earlier, but how are you gonna beat the racist white man at his own game? His game being politics, economy and what have you....

For example back when that whole Vote or Die BS campaign was going on, that was nothing more then a CIA ploy to track black males 18-44.

As I was stating earlier, for us to win you've gotta take to a level where he can't compete with you....

@shoelyesses So you not gonna address these facts breh
first finland is majority Lutheran um not quite the same as what eddie long is preaching.... so....

second Switzerland is majority roman catholic again....if you think a roman catholic church is the same as creflo dollar then iuno what to tell you.

and Australia is majority angelic and roman catholic...again how is that anything like Baptist churches like bishop bronner or td jakes?

Hell the entire premise the practice and belief system and message is totally different seeing as I have attended the several types of churches..

I just don't even see how you could compare the teachings, the message and the mindset of a roman catholic church and a southern Baptist church..
first finland is majority Lutheran um not quite the same as what eddie long is preaching.... so....

second Switzerland is majority roman catholic again....if you think a roman catholic church is the same as creflo dollar then iuno what to tell you.

and Australia is majority angelic and roman catholic...again how is that anything like Baptist churches like bishop bronner or td jakes?

Hell the entire premise the practice and belief system and message is totally different seeing as I have attended the several types of churches..

I just don't even see how you could compare the teachings, the message and the mindset of a roman catholic church and a southern Baptist church..
They're all reading from the same book that says there is one church under him... So either they're all supposed to be getting the same message or someone is faking it.

Maybe this was asked already but why do white people practice christianity? It wasn't forced on them and the people of the bible were east african/ middle eastern so what brought them into the fold.
They're all reading from the same book that says there is one church under him... So either they're all supposed to be getting the same message or someone is faking it.

Maybe this was asked already but why do white people practice christianity? It wasn't forced on them and the people of the bible were east african/ middle eastern so what brought them into the fold.

same reason why anybody practices any religion---it gets you through something in a time of need.

The biggest thing however is they made an active decision: "I'm fed up with the Greek and Roman mythology (or whatever) let me try something new... oh wow, this works! Score!" Thus, history was written.
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