70% of Divorces are filed by women. 90% of Child Custody cases are awarded to women.

The first law that needs to be revamped is a Woman's Right To Choose. Women should have all rights to their own bodies, and then should be paid EQUAL to Male counterparts. Women should also be equally represented through law, and then having a voice in how the country is governed EQUALLY, then never taking a back seat to men on any level. Until that happens, Men will always face problems in regard to relationships and marriage with women, especially those of us that are descendants of slaves in this country.

The laws regarding marriage and human rights in this country, has never been in our favor. If we approach relationships and marriage in the same fashion the White people do, expecting the same result, then we are doomed to fail. Black women are far more successful than Black men in this country, then are the most educated group of PEOPLE in this country as well. So why should she take a back seat to Black men, who are the most incarcerated people in this country? It does not make sense for a man that has had no success, to try and rule over a woman that has earned her respect through education and then life, then to simply take a back seat to a man, a Black man, that is more likely to be locked up, not finishing school, simply because he is a man?

Now throw Christianity in the mix, of which confuses all sorts of stuff, enforcing a sense of entitlement in men.

Women do not owe men anything. Men owe women EVERYTHING.

In the Black community, this is a fact. Without Black women, we'd have nary a pot to pee in.
I had forgot to finish what I was saying b4. But yeah, I think the church getting involved in marriage & making it a sacrament is positive. It gave it a more ideal importance by essentially labeling it a "gift."
Trying to dismiss an entire post for the word "race" which you are using extensively in this forum and thread...this is risible. I'm not combining a nationality and a color, this proves that you know nothing of your so-called Black race.

Go learn about the history and the culture of your people. And yes biology does have an impact on societal structure and culture. It is what defines us at our core.

What part seems like a joke? Are you telling me that Afro-Americans -more accurate than "Blacks"- are a leading community in the US? I'm genuine in my thoughts, please confront me with your ideas and facts, I'll be happy to read why you think I'm joking.
Nah, I am not interested today in taking my evening to educate someone about how ignorant and frankly racist their rhetoric is.

Especially since it would just derail the thread some more.

If you don't know how systematic racism continues to hurt black America, how black Americans have been sabotaged generation after generation, how they have been victims of terrorism for most of their time in the country (even if you look at even the post-slavery era), if you want to handwave all the ******* African Americans have had to deal and peddle some model minority nonsense then you are worth no one's time. If you are an adult that handwaves this to peddle some racist *** argument about the black community, then I will leave it to others to deal with you. Because if I were to do it, you would not enjoy the tone I take.
I had forgot to finish what I was saying b4. But yeah, I think the church getting involved in marriage & making it a sacrament is positive. It gave it a more ideal importance by essentially labeling it a "gift."
I think the christian church, utilizing male privilege, is what made it complicated, oppressive in the first place.

Marriage existed long before that. In many cultures that predate western culture, the man was supposed to leave his home, then enter into the marriage home of the Woman. It wasn't until the christian church got involved that it went the other way, that a woman was to leave her family, then join the man and his family.

Spiritually, especially predating the Abrahamic faiths, the line of the family was determined through the woman's name, not the father's as it is now.
Nah, I am not interested today in taking my evening to educate someone about how ignorant and frankly racist their rhetoric is.

Especially since it would just derail the thread some more.

If you don't know how systematic racism continues to hurt black America, how black Americans have been sabotaged generation after generation, how they have been victims of terrorism for most of their time in the country (even if you look at even the post-slavery era), if you want to handwave all the ****ery African Americans have had to deal and peddle some model minority nonsense then you are worth no one's time. If you are an adult that handwaves this to peddle some racist *** argument about the black community, then I will leave it to others to deal with you. Because if I were to do it, you would not enjoy the tone I take.
Nah man, slap him around a bit more, he needs it. I wish more women were on here in order to deal with his misogynist tone as well.
Nah, I am not interested today in taking my evening to educate someone about how ignorant and frankly racist their rhetoric is.

Especially since it would just derail the thread some more.

If you don't know how systematic racism continues to hurt black America, how black Americans have been sabotaged generation after generation, how they have been victims of terrorism for most of their time in the country (even if you look at even the post-slavery era), if you want to handwave all the ****ery African Americans have had to deal and peddle some model minority nonsense then you are worth no one's time.
If you are an adult that handwaves this to peddle some racist *** argument about the black community, then I will leave it to others to deal with you. Because if I were to do it, you would not enjoy the tone I take.

Well you're making the same point that I made. That black people have been a target, that there has always been a will to break them, break their structure and their community by breaking their families. I acknowledge all of that, and firmly think it, CF my first post in the thread.

It would be an insult to the millions that died because they were black to say otherwise. As it would be an insult to say that colonization of Africa was a great thing.

I'm just trying to make the point that since segregation -not even slavery- ended, and since colonization ended to make a parallel with my people, in the decades that have followed, WE have not able to elevate our communities. That's all. That most of us -not all- are still sleeping. And dancing. And enjoying a miserable life in a western country. WE are in this together.

There has been a misunderstanding between us mate.[/QUOTE]
Nah man, slap him around a bit more, he needs it. I wish more women were on here in order to deal with his misogynist tone as well.

The man has answered and didn't wish to explain himselft with ideas and facts, fair enough.

You on the other side are still fooling around like a child.
Well you're making the same point that I made. That black people have been a target, that there has always been a will to break them, break their structure and their community by breaking their families. I acknowledge all of that, and firmly think it, CF my first post in the thread.

It would be an insult to the millions that died because they were black to say otherwise. As it would be an insult to say that colonization of Africa was a great thing.

I'm just trying to make the point that since segregation -not even slavery- ended, and since colonization ended to make a parallel with my people, in the decades that have followed, WE have not able to elevate our communities. That's all. That most of us -not all- are still sleeping. And dancing. And enjoying a miserable life in a western country. WE are in this together.

There has been a misunderstanding between us mate.

I was just messing with that troll. 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹

I was about to say. THIS ***** Irish and Puerto Rican?

Had the weebay gif on deck.
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Marry a woman with more money than you. Problem solved:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Men have become weak and soft so.... I kind of understand what’s going on. Millennials and Gen-Z can barely pay attention for 5 minutes, imagine paying attention during marriage :rofl: :lol:
She will definitely keep a man on a leash. That money will set her free when she wants. I don't think she'll think too long until she is "shopping" for another man.

Go back to class, learn history and biology, try to link it to societal structure and culture, then have a discussion about race or divorce :lol:
I am very well aware of biology, history, of which the latter I have created a whole thread dedicated to such, culture as well. However, it seems that you are not aware. From your racist and sexist, misogynist rhetoric, it is quite clear that your model minority objective outweighs intelligence on any level. So to close, may the willful ignorance be with you.
I am very well aware of biology, history, of which the latter I have created a whole thread dedicated to such, culture as well. However, it seems that you are not aware. From your racist and sexist, misogynist rhetoric, it is quite clear that your model minority objective outweighs intelligence on any level. So to close, may the willful ignorance be with you.

Yeah every fool thinks himself to be wise.

Trying to label people arbitrarily with "sexist" or "racist" proves it even more.
I think the christian church, utilizing male privilege, is what made it complicated, oppressive in the first place.

Marriage existed long before that. In many cultures that predate western culture, the man was supposed to leave his home, then enter into the marriage home of the Woman. It wasn't until the christian church got involved that it went the other way, that a woman was to leave her family, then join the man and his family.

Spiritually, especially predating the Abrahamic faiths, the line of the family was determined through the woman's name, not the father's as it is now.
Marriage was long b4 the church. Human's are animals at the end of day, and specifically apes. I'm not sure if it was specifically called "marriage" the practice has always been a thing for the sake of a social structure & pushing our kind forward.

The church did hold their own ceremonies for centuries prior, but when 12th or 13th century & the Roman Catholic's got involved and labeled it a "sacrament" from god that's when it became some religious **** b/c ya know, the Roman Empire had the juice at the time & what they said went.
I am still waiting to hear about how Puerto Rican are a race of people. Does Donald Trump know this?
To him they're all Mexicans.

Its more like he wanted to speak on the wide range of Hispanics who now refer to themselves as Latinx as an example since he's not actually a part of that group since he was trolling you thinking you're a troll.

But hey I'm just here to read and comment from the sidelines. My race thread argument days are in the archives but I dont mind this going that way cuz the tone towards women on here has always been one sided and if we dig in to it we cant like all women are treated equal. Can't just blanket statement them all like there aren't obvious injustices.
Marriage was long b4 the church. Human's are animals at the end of day, and specifically apes. I'm not sure if it was specifically called "marriage" the practice has always been a thing for the sake of a social structure & pushing our kind forward.

The church did hold their own ceremonies for centuries prior, but when 12th or 13th century & the Roman Catholic's got involved and labeled it a "sacrament" from god that's when it became some religious **** b/c ya know, the Roman Empire had the juice at the time & what they said went.

Organized religion in big scale is nothing more than political manipulation. Easily verifiable with the actual Saudis or the Roman Church. Beheading people or the sale of indulgences are easy examples.
Marriage was long b4 the church. Human's are animals at the end of day, and specifically apes. I'm not sure if it was specifically called "marriage" the practice has always been a thing for the sake of a social structure & pushing our kind forward.

The church did hold their own ceremonies for centuries prior, but when 12th or 13th century & the Roman Catholic's got involved and labeled it a "sacrament" from god that's when it became some religious **** b/c ya know, the Roman Empire had the juice at the time & what they said went.
No, we were not apes. However, I am not going to discuss that at length here.

But what I am going to state to you that there was indeed a time that men did not exist. What we call women were once self replicating organisms. UNIONS were simply that, waaaaaaaay before the abrahamic faiths and Yaweh ever came along. It became something else once men became dominant over women, and the belief systems that supported and regarded women as leaders were trampled, destroyed.
To him they're all Mexicans.

Its more like he wanted to speak on the wide range of Hispanics who now refer to themselves as Latinx as an example since he's not actually a part of that group since he was trolling you thinking you're a troll.

But hey I'm just here to read and comment from the sidelines. My race thread argument days are in the archives but I dont mind this going that way cuz the tone towards women on here has always been one sided and if we dig in to it we cant like all women are treated equal. Can't just blanket statement them all like there aren't obvious injustices.
What happened was that he stated something stupid, then got caught. Since he got busted sounding like an idiot, his fall back was that I am a troll. That is how is goes when you deal with people who do not think before they open their mouths/type.
For those of you who do not understand or know how all of this got turned upside down?


Perhaps some of you will understand, learn, why sexism and racism are not so delicately intertwined.
It doesn’t bother me that you have a different opinion- it’s how you presented your opinion.
I'll work on that.
Organized religion in big scale is nothing more than political manipulation. Easily verifiable with the actual Saudis or the Roman Church. Beheading people or the sale of indulgences are easy examples.
Really everything becomes political, but on a surface level I agree in regards to it's "leaders". Can't say the same for it's followers. People really believe in the stuff. An example would be the guy who flew the plane into world trade center.
No, we were not apes. However, I am not going to discuss that at length here.

But what I am going to state to you that there was indeed a time that men did not exist. What we call women were once self replicating organisms. UNIONS were simply that, waaaaaaaay before the abrahamic faiths and Yaweh ever came along. It became something else once men became dominant over women, and the belief systems that supported and regarded women as leaders were trampled, destroyed.
Do you apply this concept to all living species?
I'll work on that.

Really everything becomes political, but on a surface level I agree in regards to it's "leaders". Can't say the same for it's followers. People really believe in the stuff. An example would be the guy who flew the plane into world trade center.

Do you apply this concept to all living species?
Not all living species existed at the same time, nor place.
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